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2011/12/05 17:34:29瀏覽95|回應2|推薦0 | |
Today is 474th Day for Fish&Bear!! And it's 20th Mix Mix Mix from Bear for Fish No.1 - 來溪頭妖怪村-松林町抓妖吧! Part 1 / Part 2 No.2 - 來自布拉格的摔跤少女 No.3 - She takes a photo every day: 4.5 years No.4 - 咖啡機也可以很可愛!!! No.5 - Let Go to see this concert together in April. 5.1 - The_Cranberries小紅莓合唱團2012台北演唱會 5.2 - 國立台灣大學綜合體育館 5.3 - The Cranberries - Ode To My Family 5.4 - The Cranberries - Dreams 5.5 - The Cranberries - Zombie PS. 傳說中的天空之城 I hope we can go there in the future |
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