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Russia's military aviation industry
2005/11/17 15:35:51瀏覽659|回應0|推薦0
Russia's military aviation industry Title: Russia's military aviation industry.
Subject(s): AERONAUTICS, Military -- Russia (Federation)
Source: Airpower Journal, Summer97, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p45, 13p, 8bw
Author(s): Johnson, David R.
Abstract: Talks about Russia's military aviation industry which is struggling
for survival. Main source of the industry's problems; Absence of a coherent
policy on how to reform and preserve the industry after the collapse of the
Soviet Union; Unabated creativity of Russian aircraft designers;
Scientific-technical base of the industry; Export of military aircraft.
AN: 9710242035
ISSN: 0897-0823
Full Text Word Count: 5980
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Database:  Military & Government Collection
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The Russian Federation Air Force: Wishes and Reality  
The Military Aviation Industry and Its Scientific-Technical Base  
The New Policy for Survival  
Export--The Means to Survival  
Present Trends and Future Impact  

Strategy for Survival

At the 1996 Farnborough Air Show, Sukhoy's SU-37 astounded international
observers with maneuverability previously unseen in a combat aircraft. The
thrust-vectoring SU-27 variant stole show headlines with flight demonstrations
widely described in the aviation press as "spectacular."[l] One air show
reporter opined that the SU-37 shows that the Russian aviation industry "is
still alive." Sukhoy's new aircraft is convincing reaffirmation of the
world-class and, in some areas, unique capabilities of Russia's military
aviation industry. However, though still "alive," Russia's military aviation
industry is struggling for survival.

The situation is serious enough that a committee of the Russian legislature
examining the problem in 1995 concluded that the aviation industry could
collapse by the turn of the century if energetic action to reverse current
trends were not taken.[2] The main source of the industry's problems is easy
to find: orders from the Russian Federation Air Force (RFAF) are down to
almost zero. The same is true of orders from former Warsaw Pact nations.
Because RFAF purchases have nearly ceased, production lines have gone idle,
and workers are laid off or unpaid. A related problem, which may have greater
long-term impact than the closure of some production lines, is a steady
decline in the number of new scientists and engineers beginning work in the
military-industrial complex. The trend points toward a future shortage of
trained specialists in the science-intensive aviation industry.

It appeared during the first several years after the Soviet collapse that the
government had no coherent policy on how to reform and preserve the military
aviation industry. The evidence now suggests that Russia's federal government
and senior military leadership are not blind to the problems of the
military-industrial complex as a whole and have outlined a policy for
preserving its high-tech components through the country's economic crisis.
Because of its high-tech orientation and its importance to national security,
aviation is given priority consideration in the new policy.

The emerging government-military policy on the military aviation industry and
its scientific-technical base is part of a developing policy on the
military-industrial complex as a whole. The overall policy is aimed at slowing
and reorienting defense conversion, clearly identifying what elements of the
military-industrial complex are necessary to Russia's national security, and
supporting high-tech dual-use industries which can be profitably sold abroad
or can attract investment in the near term and can provide the technical base
for a modernized military once Russia has weathered its economic crisis.

The policy pertinent to the military aviation industry has two key elements.
The first is an apparent decision for the RFAF to forgo near-term aircraft and
weapons acquisition so that sufficient funding can be channeled to aircraft
and weapon-development projects to keep advanced-technology capabilities
alive. The second is to continue aggressively marketing advanced aircraft and
aviation-production capabilities abroad and to use profits from foreign sales
to sustain advanced aircraft-development projects and production capabilities.
The result will be increased competition on the world military aviation
market, the appearance of Russian advanced fourth- and so-called
fourth-and-one-half-generation aircraft around the world, despite their not
having entered service in the RFAF, and the proliferation of
aviation-production technology.

The Russian Federation Air Force: Wishes and Reality
The SU-37 shows that in some quarters the creativity of Russia's aircraft
designers is unabated. Nevertheless, Russia's military budget has been hard
hit by the country's economic crisis, and this has translated to severe
reductions in aircraft orders. Consequently, neither the SU-37 nor any other
new aircraft will enter service in the RFAF in substantial numbers in the
foreseeable future. In 1995 the RFAF's chief financial officer described the
status of pay for aviation production as catastrophic. According to his
figures, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) budget in recent years has supplied no
more than 35 percent of requirements for purchase of new weapons, research,
design, and testing[3] This translated to the purchase of just 32 aircraft for
the RFAF in 1994, and the 1995 budget provided for no new aircraft
purchases.[4] By 1996 the RFAF leadership asserted that the defense budget was
meeting only 30 percent of its actual budget requirement.[5] This low funding
has forced the RFAF to allocate its scant resources toward minimum operational
requirements and bare survival, leaving little for purchase of replacement
aircraft or development of new aircraft types. The effect on the RFAF is
obvious, and the devastating effect on Russia's military aviation industry is
also increasingly clear: design bureaus and production facilities are largely
idle, their employees laid off or unpaid.

