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2011/06/30 22:59:02瀏覽245|回應0|推薦0 | |
新唐人電視台 http://www.ntdtv.com 大陸的網路論壇上曾經排列出職務犯罪的十大高危職位,包括國土局長、公安局長、房管局長等。這些可以大撈油水的職位,給中共貪官們帶來了牢獄之災。殊不知,中國還出現了另一個「新高危職位」,而且發現,位居這個職位的人士近年來頻傳死亡消息。究竟是甚麼職位呢?我們來看看。 於躍進,山東省萊陽市公安局「六一零」辦公室主任,2011年4月20號,突發腦溢血死亡,年僅54歲。 2009年10月12號,萊陽「六一零」副主任宋頃光酒後突然身亡,死時才40多歲。 湖北黃岡市首任「六一零」主任張石明,2005年2月14號突發心肌梗塞身亡,年僅48歲;接任他的王克武也患了肝癌,同年清明節前三天死亡。 此外,內蒙古牙克石市「六一零」主任李群死於癌症,繼任不久的林海清也得了絕症不能工作。 2004年11月8號,吉林省梅河口市「六一零」主任王福年和「六一零」成員周某、劉鵬等去抓捕法輪功學員。途中車翻入橋下,王福年、劉、週三人當場身亡。 2003年6月22號,雲南省紅河州石屏縣「六一零」主任龍清福出車禍死亡。 這些都是在《明慧網》上被披露出來的真實案例。在一個個怵目驚心的死亡案例中,人們發現,這些慘死的中共官員有一個共同的職位就是「六一零」。因此,人們把「六一零」當做了一個新出現的「高危職位」。 「六一零」這個職位究竟是幹甚麼的呢? 橫河(時事評論員):「「610」辦公室是1999年為了迫害法輪功而成立的,中共中央處理法輪功問題領導小組的一個辦事機構,實際上就是說它是中共及其黨魁江澤民迫害人權的工具,從它的性質上來說,它應該是屬於一種非法的『秘密組織』。」 成立於1999年6月10號的「中共中央處理法輪功問題領導小組」,被簡稱為「六一零辦公室」。 橫河:「它的成立既沒有經過人大授權,也沒有在黨內公開過,它在中共中央和國務院的公開的機構當中找不到任何蹤影,但是它是事實上存在的,因為它在中國大陸幾乎無處不在,所以它是屬於黨迫害人民的一個指揮系統,是黨的打人的工具和黨進行鬥爭的工具。」 去年(2010年)3月16號,美國國會以412票贊成、1票反對,通過了第605號決議案,要求中共立即結束對法輪功學員的迫害、監禁、酷刑,以及釋放所有被關押的學員。 決議案還要求,立即廢除中共前書記江澤民為迫害法輪功,而下令成立的「非法機構「610」辦公室」。 而這裡介紹的「六一零」人員死亡的案例只是冰山一角。按照中國傳統的「善惡有報」的天理來說,「六一零」人員相繼死亡都不是偶然的。 針對這個現象,署名靜心的《因果實例 報應不虛》文章說,希望那些被邪黨欺騙、利用的人,明白因果報應後,能明辨是非,懸崖勒馬,停止行惡,將功補過,讓自己善有善報。 新唐人記者李靜、王明宇綜合報導。 Most Dangerous Job: Head of 610 Office Online Chinese forums ranked the ten riskiest posts in China, including Minister of Land and Resources, Police Chief, Director of Housing Management, etc. The occupants usually end up in prison for corruption. However, few people know of a new “high risk” post, which has very high mortality rate in recent years. Yu Yuejin, 610 Office Director in Laiyang, Shandong, died suddenly of brain hemorrhage on Apr 20, 2011 at the age of 54. Song Qingguang, Laiyang 610 Office deputy director, died suddenly after drinking. He was in his 40s. Zhang Shiming, 48, 610 Office director of Huanggang, Hubei, died of heart attack on Feb. 14, 2005. His successor Wangke Wu died from liver cancer in April of the same year. Li Qun, 610 Office director of Yakeshi, Inner Mongolia, died of cancer; his successor Li Haiqing couldn't work due to an incurable illness. On Nov. 8, 2004, 610 Office director Wang Funian and two subordinates of Meihekou City in Jilin drove to arrest a Falun Gong practitioner. Their car fell into a river. All three died on the spot. On June 22, 2003, 610 Office director Long Qingfu of Shiping County, Yunnan died in a car accident. All these are real cases exposed by Minghui.org. The similarity in these cases is the people's workplace, the 610 Offices. For this reason, 610 Office-related jobs became "highly dangerous". What exactly does 610 Office do? Heng He (Current Issues Commentator): 610 Office was set up in 1999 to persecute Falun Gong. It is an agency of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is a "secret organization" and illegal tool initiated by Jiang Zemin and the CCP to persecute people. Founded on June 10, 1999, as the CCP's "central leading group of the Falun Gong issue", is commonly referred to as "610 Office." Heng He: Its establishment was never approved by the National People's Congress or publicly revealed. It is not a publicly acknowledged agency. But it does exist, and it is omnipresent across China. It is a control system used by CCP to persecute people. It is a party tool to suppress people. On March 16, 2010, the U.S Congress passed Resolution 605 with 412 votes support vs. 1 against, demanding the CCP immediately end the persecution, imprisonment and torture of Falun Gong practitioners. The resolution requires that the CCP immediately abolish the "illegal organization 610 office". The reported deaths of 610 members are only the tip of the iceberg. According to the traditional Chinese belief that "good and evil will be repaid", death of 610 members are not accidental. An article "Karmic Retribution is Very Real" by Jingxin said, after understanding karmic retributions, hopefully those deceived and used by the evil CCP can stop doing evil, atone for their crimes, and be rewarded for their future good deeds. NTD reporters Li Jing and Wang Mingyu. |
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |