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2013/01/13 14:25:33瀏覽282|回應0|推薦1







Since being formally established in 1877 the London Metal Exchange has sought to couple innovation with maintaining its traditional strengths. A member of HKEx Group, the LME remains close to its core users by ensuring its contracts continue to meet the high expectations of industry.


LME origins: pre-1877

International trade in metals could be said to have commenced in Britain when the Romans invaded in AD43 and extracted the large deposits of copper and tin ore in Cornwall and Wales to satisfy their increasing domestic need for the production of bronze and alloys.


However, the origins of the London Metal Exchange can only be traced back as far as the opening of the Royal Exchange in London in 1571 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. It was there that traders in metal and a range of other commodities began to meet on a regular basis. At first the traders merely dealt in physical metal for the domestic market but because Britain soon became a major exporter of metals, European merchants soon arrived to join in these activities.


In the early 19th century there were so many commodity traders, ship charterers and financiers using the Royal Exchange that it became impossible to do business. As a result, individual groups of traders set up shop in the nearby city coffee houses. The Jerusalem Coffee House, off Cornhill, became the favourite of the metal trading community and it was there that the tradition of the Ring was born. A merchant with metal to sell would draw a circle in the sawdust on the floor and call out 'Change' at which point all those wishing to trade would assemble around the circle and make their bids.


( 時事評論國際 )
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