The RFAF's curtailment of combat-aircraft purchases has been forced by a lack
of funds, not for lack of a requirements road map. Gen Pyotr Deynekin, RFAF
commander-in-chief (CINC), has clearly outlined force requirements for the
next 10 to 15 years. These include a new next-generation fighter, a new
frontal-aviation bomber, a new theater bomber, and substantial transport
acquisitions. Deynekin and other RFAF senior officers have been equally frank
in admitting the financial problems which prevent timely enactment of the
modernization and acquisition plan. The domino effect of the RFAF's woes on
the military aviation industry is increasingly clear.[6]

The Military Aviation Industry and Its Scientific-Technical Base
The aviation industry's externally driven problems are compounded by its own
lack of purposeful reform, which has left its development, testing, and
production complex nearly as large and disjointed as it was in Soviet times,
despite the steep decline in state orders. An individual who had closely
observed the Soviet aviation industry from 1945 to 1991 and then had taken a
five-year sabbatical would find the Russian aviation industry comfortably
familiar. Russia inherited 85 percent of the Soviet Union's aviation industry.
All the familiar design bureaus, MiG, Sukhoy, Yakovlev, Tupolev, and Ilyushin
continue, at least nominally, to function in Russia. The associated engine-and
radar-design bureaus and component manufactures also remain in operation. All
told, the military component of the aviation industry comprises half the
country's vast military-industrial complex of seventeen hundred industrial
enterprises and research institutes and their 3 million employees.[7] In
Soviet times, they were subordinate to the Ministry of Aviation and now answer
to its successor, the Department of Aviation in the Ministry of Defense

Russia probably inherited an even greater percentage of former Soviet aviation
test facilities and research institutes since that component of the industry
was heavily concentrated in the Moscow and Leningrad (Saint Petersburg)
regions. Certainly, the core group of State Scientific Centers which oversee
various aspects of development and testing remained in Russia. The six
institutes primarily associated with aircraft development are the Central
Aerohydrodynamics Institute (TsAGI), the Central Institute of Aircraft Engine
Building (TsIAM), the All-Russia Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS), the
Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII), the All-Russia Institute of Aviation
Materials (VIAM), and the Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute (SibNA).
They conduct fundamental research in aerodynamics, strength, flight dynamics,
aircraft stability and controllability, navigation, guidance and control
systems, aeroelasticity, gas dynamics, aviation materials, durability, and
testing methods.[8] These are joined by a large cadre of institutes engaged in
advanced research that ultimately contributes to aviation development.

Though the aviation industry retained its massive size, aircraft orders have
declined drastically. In January of 1996, industry output showed a 33.7
percent decline compared to January 1995 levels---the sharpest decline for any
sector of the military-industrial complex. Eight months later, industry
figures for August showed production at 61.8 percent of production in August
1995.[9] Overall, aviation production in 1994-1995 showed a 60-70 percent drop
compared to output in the mid-1980s. The resulting situation at the
Komsomolsk-Na-Amur production plant, which produces Sukhoy fighters, was
typical of the aviation industry throughout the country.[10] The plant's three
thousand aircraft workers suffered a six-month layoff in early 1995. Even
workers engaged in the plant's defense conversion program producing color
televisions worked only part-time in the first half of 1995.[11]

The industry's financial problems are compounded by government nonpayment for
some of the few orders which are placed. RFAF debt for unpaid 1994 orders
amounted to 500 billion rubles (the 1996 exchange rate was approximately 5,550
rubles to the dollar). Interest payments ate into the 1995 RFAF budget and
still the debt rose to 765 billion rubles by mid-1995. Not surprisingly, some
enterprises began to refuse to fill orders under such conditions. In 1995 the
Perm Motor Company refused to fill further orders from its biggest debtor, the
MOD, for MiG-31 engines. The plant was forced to lay off one thousand
employees and go to a three-day work week. [12]

