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2007/05/17 13:38:55瀏覽893|回應2|推薦18 | |
油翁曾於四年前, 不慎墜梯折骨, 住入溫城近郊 Eagleridge Hospital 療傷盈月, 其間蒙受一組白衣天使悉心護理, 傷勢得以迅速好轉. 其中一位歐裔祖母級護士, Kirin 更是慈愛有加. 深受感動之餘, 特為伊頌唱五言油詩一首, 并請么兒將英譯詩句妥為修飾, 精心製成謝卡一張送贈 Kirin 致敬. 頌紀玲(Kirin) Praise to Kirin (a nurse with motherly love)
紀玲慈母情 but Kirin cares patients just like mom. 骨折療傷日 During the days of my convalescence, 呵護倍溫馨 her tireless nurturing never stopped. 潔身手柔柔 With her tender hands I was washed, 慰病語輕輕 and her soft voice relieved me much. 春暉照大地 Her love shines forth on earth, 媲美日月星 wondrous as the sun, moon and stars. |
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