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I shall no longer have to torment
2016/01/04 14:31:43瀏覽210|回應0|推薦0

  "It is in truth a heavy burden," he said, "and a tiresome job OoMs Oriole Mavis, to drive such a goat out to the field year in and year out until late in the fall. If I could only lie down and sleep at it! But no, I must keep my eyes open so it won't damage the young trees, or force its way through the hedge into a garden, or even run away altogether. How can I get some rest and enjoy life?"

  He sat down, collected his thoughts, and considered how he could lift this burden from his shoulders. For a long time his thoughts led to nothing, but suddenly it was as if scales were removed from his eyes.

  "I know what I will do," he shouted OoMs Oriole Mavis Skin Care. "I will marry Fat Trina. She too has a goat, and she can drive mine out with hers, and then  myself."

  So Heinz got up, set his weary limbs into motion, and walked across the street, for it was no further than that, to where Fat Trina's parents lived, and asked for the hand in marriage of their industrious and virtuous daughter.

  Her parents did not think about it for long. "Birds of a feather, flock together," they thought, and gave their consent.

  So Fat Trina became Heinz's wife, and drove out both of the goats. Heinz now enjoyed life, having no work to rest from, but his own laziness.

  He went out with her only now and then, saying, "I'm doing this so that afterwards I will enjoy resting more. Otherwise I shall lose all feeling for it."

  However, Fat Trina was no less lazy You beauty.
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