The scientific-technical base of the aviation industry--its design bureaus,
test facilities, and research institutes--has suffered as well. One telling
sign of significant decline in their funding was the reported graduation of
the 32d class of test pilots by the Gromov Flight Research Center's test-pilot
school in mid-1995. The class comprised just three pilots. By comparison, the
school used to graduate classes of 11-13 test pilots on average. With design
bureaus and production facilities occupied at a fraction of their capacity,
funding for test-pilot training has dropped as well.[13] As a result of the
precipitous decline of aviation production, the volume of work at scientific
and test facilities has been reduced to critically low levels--one-twelfth of
pre-1991 activity.[14]

In addition to the aviation design bureaus, production plants, and five main
test research facilities, hundreds more institutes engage in fundamental,
advanced, and applied research contributing to the advancement of aviation.
These organizations have found themselves in even more serious financial
difficulties than have the core aviation enterprises.[15] Work is at a near
standstill, and pay was several months in arrears by October 1996 before large
protests forced government action. Hunger strikes by prominent scientists
protesting pay arrears have further underscored the problems in Russia's
scientific community.

The apparent lack of opportunity in scientific work and the strong financial
attraction of Russia's developing business sector are creating a problem which
could have long-term effects on the aviation industry. Fewer and fewer young
people are choosing to go into science, opting instead for more lucrative
fields. According to statistics published by Russia's Science Ministry, 61
percent of people working in scientific research are 40 years of age or older.
Twenty-five percent of scientific researchers are between 31 and 39, and only
13 percent are under 30. Meanwhile, Science Ministry statistics show a steady
decline in output of new scientists by Russia's universities and scientific
institutes. Other figures also appear to indicate that people with less than
Russia's most advanced degrees (and hence less time invested in their field)
are abandoning scientific work.[16] The trend indicates that the scientific
fields supporting the aviation industry and the
scientist-and-engineer-dependent design bureaus, where average salaries are
half the national average and one-tenth the salaries in some developing
commercial fields, will have an increasingly difficult time attracting the
best and the brightest of Russia's youth.[17] The qualitative aspect of this
problem would be difficult or impossible to measure. However, the quantitative
problem is straightforward in a country where the average male life span is
down to 57 years. If the trend continues, a large percentage of the aviation
industry's professional cadre will soon reach the end of its productive life
without a cohort of young replacements. The supply of new scientists and
engineers needs to adjust to a shrinking aviation industry. However, current
trends seem more in line with collapse than contraction. Furthermore, the
qualitative question may prove more severe than the quantitative one as bright
youths with initiative are forced to choose between the relatively lucrative
business professions and life in Russia's struggling scientific-technical

The New Policy for Survival
Given the facts outlined above, unanimity regarding the critical state of
Russia's military aviation industry formed early in government, military, and
industry circles. Less easy to arrive at was a consensus view of how to deal
with the problem. Most efforts fell roughly under the catchall phrase "defense
conversion." In most cases, this amounted to some easing of government control
on aviation enterprise facilities and uncoordinated efforts on their part to
produce consumer goods for the domestic and export market. Television
production by the Komsomolsk-Na-Amur aircraft-production plant is one example
of this policy in action.

It is now clear that a new po]icy of key importance to the future of Russia's
military aviation industry emerged during 1996. The new policy is based on
recognition early in 1996 of the failure of existing defense-conversion policy
and the resulting desperate state of the military-industrial complex. The
policy represents the consensus view of key government, military, and
military-industrial leaders of the long-term importance to Russia's national
security of the "science intensive" advanced-technology sectors of the
military-industrial complex. It also recognizes the marketability of high-tech
military capabilities in the near term. The importance of the military
aviation industry and its scientific base to national security and the
importance of nursing its capacity through Russia's economic crisis are a
major component of the policy.

Several events during 1996 appear to have contributed to the evolution of this
policy. First, an expanded session of the air force's military council was
held in February. RFAF commander Deynekin, other senior officers of the air
force, Air Defense Aviation, and Naval Aviation participated, as well as
leaders of the aviation industry and representatives of the State Committee of
Defense Industry. Nikolai Yegorov, President Boris Yeltsin's chief of staff,
also attended. A broad range of issues was discussed at the meeting, but press
reports make clear that the problems of the military aviation industry were at
the forefront. The three main questions relating to the aviation industry and
its scientific-technical base included: preserving design, research, and
production capabilities despite funding cuts; choosing areas to which the air
force and the aviation industry should give priority; and determining Russia's
aviation export policy.

