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Eiffel Tower says "Merci" to health workers fighting virus
2020/04/11 06:55:52瀏覽1|回應0|推薦0

Eiffel Tower says "Merci" to health workers fighting virus

The word "Merci", the French word for Thank you", is emblazoned on the Eiffel Tower as Frances coronavirus death toll continued to climb, in Paris, Friday, March 27, 2020. Health workers fighting to save lives in France from COVID-19 have received a huge show of gratitude, from the Eiffel Tower. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.


“ Merci”一詞,法語為“謝謝”,


Media stand in front of the Eiffel Tower where the word "Merci", the French word for Thank you", is emblazoned as Frances coronavirus death toll continued to climb, in Paris, Friday, March 27, 2020. Health workers fighting to save lives in France from COVID-19 have received a huge show of gratitude, from the Eiffel Tower. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.


媒體站在埃菲爾鐵塔前,法國的冠狀病毒死亡人數持續攀升,上面刻有法語“謝謝”的意思是“ Merci”,2020年3月27日,星期五。 埃菲爾鐵塔對來自COVID-19的法國人的生活表示了極大的感謝,新的冠狀病毒對大多數人造成輕度或中度症狀,但對於某些人,尤其是老年人和存在健康問題的人,可能會引起更多 重病或死亡。


The word "Merci", the French word for Thank you", is emblazoned on the Eiffel Tower as Frances coronavirus death toll continued to climb, in Paris, Friday, March 27, 2020. Health workers fighting to save lives in France from COVID-19 have received a huge show of gratitude, from the Eiffel Tower. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.


2020年3月27日,星期五,法國的冠狀病毒死亡人數繼續攀升,在埃菲爾鐵塔上刻有“ Merci”一詞,法語為“謝謝”。 -19號疫苗在埃菲爾鐵塔上受到了極大的謝意,新的冠狀病毒對大多數人造成輕度或中度症狀,但對某些人,尤其是老年人和存在健康問題的人,可能導致更嚴重的疾病或死亡。


Cameramen stand in front of the Eiffel Tower where the word "Merci", the French word for Thank you", is emblazoned as Frances coronavirus death toll continued to climb, in Paris, Friday, March 27, 2020. Health workers fighting to save lives in France from COVID-19 have received a huge show of gratitude, from the Eiffel Tower. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.


攝影師站在埃菲爾鐵塔前,法國的冠狀病毒死亡人數持續攀升,上面刻著法語單詞“ Merci”(謝謝),謝謝,2020年3月27日,星期五。 埃菲爾鐵塔對來自COVID-19的法國人的生活表示了極大的感謝,新的冠狀病毒對大多數人造成輕度或中度症狀,但對於某些人,尤其是老年人和存在健康問題的人,可能會引起更多 重病或死亡。


A man walks on the Trocadero square in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Wednesday, March 18, 2020. French President Emmanuel Macron said that for 15 days people will be allowed to leave the place they live only for necessary activities such as shopping for food, going to work or taking a walk. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms. For some it can cause more severe illness, especially in older adults and people with existing health problems.


2020年3月18日,星期三,一名男子走在巴黎埃菲爾鐵塔前的Trocadero廣場上。法國總統伊曼紐爾·馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)表示,人們將被允許在15天之內離開他們居住的地方,僅用於購物等必要活動。 食物,上班或散步。 對於大多數人來說,新的冠狀病毒只會引起輕度或中度症狀。 對於某些人來說,它可能導致更嚴重的疾病,尤其是在老年人和存在健康問題的人中。











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