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2010/04/07 01:15:44瀏覽85|回應0|推薦0

我看到單身容易得精神病 力促成家這則新聞時,著實嚇了好大一跳。衛生署長解釋二代健保時,直指在新政策下單身者將增加負擔,鼓勵大家成立家庭,並說有家庭的人不容易有精神疾病,統計學上顯示如此!Well,我想看看那份統計報告!


我想署長記錯了,有家庭的人,或是說已婚者的整體健康狀況比較好,但是婚後肥胖問題比較多。精神有疾病的人不容易走入婚姻或保持婚姻,而不是結婚的人比較不會得精神疾病。在這裡我找出了兩份文章,第一篇是2004年報紙新聞,標題是結婚的人比較健康(Married People Healthier by Randolph Schmid)(剪報連結1剪報連結2剪報連結3)。第二篇是一則研究報告,標題是已婚狀態與精神異常(Marital Status and Mental Disorder: Evidence in Favor of a Behavioral Model, Journal article by William A. Rushing; Social Forces, Vol. 58, 1979)


Research has consistently shown that marital status and rates of mental disorder are related, but few studies provide an answer to the causal question: Does marital status determine mental status, as a social causation model of individual attributes would stipulate, or does mental status cause marital status, as an individual causation model of social status would stipulate? Analysis of admissions to Tennessee state mental hospitals between 1956 and 1965 consistently supports the view that a person's marital status is
determined more by mental status and behavior rather than the reverse.


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