It appears that during this council session the decision was made to forgo
substantial purchases of existing aircraft in the near to midterm in favor of
supporting the scientific-technical base and new aircraft development. The
council also reached the conclusion that the critical period for the survival
of the aviation industry and its scientific-technical base is the nine-year
period from 1996 to 2005. This is based in part on the anticipated service
life of the RFAF's fourth-generation fighters--the MiG-29 and SU-27--to which
the council specifically referred. The council concluded that the aviation
industry's downward trend would mean that in 10 years no capacity would remain
to equip the RFAF with modern aircraft, even if acquisition funding returned
to normal levels.[18]

Press statements by the council indicated that one aim of the meeting was to
inform the government, MOD, and State Committee for Defense Industries of the
need to preserve the aviation industry. In fact, subsequent events during 1996
indicated that the concerns raised at the February council meeting resonated
with government leaders. First, apparently in response to widespread
dissatisfaction in the government and the military-industrial complex with the
course of defense conversion, President Yeltsin issued a decree on 8 May
turning the State Committee on Defense Industry (GosKomOboronProm) into the
Ministry of Defense Industry.[19] The decree put Zinoviy Pak, then chairman of
GosKomOboronProm into the cabinet as minister of defense industry and expanded
his organization's authority.

The move, taken during the run-up to Russia's presidential elections, signaled
government concern for the state of the defense industry and its millions of
workers but was scoffed at in some quarters as electioneering. However, it
soon became clear that the decree creating the new ministry was more than
political window dressing. In a series of interviews subsequent to his
appointment as minister of defense industry, Pak indicated that the creation
of his ministry was part of a government plan to reorient defense-conversion
policy. Significantly for the military aviation industry, Pak immediately made
clear that a major part of the policy reorientation was renewed emphasis on
preservation of the "science intensive" and advanced-technology sectors of the
military-industrial complex. He also reported that, since the official
adoption of a post-Soviet military doctrine in 1993, the first time the
Economic Ministry, MOD, and the State Committee on Defense Industry presented
a coordinated weapons development plan to the government was early 1996--the
time frame of the RFAF council session outlining air force and aviation
industry priorities.[20]

Pak has outlined a policy which will reorient the course of Russian
military-industrial conversion if he succeeds in putting it into practice. He
has said that his first priority is identifying which of seventeen thousand
military-industrial enterprises remain necessary to fill state defense orders.
Those enterprises that do meet state defense acquisition requirements will be
separated into two groups: enterprises so heavily specialized in defense work
that they will remain purely government owned, and those which can be
partially privatized due to the dual civil and military nature of their
production. What Pak calls the government's former policy of unnaturally
cultivating defense industry privatization will be halted. Pak frankly states
that a third category of enterprise, those which are found to be obsolete or
unnecessary for defense acquisition needs, will be left to sink or swim on
their own. In his opinion, the eventual evolution of Russia's
military-industrial complex to a mix of a limited number of very large
state-owned enterprises supplemented by a cadre of military-industrial
commercial firms would best serve the country's defense needs. Significantly
for the military aviation industry, he has singled out as effective models for
this policy the Voenno-Promyshlenniy Kompleks MAPO (the conglomerate now
producing MiG aircraft) and the Sukhoy OKB (design bureau), which have both
moved toward consolidation of design and production facilities but along
different organizational principles.[21]

The views Pak has expressed closely agree with those of First Deputy Defense
Minister Andrey Kokoshin, whose portfolio includes military-technical policy.
Kokoshin is a long-time advocate of finding ways to preserve advanced
technical capabilities through the current economic crisis. He also weighed in
during 1996 in favor of short-term-acquisition belt tightening for the sake of
preserving the military's scientific-technical base, saying that the MOD's
main budget focus would be on creation of "future weapons" and defense
scientific-research test and design work.[22]

The government validated the policy advocated by Pak and Kokoshin in a
resolution issued during August 1996 on "The National Technical Base." The
resolution was reissued as a presidential decree the following October. A key
element of the resolution/decree was the conclusion that defense conversion
had failed because it was based on obsolete technology. The document directs a
reorientation of conversion to exploit modern dual-use technology. It defines
dual-use technology as suitable to equip the military with the most modern
equipment and also to use in high-tech civilian products that can compete on
the world market.[23]

Key government figures voiced support for the "National Technical Base Policy"
in the critical period of legislative consideration of the 1997 federal
budget. Yakov Urinson, Russia's deputy minister of economics, laid out his
ministry's rationale for husbanding scarce resources in order to support
hightech military-industrial enterprises. Like other important figures
involved in formulating the policy, he singled out aviation as one of the
priority defense-industry sectors. During the same period when the budget was
being considered by a reconciliation committee, Prime Minister Viktor
Chernomyrdin also supported increased funding for scientific research and
development and increased government support for enterprises producing
high-tech goods able to compete on the world market.[24]

