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2012/11/08 23:54:32瀏覽389|回應0|推薦0 | |
發佈日期:2012-11-07,發佈者:NTDAPTV 大紀元時報:我們把他稱之為這個世界上從未有過的邪惡, 過去從來沒有一個政府,會抓捕一大群自己的人民後, 不需任何法庭審理,就要殺掉你們,然後販賣你們的器官....." ----加拿大前外交部亞太司司長 大衛 喬高 請協助分享此影片給您的好友,讓更多的人知道這殘酷行為,您的簡 單的分享動作,將可減少很多無辜的生命被傷害。 Posted: the organ harvesting transplantation shady _ you do not know the Chinese state-run organ transplant business insider [Chinese version] Date :2012-11-07, Posted by: NTDAPTV Epoch Times: he called the evil in this world, there has never been Has never been a government in the past, after arresting a large group of people Without any court hearing, it is necessary to kill you, and then your organ trafficking ..... " ---- David Kilgour, former Canadian Foreign Ministry Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific Please help share this video to your friends, to let more people know this cruelty, your simplethe share action will reduce the injury of many innocent lives. |
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