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2021/03/16 14:23:38瀏覽367|回應0|推薦1



   文/Lemuel Leong

     這事蹟於2018 年發生在沙巴根地咬市,巒地村的真耶穌教會(Kg. Luanti) 。經歷這事的有四位姐妹:拉結姐妹(Rachel Miracle Liaw), 以利沙白姐妹(Elisabet Marcissus), 欣迪姐妹(Warlezzealle Cindy bt Wardy) 和羅斯琳達姐妹(Roslinda Elus)。

   當天,她們正在舊會堂前面的河裡淺水處嬉水約一個小時多。突然間,在岸上的 Bryan 發現上游有山洪正朝著她們迅速沖下來。她們即時大聲呼喊‘哈利路亞!然後匆忙的往岸上逃跑。然而山洪速度實在太快了,眼看她們已來不及脫離險境了,就在最危急的時刻,湍急的河水刹那間頓然停止在她們面前,築成一道高高的水牆。那時,她們急忙先把年紀最小套著充氣圈的欣迪( Cindy)先救上岸,緊接著走在最後面的拉結(Rachel Miracle)也平安上岸了。


   確實在約書亞時代曾經把約旦河水停住的真神,又再一次以同樣的神跡拯救了祂的兒女!(約書亞記 3:16-17)





   就是雅各神的面,便要震動。 (詩篇 114:5,7)



Saved by Gods wondrous Acts

    ByLemuel Leong

     This incident took place in year 2018 at True Jesus Church of Luanti village, Keningau town, Sabah. The four sisters involved were Rachel Miracle Liaw, Elisabet Marcissus, Warlezzealle Cindy bt Wardy, and Roslinda Elus.

­­­­­     On that day, they were swimming in the shallow part of a river for more than an hour, when Bryan, who was on the riverbank suddenly realised that a fast-moving flash flood was heading towards their area. Each of them called out "Hallelujah" loudly while scurrying to climb up the river bank. However, the flood was too fast; it seemed impossible for them to escape from the danger. At that critical moment, the flood stopped abruptly in front of them and formed a high wall of water. They then hurriedly lifted the youngest one, Cindy, who was using a tire tube float, up onto the riverbank with Rachel Miracle being the last. Just as they safely reached land, the stalled flood water started to flow rapidly.

     Just as God stopped the Jordan river during Joshuas time, He has once again saved these sisters with the same miracle (Joshua 3:16-17). Praise the Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is all-loving and powerful. Amen.

     What ails you, O sea, that you fled? O Jordan, that you turned back? Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob. (Psalms 114:5,7)

     Note: This testimony was shared first-hand by those involved and was confirmed by their parents as well as the resident preacher who were present at kampung Luanti on 13 March 2021.



   文章來源:Lemuel Leong https://www.facebook.com/lemuelleongtjc


   聖靈的見證~~Face Jesus


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