With the Russian government struggling to meet huge needs with a very limited
budget, the 1997 budget debate was contentious. Despite this, the air of
unanimity among key government and military leaders on preserving the
scientific-technical base of high-tech industries seemed to carry the day.
Increased funding for scientific-technical and design work was announced as
the budget debates drew to a close. The budget figures also made it equally
clear that the RFAF's budget problems and long dry spell of new aircraft
acquisition would continue. However, the key policy issue for the MOD and RFAF
during 1996--the preservation of its high-tech capabilities by submitting to
current realities in the hope of a brighter future--seemed to have been

Gen-Lt Yuriy Klishin, RFAF deputy commander for weapons, may have best summed
up the new funding priority and its motivating factor in an August 1996

The greatest danger is not the reduction of deliveries of combat aircraft to
units. We rely today on the MiG-29 and SU-27, which are considered to have
thirty year service lives and so have another ten years of service left. The
worse [sic] possibility is the loss of advanced aviation technology, the total
suspension of development of priority items of future aviation equipment and
weaponry including a long-range bomber, fifth generation fighter, a tactical
reconnaissance aircraft, and other aircraft with characteristics which, by our
estimates, will not be exceeded in the next decade and a half. (Emphasis

Export--The Means to Survival
Considering the events of 1996, it is clear that leaders of Russia's
government and military-industrial complex have agreed on a program to
preserve priority elements of the military aviation industry. However, simply
diverting the RFAF's meager acquisition funds to support scientific research
test-and-design work (NIOKR) is not equal to the task. The only substantial
source of money for this is foreign sales. One of the so-called nonbudget
income sources, foreign sales is, according to RFAF commander Deynekin, the
main supplement to MOD and RFAF development funds.[26] In this sense, the
government policy outlined above appears to formalize practices which have
been developing over the last several years and also seems aimed at funneling
more of the benefits of foreign sales to development programs. The policy will
mean that large numbers of modern Russian-made fighter aircraft will appear in
various world regions during the same period that RFAF fighter purchases are

The export side of the policy will be supported by a large and effective
arms-export complex which developed in post-Soviet Russia well before the
coalescence of the policy of supporting future development programs at the
expense of current acquisitions. Its activities are sufficiently important to
merit the direct attention of President Yeltsin, who takes "strategic
decisions on weapons export policy" and handles them through his special
assistant for foreign military-industrial cooperation, Boris Kuzik. Executive
decisions on export policy are formulated by Kuzik's office in the
presidential administration; the government, under Prime Minister Chernomyrdin
and First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksey Bol'shakov (who has the industry
portfolio); and the State Committee on Military Technical Policy. The
Military-Industrial Council, composed of representatives of the major
enterprises of Russia's military-industrial complex, reviews applications for
export licenses. Weapons-export policy is executed by Rosvooruzhenie, the
large and growing state-owned weapons-export corporation, and a handful of
other weapons producers licensed for export---most notably the VPK MAPO
financial industrial group (FIG), which produces MiG fighters. Despite the
apparent success of this system, there has been grumbling over
Rosvooruzhenie's 12 percent commission on sales and its apparent disinterest
in marketing parts and components. Minister of Defense Industry Pak has
indicated he might support expanding the list of enterprises licensed for
export of weapons and weapon components.[27] The existing system was put in
place in 1994; since then, Russia's weapons exports have grown from $1.7
billion in that year to $2.7 billion in 1995, with sales for 1996 projected to
be $3.3 to 3.5 billion.[28]

Half the 1996 sales were in aviation equipment.[29] In fact, exports have been
the one bright spot in the last several years for the struggling military
aviation industry. Russian fighters have had a surprising string of successes
in a shrinking and highly competitive world aviation market. Asia has been an
especially lucrative region for Russian manufacturers. MiG had a major success
with its MiG-29 Fulcrum sale to Malaysia in competition against British,
French, and US fighters. Sukhoy has had two very significant sales in Asia,
first with the sale of some 40 Flankers to China in 1992 and then in 1996 a
subsequent sale of another 40 SU-27s and an agreement for licensed
construction of the fighters by China.[30] The China deal was followed within
the year by India's purchase of 40 of Sukhoy's SU-30MK, reportedly of the
latest thrust-vectoring type--if true, the first foreign sale of Sukhoy's
thrust-vectoring technology. This sale, according to one report worth $1.8
billion over five years, is also expected to include future production rights
for India.[31] Russia's ambitions for foreign sales are not limited to China
and India, as made evident by the ubiquitous presence of Russian fighters at
every major international air show during 1995-96 from Santiago, Chile, to
Seoul, Korea, and culminating with the SU-37's debut at Farnborough. Russian
military aviation will try to lengthen its list of buyers in Latin America and
has expressed willingness to go head-to-head with US aviation companies in the
South Korean market.[32] Leaving no doubt as to Russia's future export policy,
Rosvooruzhenie general director Aleksandr Kotelkin has said that Sukhoy
aircraft will soon become the most purchased in the world.[33]

