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內政部青年首購優惠房貸2017條件 信貸銀行信貸諮詢服務 內政部青年首購優惠房貸2017條件
2017/02/03 08:06:44瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0




「瑞士特快車」費德勒(Roger Federer)18日在澳網男單64強面對年僅20歲的魯賓(Noah Rubin),第三盤驚險化解對手盤末點,以7:5、6:3、7:6(3)晉級,32強將面對捷克名將伯帝奇(Tomas Berdych)。



費德勒賽後對於車貸利率多少 2017比賽結果感到開心,「第一盤非常不容易,第三盤情況有些危急,我得救下盤末點。我知道情況可能不會是這樣,所以我非常高興。」,費德勒說,「跟第一場相比,我的表現比較穩定,有較佳的專注力,而我的發球局也執行地不錯。」





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鉅亨網新聞中心南韓中央地方法院 19 日駁回獨立檢察組批捕三星電子 (005930-KR) 副會長李在鎔的提請,決定不予批捕。有觀點預測,今後獨檢組針對總統親信門涉案企業的調查可能會受阻。據韓聯社 19 日報導,法院從 18 日上午 10 時 30 分至下午 2 時 10 分對李在鎔進行審訊,之後於次日的 19 日淩晨 4 時 50 分做出了不予批捕的決定。法院認為,鑒於嫌疑人對指控事項的陳述、有關各種支援情況的具體事實、相關調查內容及進展,在現階段難以認定逮捕理由成立、有逮捕必要,因此決定不予批捕。獨檢組 16 日針對李在鎔向法院提請批捕。獨檢組指控李在鎔涉嫌行賄,違反《特定經濟犯罪加重處罰法》《關於在國會陳述和鑒定的法律》。特別獨檢組指控李在鎔涉嫌行賄,支付 430 億韓元給與朴槿惠的密友崔順實相關的機構,以換取政府通過三星物產和第一毛織的合併計畫,藉以鞏固他在家族集團內的控制權。獨檢組認為,三星向朴槿惠和崔順實方面承諾提供 430 多億韓元,截至目前實際提供 250 多億韓元。根據南韓相關法律規定,即使尚未提供資金,只要做出將提供資金的承諾,賄賂罪名已成立。李在鎔還涉嫌介入三星向崔順實提供資金援助。三星集團 2015 年 8 月以培養馬術選手的名義向崔順實掌控的德國一當地法人提供 35 億韓元的資金,以三星電子名義購買的名馬價格也高達 43 億韓元。據悉,這些資金已被證實為崔順實之女鄭某使用。三星還向崔順實和其外甥女張某成立的韓國冬季體育英才中心提供 16 億多韓元,向崔順實實際操縱的 Mir 財團和 K 體育財團出資 204 億韓元。《星島日報》報導,稍早,消息人士透露,李在鎔將在庭上強調,三星為朴槿惠閨蜜崔順實家族提供巨額資金,是在朴槿惠施壓下迫不得已作出的選擇。若法院批准拘捕令,獨檢組將可於法院指定時限內扣留李在鎔,再決定是否正式提出起訴。有觀點認為,由於法院不予批捕李在鎔,獨檢組爭取最晚 2 月初當面調查朴槿惠的計畫面臨不少壓力。且獨檢組要對三星為 Mir 財團和 K 體育財團出資適用行賄罪,但未能在法院審理中順利過關,這可能會對今後調查 SK、樂天、CJ 等涉案大企業帶去不利影響。檢組發言人李圭喆 17 日在例行記者會上表示,最晚將在 2 月初對朴槿惠進行當面調查。特檢組方面預計,朴槿惠這次將同意接受檢方「面對面」問詢。但他同時表示,如果朴槿惠拒絕這一要求,特檢組事實上也無法採取強制手段。


COUNTERMEASURES: The TRA said another railway union has agreed to work during the holiday and that it is training reserve staff to take over if neededBy Abraham Gerber and Shelley Shan / Staff reportersThe Taiwan Railway Union will follow through with its threat to “take a legal holiday” over the Lunar New Year to protest the Taiwan Railways Administration’s (TRA) unwillingness to negotiate labor terms, union members said yesterday in a Taipei rally.About 10 union members and their supporters gathered on the west side of the Taipei Railway Station building, shouting slogans and accusing the agency of forcing employees to work overtime during the holiday crunch next week.Union president Wang Jieh (王傑) said a petition to take time off during the holiday had been signed by more than 1,000 of about 4,000 employees responsible for station and train operations, vowing delays and cancelations in response to the agency’s refusal to negotiate over holiday shifts and overtime hours.“The work we normally do is that of laborers, not civil servants, but the TRA wants to use our status as civil servants to pin us down,” he said, adding that agency officials had threatened to mark employees who refused to work as “absent without leave,” violating a Ministry of Labor ruling.Civil servants and most other public employees are not governed by the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) and can be compelled to work over holidays under the Civil Service Act (公務員服務法).However, the Labor Standards Act states that in cases where workers are considered both civil servants and laborers, Civil Service Act standards apply to their salaries, retirement and insurance, “as well as other cases in which it provides better benefits” than the Labor Standards Act.“Even though we are considered both civil servants and laborers, our national holidays are supposed to be governed by the Labor Standards Act, which requires employers to ask workers whether or not they are willing to work,” Taiwan Railway Union secretary Hsiao Nung-yu (蕭農瑀) said.Union director Tseng Fan-ye (曾繁宇) accused the agency of trying to cut the number of platform staff, which he said could undermine safety because there would be fewer staff to monitor trains and passenger traffic.Hiring more employees to allow shift reductions has been a key demand of the union, which was founded last year to compete with the existing company union.Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai (王國材) said after a Cabinet meeting yesterday morning that the agency would continue to communicate with the union and has been training reserve staff to fill a potential personnel shortage.“It would take time to address the union’s demands, such as increasing staff numbers. The TRA is working on meeting those expectations,” Wang said.The TRA has also discussed the situation with the company union, the Taiwan Railway Labor Union, which understands that some of its appeals are not going to be addressed immediately, Wang said.The group has said it will cooperate fully with the agency’s plan to transport homebound passengers during the holidays, he said.Asked about the possibility of 1,000 workers going on strike, Wang said that it would affect railway transport during the most important holiday of the year, but that the TRA has trained substitutes to meet a potential staff shortage.All reserve staff have undergone three months of training and served as apprentices for 10 to 14 days before being added to the work roster, the agency said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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