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2011/06/15 12:08:45瀏覽212|回應0|推薦0
     新唐人電視台 http://www.ntdtv.com 【新唐人2011年6月14日訊】廣州增城新塘鎮自從10號晚發生治安人員踢打孕婦後,已經釀成了大規模群體抗暴事件。現在的情況怎麼樣了呢?為甚麼一個個案能迅速帶來這麼大的連鎖反應?本臺記者採訪到多位當地民眾。一起來關注一下。從12號夜裡到13號凌晨,廣州增城新塘鎮大約有十萬民眾上街,和當局的武裝力量對峙。目擊者說,衝出來的老百姓多得一眼望不到邊,像海水一樣湧來。抗議的行動已經延伸到了新塘鎮2-3公里外的鳳凰城。有多位當地民眾12號夜裡聽到槍聲。李先生(廣州增城新塘鎮居民):“聽到!聽到有20多聲,2-30響,那個響聲很大。那個響聲很特別的,很嚇人的,“咣咣咣”那個聲音啊。幾百米範圍內絕對聽得到的,很清楚的,就是在大敦村裡面。”王先生(廣州增城新塘鎮居民):“開槍了!跟那個利比亞、跟那個埃及一樣的,開槍了就等於是武力鎮壓了嘛,對著老百姓、抗議的老百姓用武力鎮壓那太過分了。”據報導,經廣東省委要求,中宣部已下令將新塘抗爭列入敏感事件,禁止大陸媒體報導。但香港「東方日報」13號報導說,新塘全鎮實施宵禁,13號凌晨1點多開始武力清場,現場不斷傳出槍聲,已超過百人死傷,數百人被捕。報導還表示,廣州軍區一個師,約30輛綠色大卡車,開入新塘,防暴警察及特警在新塘鎮廣場集合,軍警都配備槍械,未來一週實施軍管。而12號上午9點半,廣州地方當局召開新聞發佈會,增城市長葉牛平卻通報說,事件中無人員傷亡。記者會上還安排一位據說是當事人的丈夫,宣告妻子和胎兒都沒事,請大家放心等等。張先生(廣州增城新塘鎮居民):“那個就拉倒啦,政府就是信口雌黃的啦,隨便拉個人出來就說是當事人,誰知道是不是啊?這個它吹牛都不用化妝的了!你說它沒有傷人,這有可能嗎?昨天晚上看到有人扔磚頭,扔得腦袋都開花、腦漿都流出來了,怎麼可能不傷人?死都死了好幾個人了。”香港《蘋果日報》的評論說,近期大陸出現的衝突,主要是針對執法者和執政者,這凸顯出了中共當局的管治危機與合法性危機。趙先生(廣州增城新塘鎮居民):“國內現在貧富太懸殊了,絕大部分人很窮很窮。那些人其實都是積壓在心底,只要有一點點機會就會爆發出來。只要有人一上街,很多就嘩的一下就跟著出來了。就跟那個埃及、突尼斯和利比亞是一樣的,就是獨裁政府壓制得太厲害了,把人剝削得太窮了,全國各地都一樣的。”廣東增城新塘的抗爭行動正演變成四川人的抗戰。很多人都看到,在連續三天多的群眾抗議中,中共當局使用了催淚彈。但催淚彈對四川人沒有太大用處,因為四川人習慣吃辣,根本不怕催淚彈。據了解,當地流動人口非常多,貧富差距是中國最大的地區。當地人藉助當局的保護,加上黑社會,對外來打工者多有不公,這些農民工無依無靠,平時只能忍氣吞聲。新唐人記者常春、趙心知、周昕屹採訪報導。Beating Pregnant Woman Sparked ProtestsThe June 10 incident in Xingtang Township of Zengcheng City, Guangzhou Municipality, where security kicked and beat a pregnant woman, has outraged locals and received much attention. What is the current situation there? On the night of June 12, 100,000 people in Xintang took to the streets, confronting armed forces. Witnesses said people emerged like waves, and the end could not be seen. The protests extended to nearby town, Fengkuang Township. Many locals heard gunshots during the night of June 12..Mr. Li (resident): “I heard it! Over 20 gunshots. Very loud and scary. One could hear them in severalhundred meters. They came from the Datun Village.”Mr. Wang (resident): “They opened fire, just like dictators in Libya and Egypt who suppressed people.It is too much to open fire to suppress protestors.” Accordingly, Guangdong provincial CCP(Chinese Communist Party) Committee asked China's Ministry of Propaganda to categorize the Xintang incident as “sensitive,” and ban Mainland media from reporting on it.Hong Kong's Oriental Daily's reported on June 13 that a curfew had been implemented in Xintang. That day armed forces started to clean the site. Gunshots were constantly heard. There were over100 deaths and injuries, and hundreds more arrested.The report indicated one division and 30 trucks from Guangzhou Military Region came to Xintang. Anti-violence police gathered at Xintang Square, and military police were armed. Authorities will enforce military control in the coming week.At 9:30p.m. on June 12, Guangzhou authorities held a news conference. Zengcheng City mayor, Ye Niuping, said there was no injury or death during the initial incident. The husband of the pregnant woman announced that his wife and the baby were fine, telling people not to worry.Mr. Zhang (Xintang resident): “The CCP lies. Who knows whether the man is the husband or not? They say there was no injury, how is that possible? We saw people throwing stones last night and hit someone on the head. How could there be no injury? Several people died.”HK's Apple Daily commented on recent conflicts in Mainland China, claiming they are mainly aimed at those in power. This shows CCP's crisis in controlling and legalization.Mr. Zhao (Xintang resident): “There is a huge gap between the rich and poor in China. Most people are extremely poor. They suppress their grief, which then explodes at the smallest provocation. More masses will head to the streets, just like Egypt and Libya. The authoritarian government suppresses and exploits people too much. It is the same throughout the entire country. "The protest in Xintang has turned into a protest by people from Sichuan Province. Authorities have since used tear gas on protestors.There are many migrant workers in Xintang, Guangzhou, with the biggest gap between the rich and poor in China. Locals work with authorities and underground society to abuse migrant workers, who have to bear the grief and injustice.NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Xinyi
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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