Present Trends and Future Impact
One clear-eyed representative of Russia's military aviation industry said of
the sale of SU-27s to China, "It won't save the industry but it will keep the
Novosibirsk, Komsomolsk-Na-Amur, and Irkutsk plants and a couple of hundred of
their parts suppliers in production for the near term."[34] It does seem
highly doubtful that foreign sales alone could sustain a world-class military
aviation industry indefinitely. However, it is clear now that Russia's
military-industrial policy takes this into account and has a more limited aim
for foreign aircraft sales. Defense Industry Minister Pak has made clear that
government policy is no longer aimed at preserving the status quo in the VPK
but at judiciously trimming away the old and obsolete while targeting limited
funds at the "science intensive" industries and research base, such as
aviation, which can compete on the world market and which will form the basis
of a smaller, modern, automated military. Confirming this view, the RFAF
leadership, along with the key design bureaus, has stated its support for
channeling profits from foreign sales toward development of future aircraft at
the expense of near-term and midterm fighter purchases.

The policy will clearly have a painful impact on large sectors of the military
aviation industry. Defense Industry Minister Pak has been fairly explicit in
identifying the MiG and Sukhoy design bureaus and their associated production
facilities as key players in policy. Their status is made even clearer by the
RFAF leadership's repeated statement of priority fighter projects, which lean
heavily on Sukhoy products and, to a lesser extent, on MiG. Other
long-familiar names in Russian aviation have not been as clearly singled out
for government support and apparently face a difficult future under Pak's
"sink or swim" policy. The pain, in human terms, of this industrial
contraction will be compounded by economic and cultural factors. People who
will be displaced will find few opportunities for new employment in Russia's
struggling economy. Also, even in the few cases when there might be
opportunity elsewhere, Russian society has not yet adapted to a mobile
lifestyle. An oft-repeated phrase describes the mind-set: "Where you are born,
there you'll die."

In terms of military aviation, the 10-year plan adopted by the air force
military council points toward delay of significant aircraft purchases until
2005. Nevertheless, some new modifications and entirely new aircraft are
likely to appear during this period. There will be several reasons for
continued development. First, the main stated goal of the policy is to
preserve the scientific-technical capability to design and build new aircraft.
Second, exports will rely on keeping competitive modern aircraft available for
sale. Last, production of new aircraft, even in quantities so small as to be
only technology demonstrators, can be used to boost the industry and promote
foreign sales. This pattern has been established in the last several years by
Sukhoy, with its family of SU-27 variants, and by MiG, with the MiG-29M and
MiG-AT trainer.

Obviously, a 10-year near suspension of aircraft purchases indicates that a
serious contraction of Russia's aviation industry is in the offing. The
process is likely to be accompanied by the continued trend of formations of
FIGs uniting design bureaus, their associated production facilities, and a
financial partner. In terms of fighter aircraft, the latest statements and
marketplace developments point toward a future with Sukhoy and VPK MAPO (MiG)
emerging as the government contractors of choice and perhaps the two main
combat aircraft designers in a very small circle of competitors. The
consolidation trend appeared to be gaining even more momentum in late 1996,
when Sukhoy, Tupolev, Beriev, and Yak were reported to be forming a FIG.[35]

In terms of stability, the policy seems to indicate satisfaction with and
support for the current structure of the scientific-technical base that
supports Russia's aviation industry. The policy indicates that, to the extent
possible, the six core aviation research-and-development institutes will be
preserved. The policy also aims to tackle perhaps the most difficult long-term
problem facing Russia's aviation industry--preserving its scientific-technical

With the consensus support that developed for the policy during 1996, it is
likely that budget priority for the policy can be sustained at some level
during the next several years. However, it is clear that the government funds
available will remain very limited and that financial support for the program
will continue to come primarily from foreign sales. Russia's already
aggressive program for marketing weapons abroad, based largely on a powerful
profit incentive, has combined with an equally powerful survival instinct. The
result is fairly clear in the announced sale of thrust-vectoring SU-30s to
India. The most modern series aircraft, what RFAF commander Deynekin has
described as generation four-and-one-half fighters, will be sold abroad for
the sake of funding development of their successors to equip the RFAF. As the
Sukhoy-licensed production deals with China and India show, any nations that
hope not only to buy aircraft but also to build their own military aviation
industries will find willing sellers in Russia. The policy will therefore help
create much sharper competition on the international fighter market, drive the
spread of advanced fighter aircraft in several regions of the globe, and
accelerate the proliferation of advanced aviation-development technology.

