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2012/06/02 10:49:32瀏覽159|回應0|推薦0

[2012/5/29 上午 09:21:03] Phoebe Tsang: Thanks  I am fine
[2012/5/29 上午 09:21:52] Phoebe Tsang: Happy Birthday to you. Its a bit late. Wish you all the best over there. (sun)
[2012/6/1 下午 04:56:22] HarryHong: Anyway your work still busy:)
[2012/6/1 下午 04:57:43] Phoebe Tsang: yes City people , living in city
[2012/6/1 下午 04:58:11] HarryHong: That means you are still basically to company
[2012/6/1 下午 04:58:37] Phoebe Tsang: ha ha ... yet
[2012/6/1 下午 04:58:52] Phoebe Tsang: Always hope to have some holidays
[2012/6/1 下午 04:59:46] HarryHong: Somebody they just have a few works
[2012/6/1 下午 05:00:50] HarryHong: They are worried about lay off(:|
[2012/6/1 下午 05:01:30] Phoebe Tsang: so enjoy life in every suitation
[2012/6/1 下午 05:01:35] Phoebe Tsang: :)
[2012/6/1 下午 05:01:47] Phoebe Tsang: be happy . Be content
[2012/6/1 下午 05:01:59] HarryHong: So happily to deal with job!
[2012/6/1 下午 05:03:09] Phoebe Tsang: yes , my job is good
[2012/6/1 下午 05:03:39] HarryHong: I am very satisfy with my HTC smartphone
[2012/6/1 下午 05:03:39] Phoebe Tsang: always meeting different countries people and visit them
[2012/6/1 下午 05:03:53] Phoebe Tsang: They are nice ^_^
[2012/6/1 下午 05:04:18] Phoebe Tsang: but if got some holidays will be better :D
[2012/6/1 下午 05:04:34] Phoebe Tsang: Thats good for you too
[2012/6/1 下午 05:04:42] HarryHong: That expand my available computer time
[2012/6/1 下午 05:05:25] Phoebe Tsang: Good
[2012/6/1 下午 05:05:57] HarryHong: You are my good friend oh JingLing
[2012/6/1 下午 05:07:45] HarryHong: This afternoon even I am outside,I can type to.my good friend
[2012/6/1 下午 05:09:46] HarryHong: Without. HTC I can't .this evening i still Japanese lesson during
[2012/6/1 下午 05:10:04] HarryHong: 8 years
[2012/6/1 下午 05:11:05] Phoebe Tsang: you are good leaner
[2012/6/1 下午 05:11:08] Phoebe Tsang: learner
[2012/6/1 下午 05:13:07] HarryHong: See you next tim:) e
[2012/6/1 下午 05:14:06] Phoebe Tsang: chat with you next time
[2012/6/1 下午 05:14:14] Phoebe Tsang: :)
[上午 09:30:56] HarryHong: you said, really , Saturday need to work
[上午 09:32:44] HarryHong: You are really busy, relaxation may be study
[上午 09:32:59] HarryHong: :D
[上午 09:34:07] HarryHong: actually computer's singnal is many than smart phone
[上午 09:34:55] HarryHong: generally I prefer typing than chatting
[上午 09:35:39] HarryHong: chatting sometimes interrup someone's work
[上午 09:36:51] HarryHong: typing when friends are available will answer after carefully consider
[上午 09:37:30] HarryHong: that's good, no push to friends at once
[上午 09:38:25] Phoebe Tsang: good idea . yes typing are better
[上午 09:38:31] Phoebe Tsang: (sun)  morning
[上午 09:39:04] HarryHong: language learning of course need to talk, when I speak incorrectly, my japanese teacher correct me at once
[上午 09:39:41] Phoebe Tsang: That's great , you got a good teacher
[上午 09:40:25] Phoebe Tsang: I also have a good teacher, when my life going to the wrong road
[上午 09:40:45] Phoebe Tsang: then my Lord Jesus will lead me to the right way :)
[上午 09:40:57] HarryHong: I have 3 good university classmates live in HongKong
[上午 09:41:23] Phoebe Tsang: Good you should visit Hong Kong more
[上午 09:42:25] HarryHong: you are faithful Chiristian, me too, but not faithful
[上午 09:43:38] Phoebe Tsang: I live in God's Grace and HIS love (h)
[上午 09:44:21] HarryHong: Because I have many friends have no religion,shch as my wife or daughters, some friends are faithful buddalist
[上午 09:45:09] Phoebe Tsang: People have diferent mind .... I repect them too ^_6
[上午 09:45:12] Phoebe Tsang: ^_^
[上午 09:47:25] HarryHong: latter my family will goto lunch gathering to celebrete my 63 birthday
[上午 09:47:51] Phoebe Tsang: Great!  Happy Birthday to you Harry
[上午 09:47:55] Phoebe Tsang: (^)
[上午 09:49:09] HarryHong: Since my 1st son-in-law went to USA on duty, so5/25 celebration pospone one week
[上午 09:49:40] HarryHong: (beer) (F)
[上午 09:49:46] Phoebe Tsang: I see .  The good things are sharing together
[上午 09:50:03] Phoebe Tsang: chating and being together (y)
[上午 09:50:20] Phoebe Tsang: with your love ones
[上午 09:51:14] HarryHong: when as years pass away, I am becoming more cherrish  birthday family gathering
[上午 09:51:59] Phoebe Tsang: yes me too . I love to being together with my belove
[上午 09:52:04] Phoebe Tsang: and families
[上午 09:52:07] HarryHong: who know yours birthday is till when when?
[上午 09:52:30] Phoebe Tsang: the one who love you and care you
[上午 09:55:01] HarryHong: Recently I heard 2 young friends(over 50) was pass away, I am sorry to hear that ;(
[上午 09:56:53] Phoebe Tsang: That's why we need to cherrish our families and friends , because we don't know which day will we pass away.
[上午 09:57:10] Phoebe Tsang: That's life
[上午 09:58:32] HarryHong: yes! that is my friends still not many, I ppefer friendship deeper than wider
[上午 09:58:54] Phoebe Tsang: Wisdom
[上午 09:59:03] Phoebe Tsang: :)
[上午 09:59:32] Phoebe Tsang: I got many friends , but closed friends not many
[上午 10:00:02] Phoebe Tsang: oh I will get marry on this Sep
[上午 10:00:37] Phoebe Tsang: Three months left , prepareing all the pre-wedding things
[上午 10:00:43] HarryHong: familiar friend s are useful, strangers are meanless, just let others know how many friends you have, meaningless
[上午 10:00:49] Phoebe Tsang: but enjoyed
[上午 10:02:56] HarryHong: congradulation for Phoebe, I think recenly you are busy is owing to you are preparing getting married (F) (F) (music)
[上午 10:03:28] Phoebe Tsang: yes so many things need to take care la
[上午 10:03:33] Phoebe Tsang: Thanks
[上午 10:03:58] Phoebe Tsang: but happy and enjoying the preparing
[上午 10:06:28] HarryHong: see you next time, I need to prepare my lunch preparing with my wife, my 3 daughters experience aslo very by, but I can see smileon their face (handshake)
[上午 10:07:31] Phoebe Tsang: See you . Have a wonderful Birthday (^)
[上午 10:09:31] HarryHong: Do you see my blog when have free time, it's welcome now 1 .14 minion vistors, center Positive  Thinking
[上午 10:10:28] Phoebe Tsang: Good !   I will visit your blog today ^_^
[上午 10:10:55] HarryHong: bye (wait) (yn)
[上午 10:11:21] Phoebe Tsang: bye bye see you next time . oh Enjoy today
[上午 10:11:36] Phoebe Tsang: Have a nive weekend too (beer)
[上午 10:13:17] HarryHong: (handshake) (^) (beer) (d) (cash)not so important, rich in mind
[上午 10:13:53] Phoebe Tsang: Thanks Harry  . your right. I earn money only for living ^_^
[上午 10:14:17] Phoebe Tsang: so always looking for holidays :D
[上午 10:16:07] HarryHong: God will make your dream come true
[上午 10:17:02] HarryHong: Money persuing is endless, will not happy the whole life
[上午 10:18:16] Phoebe Tsang: Thanks Harry ^_^

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