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2013/09/09 22:51:36瀏覽316|回應1|推薦0

Hello,my name is _____


My interests are : listening to music , reading , watching TV , playing games 。。。and so on。


But I am good at nothing。


I am a boy of 15 , a teenager。


I am straight.


Effort isnt in vain。


I enter the high school,which is filled with happiness。


I hope I become better and better。


From junior high school , I didnt realized one thing till then。


That is "Dont leave any regret in our lives。 "


Sometimes I got lost in darkness and lost myself , but there are friends and family waiting for me forever and always。


We should really cherish them!!


Not until they passed away do we realize their importance。 


That is too late。 Turn into forever regret finally。


Now。。。 All I have to do is work hard , and make life better!




The only meaning of it is waste your precious time.  


( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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2013/09/10 23:34
My interests are listening to music, reading, watching TV and playing games and so on. 

But I am good at nothing. 

I am not interested in men but women.

I entered a high school which is filled with happiness. 

I hope that I will become better and better. 

Since I was born, I haven't realized one thing till my junior high school.

That is ''Don't leave any regrets in our lives.'' 

Sometimes I got lost in darkness and lost myself ,but there would be my friends and family waiting for me forever and always. 

Not until they pass away do we realize their importance. 

That would be too late. Our regret turns eternal, finally. 

Now, all I have to do is to work hard and make life better!