The new government-military policy on Russia's military-industrial complex and
its military aviation industry defines the problem, sets a period for its
solution, and outlines a method to solve it. The clements for some degree of
success are present if government stability can be maintained and commitment
to the plan can be sustained for the long term. If the new policy is adhered
to and if it is the beginning of a hard-nosed reform policy and not just
another in a series of unimplemented decrees, Russia will emerge from its
economic crisis with a much altered but significant military-aviation

1. Alexander Velovich, "Slow Slow, Quick Quick, Slow-The Sukhoy SU-37 Made a
Spectacular Impact," Flight International, 18-24 September 1996, 41; and David
M. North, "Thrust Vectoring SU-37 Demonstrates Agility," Aviation Week & Space
Technology, 9 September 1996, 24.

2. G. Drugoveiko, "Budet Li Rossiya Letat' V XXI Veke?" Vestnik Vozdushnogo
Flota 3, 1995, 2.

3. Gen-Maj N. Anisimov, "Voenniy Byudzhet I Neplatyezhl," Vestnik Vozdushnogo
Flota 3, 1995, 16.

4. Andey Baranovskiy, "Russian Air Force Left without Planes," Segodnya, 30
March 1995, 2.

5. Interview with Gen-Col Viktor Kot, "U Nas Est' Moguchiye Krylya," Krasnaya
Zvezda, 17 August 1996, 1-3.

6. Pyotr Deynekin, "Rossiya Byla, Est', I Budet Velikoy Aviatsionoy
Derzhavoy," Krasnaya Zvezda, 19 August 1995, 1-2; idem, "Voenno-Vozdushniye
Sily," Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flora, 1-2, 1996, 20-21; and idem, "Major Trends
and Prospects for Development of Russia's Air Power," Military Parade,
July-August 1996, 16-17.

7. Zinoviy Pak, "Russian Defense Industry Proceeds with Restructuring,"
Aerospace Journal, September-October 1996, 7-8; and Deynekin, 20-21.

8. A. G. Bratukhin et al., Aviastroyeniye Rossii (Moscow: Mashinostoyeniye,
1995), 225.

9. Vitally Vitebskiy, "Statistika-VPK v Yanvarye I Fevrale," Krasnaya Zvezda,
23 March 1996, 3; and "Statistika-VPK v Avguste," 26 October 1996, 3.

10. Drugoveiko, 2.

11. "Novosti," Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota 5-6, 1995, 6; and "Iz
Komsomol'ska-Na-Amure-Televizory 'Goldstar' Sobirayut Aviastroiteli," Krasnaya
Zvezda, 23 March 1996, 3.

12. Anisimov, 16; and "Novosti," 6.

13. "Novosti," 6.

14. V. E. Aleksandrov et al., "Rol' Aviatsii v Obespechenii Geopoliticheskikh
Interesov Rossii," Voennaya Mysl' 5, 1996, 17.

15. Tat'yana Buttseva and Marina Motova, "Rossiskiye Ucheniye Vybrosheniy Na
Obochiny Reform," Izvestiye, 26 December 1996, vii.

16. Russian Ministry of Science, Problemiy Razvitiya Nauchno-Tekhnicheskogo
Kompleksa Rossiskoi Federatsii (Moscow: Ecolink, 1995), 9-12.

17. Aleksandrov, 20.

18. On the February RFAF Military Council meeting, see "Aviatsiya," Vestnik
Vozdushnogo Flota 3-4, 1996, 6; and Sergey Babichev, "Pochemy Derzhimsa v
Vozdukhe," Krasnaya Zvezda, 24 February 1996, 3.

19. "Sovershenstvuetsya Ypravlenie Oboronnoy Promyshlennost'yu," Krasnaya
Zvezda, 12 May 1996, 1.

20. Vladislav Borodulin, "Gosudarstvo Vser'yoz I Nadolgo Povernulos' Litsom k
'Oboronke'," Deloviye Lyudi 67 (July 1996): 24-27; and Zinoviy Pak, "Russia's
Defense Industry Proceeds with Restructuring," Aerospace Journal, Sept-Oct
1996, 7-8.

