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Seriously Ill
2008/04/11 17:33:50瀏覽379|回應0|推薦2

Over the Spring break, I got better.

The same when I asked back for the follow up

at the school clinic during Spring break.

Spring term started.

I am not in school.

I had not found any jobs that want to hire me

after I turned in what so called----

the application form with my resume.

So, no way to purchase insurance

that I already no source of bucks to pay.

Rental, Comcast, T-Mobile,

Geico, Rental insurance, Credit cards,

Food, gas, cats supplies already eat away

my expenses for the chance

to be seen again at any hospital.

I've finished the pills of course.

The cream now won't do me any good.

I've rinse with cold and warm water.

Done the same with cold or warm towel.

Put all creams I could think of one at a time .

No luck what so ever!

Feel totally sick of this.

Fed up with having

a dry, painful, itchy face to live with .

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