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2012/08/17 13:28:36瀏覽351|回應0|推薦5

Be an Honorable Hero


“Women and children go primal,

The captain is the last to leave or goes down with his vessel.”

Is the second rule too cruel?

The captain should abide by without scruple,

since he determines the destiny of all the people aboard.

Jesus said: “From everyone who has been consigned much,

much will be required;

And from the one who has been assigned much,

much more will be inquired.”

Being an honorable hero to save other people’s lives

Is so invaluable as to give up his own life.


Writing with a sense of humanity gave rise to accomplish the poem “Be an Honorable Hero”.

The self-denying rule reminds captains to look forth over the climate, undercurrent, tide and wind; to inspect the engine condition, rescue equipment and to think about the resolution to any hazard or casualty which could happen. Once the captain encounters dire straits, s/he should abide by the traditional rules without hesitation.

We rarely see those heroes today. On the contrary, there are too many politicians who force people to sacrifice for their self-interested ambitions, including the miserable 911 catastrophic disaster, mold themselves to be crooked cowards.



當時是對應熱門電影《鐵達尼號 Titanic(1997 ) 劇中,看到船上的交響樂團在群眾一團混亂的瘋狂逃命爭奪戰中,仍堅守崗位,紋絲不動,還有船長的淡定,有感而發的作品。

文中也感受到 911 事件所謂的恐怖分子為他們信任的政府賣命,而譴責這些蔑視人權、草菅人命的政客,且與《鐵達尼號》的英雄作一個對比。

猶記得 2001 年的 911 事件一開始的時間,我就正坐在電視機前,目不轉睛地盯著,當時非常震驚雙塔瞬間垂直而下,灰飛煙滅,全然違反物理學的原理,也太神祕了!










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