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Firmly happiness
2014/06/20 14:30:33瀏覽246|回應0|推薦0

A sincere blessing, a fine gift, she said, my birthday is coming soon, this is she must do.

Hear this word, such as crystal water mark dropping in the green leaves, a spring like moved across the empty heart. Encountered such a close friend, I just want to forever this firmly happiness, nuskin hk just simply cherish this warm moved.

For a long time, is no longer a table, no longer squeeze stole electric light read romantic novels in a bed quilt; for a long time, no longer leaned each other's shoulders, no longer sat by the river quietly watching each other that sentimental love; for a long time, no longer hand in hand Cellmax, lying on the grass and looked up the teaching downstairs rainy sky; really for a long time, we are no longer together at that time away with; because we have grown up, the years gradually.

I really miss you, shore skyline, one eye cape. The moon is for the night, rain break after dusk beauty, in the quiet of the night, especially. A drop of tears, two xianchou, heart sound is still looks, do not remember the laughing song. Leaning against the railing at the end there, million, Qingfeng grey Chengshuang, it was the dream of swing in the lost Jin Kou, sleet fog clouds are vaguely see weak light, is your bright eyes.

Like to sit in the window corner, the movement of people, and rub the Dengying, thoughts are filled in the dream, in the dream I miss we have. A bridge, two handsome figure; an umbrella, the rain come on both sides; the rain, two with smile. Product falls in the windows of the dust, gradually blurred the line of sight, blurred whirling still God old rewind, where shallow sing, there in a daze Cellmax, where miss.

Love in front of the book, shallow according to the fingerprint, swirling around turning our rings, the count, in honor of. It was written by years, carving the time in there. We enjoy the scenery along the way there, we where a road we dream, there will be friendship composed the song, we write the parting there. Don't look back, drifting further and further away; and then look back, the moon is silent.

Who will be your right hand hold, instead of where I was before; who will be your hair set, bid farewell to the young girl; who kiss your lips, blushing cheeks you. Thank you for him, in the rainy season quietly handed over the oil paper umbrella, the warmth of your lonely cinnabar; thank you for him to do, the tree in the midst of journey, stopping to It's raining and blowing hard. for you, at the top with Watch the sunrise sunset. Hold your hand, walk the window the moon, wipe the casual dropping tears, in the elegant, dressed in white, drop a flawless in life picture scroll.

We have grown up, they missed many scenery, forget the scenery of the beautiful. Because the miss, so remember; because not shed, so sentimental; because to understand, so mercy. They smile, love who is sincere, who tastes infatuated. This way, miss, again in the recollection, search for the old color, do not cry in a handle, nu skin hong kong in sunshine, not sad.

It is winter frost season, the snow stopped at around the light, bid farewell to yesterday, attached to the heart moved; perhaps, for a long time has no longer meet; perhaps, yellow photos turn not to the youth souvenir book here; but, you, peace of mind; I want happiness has been steadily, occupy the the heart, that is your own wish.
( 興趣嗜好烹飪烘焙 )
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