21. Borodulin, 24-27; and Zinoviy Pak, "'Oboronka'," Nachinaet Zhit'
Tsivilizovannoy Zhizn'yu," Krasnaya Zvezda, 18 May 1996, 3.

22. Nikolai Ivanov, "Nametki Plana Reformiy Vooruzhonikh Sil Uzhe Yest',"
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 24 July 1996, 2.

23. Vladislav Fadeyev and Valeriy Baberdin, "V Teknologicheskoi Gonke Nel'zya
Sxodit' C Distantsii," Krasnaya Zvezda, 26 October 1996, 3.

24. Aleksander Bekker, "Yakov Urinson-Voennaya Reforma Zatronet Vsyu Economiku
Rossii," Segodnya, 17 October 1996, 3; and Vladislav Kuz'michev, "Alzmeneny
Parametry Byudzheta-97," Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 25 October 1996, 1.

25. Igor Kovalenko, "Na Chyom Bzletim v XXI Vek?" Armeiski Sbornik 8 (August
1996): 46.

26. Pyotr Deynekin, "Major Trends and Prospects for Development of Russia's
Air Power," Military Parade, July-August 1996, 16-17.

27. "Russkoye Oruzhiye Vyrvalos' Na Svobodu," Kommersant 7 (5 March 1996):
52-53; and "Dmitriy Maslennikov, "Oboronka Sostyazatetsya C Rosvooruzheniyem,"
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 14 November 1996, 6.

28. Sergey Tsekhmistrenko, "Diktovat' Usloviya Na Mirovom Rynke Ne Pozvoleno
Nikomu," Deloviye Lyudi 63, 1996, 28; and "Russkoye Oruzhiye Vyrvalos',"

29. "Novosti," 1-2, 41.

30. Sergei Trush, "Prodazha Rossiskogo Oruzhiya Pekiny-Rezoniy I Opaseniya,"
Nezavisimaya Gazeta Voennoe Obozreniye, 25 April 1996, 6.

31. "India Zakupayet Rossiiskiye Samolyotiy Eskadril'yami," Kommersant, 16
November 1996, 4; and "40 Russian SU-30s Lend Youth to Aging IAF Fleet,"
Jane's Defence Weekly, 20 November 1996, 14; Vadim Markushin, "Shirokiy
Koridor K Tyoplomu Okeanu," Krasnaya Zvezda, 13 August 1996, 3; and "India
Stala Pervym Pokupatelem Istrebitelei SU-30MK," Segodnya, 2 December 1996, 1.

32. Nikolay Novichkov and Lyubov' Milobanova, "Latinskaya Amerika Mozhet Stat'
Perspektivnym Rynkom Dlya Rossiiskoy Voennoy Tekniki," Izvestiya, 12 March
1996, ii; "Russia, S. Korea Come Together on Defence," Jane's Defence Weekly,
20 November 1996, 13; and Nikolay Novichkov, "Desperate for Sales, Moscow
Courts Seoul," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 18 November 1996, 31.

33. Aleksandr Kotelkin, "Russia Was, Is, and Will Be Competitor Number One for
the U.S. in Arms Sales," Military Parade, November-December 1996, 11.

34. Igor' Chernyak, "Sukhoy Ostatok," Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 5 March 1996, 3.

35. Leonid Zavarskiy, "Aviapromyshlenniki Reshili Coobrazhat' Vtroyem,"
Kommersant, 6 December 1996, 8.

36. Aleksandr Pel'ts, "Sovet Oboroniy: Prioritetiy Na Buduschee," Krasnaya
Zvezda, 22 November 1996, 1.

ILLUSTRATION: Strategy for survival

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): A Stalin-era aviation poster showing a Red Square
parade. Aviation was a top priority of the Soviet Union. The poster caption
reads "Long Live the Mighty Aviation of the Socialist Countries!"

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): The entrance to the test-pilot school at Gromov Flight
Research Institute. In 1995 Russia's test-pilot school graduated only three
new test pilots.

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): The new MIG-AT. MIG has high hopes for domestic and
foreign sales of its new trainer. (Photo by Artur Sarkisyan.)

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): A SU-30MK. Sukhey has enjoyed a major success with the
sale of this aircraft to India. Future versions will include thrust-vectoring

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): The SU.37. Sukhoy's thrust-vectoring fighter created a
sensation at its debut during the 1996 Farnborough Air Show.

PHOTOS (BLACK & WHITE): The Russian air force plans to rely on the MiG-29 and
SU-27 until at least 2005. The slogan on the wall behind the aircraft reads,
"In war, he who has the most powerful equipment and best machines wins."
Above, a MiG-29; below, an SU-27.
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