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[ DRAN ] 正在重新產生與安撫納悶奶油 100 克
2017/07/24 13:12:03瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0

[ DRAN ] 正在重新產生與安撫納悶奶油 100 克

[ DRAN ] 正在重新產生與安撫納悶奶油 100 克, Korean, 化妝品 , DRAN, 8809330169515, , koreanmall

正在重新產生與安撫納悶奶油 100 克



These 8 kinds of Wonder cream have been developed for Special Treatment Line. Each cream is targeted for different kinds of skin problems

like dryness, deep wrinkle, dart spot, trouble, etc. These creams contain selected active ingredients (EFG, Placenta protein, Tea tree, Witch

hazel, etc.) and take care of each skin problem intensively. Size-friendly cream for various applications. Smart solutions for different kinds of

skin problem. Intensive Care with powerful active ingredients. Hypoallergenic cream with abundant natural ingredients.


[How to use]

Take an appropriate amount, gently apply onto the skin as if you massage then cover up the skin with both hands for better absorption even morning and right or whenever you need skin calming&moisturizing.









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[ DRAN ] 正在重新產生與安撫納悶奶油 100 克

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