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2007/10/25 07:53:38瀏覽1686|回應0|推薦1

Dear John: I am glad to hear the current news about you, without you ,I
can't make another foreign friends, thank you! Let us enjoy our work & life,
I have strong confidence on my health and my charity work! Go!Go! my dearest
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Dankowski" <jwdtw@yahoo.com>
To: "Harrya’ae????" <doggyharry@seed.net.tw>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: ?å??é¨?½æ????¼å????ä?æ¡ä??享

> You are so diligent (ren zhen, nu li), especially
> in computers, photography and even in learing
> Japanese.  I, too, always try to  increase my
> knowdledge, and the Space Center job surely keeps
> me doing that.  Yesterday we launched another
> Space Shuttle (maybe it was on TV there), and we
> had lasrge crowds, and my job was to explain it
> to them.
> --- Harryæ´ªè???? <doggyharry@seed.net.tw> wrote:
>> Dear John: Do our effort to work is most
>> important, I am before a successful R& D
>> engineer, Owing to sick, force me to retire
>> unwillingly, but I begin my e-mail job, then
>> skype, msn, blogs work etc, this learning route
>> I make many friends from different countries,
>> most important one is Fumiko, She teaches me
>> Japanese about 4 years, I am curious about new
>> things I don't know, I am enjoy learning, the
>> skill or knowledge may be someday, my most
>> important job, Charity teaching can use them,
>> please send my best regard to all your family
>>            Harry 2007. 10. 24
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: John Dankowski
>>   To: Harrya???e?ea?
>>   Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:51 AM
>>   Subject: Re: ?Ã¥??é¨?½æ
>> ¼?¼å????ä?æ¡ä??享
>>   Harry, you certainly have become a computer
>> expert.  Congratulations!  I'm still mostly
>> doing only E mail, but, because oif my work, I
>> don't have much time to do all the clever
>> things with photography and images and so on.
>>   Harryæ´ªè?èª?<doggyharry@seed.net.tw>
>> wrote:
>>     ï»?lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
>> HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>>     ?­å????¦Ã??,???¨Â???šæº¢?????
> ¼ä¸»æ?ä¸??¹Ã¨â???¤ÂºÂ?,?Ÿè?????¥â???????·ç?è¨???????è¦????????è?,?Ÿåº¦å¿«é??Ȍ??µä»¶,彼此äº???§â?ºÂ????°Ã¥â?¹Â?,??????責中?±æ??¸å¯«,ä½
> Ã¥??ªå®¹è¨±æ??ºÂ¸Ã¥Â¯Â«Ã¤Â¸Â????¡Ã????????,??????????????ºÃ§â????½æ¦®ç´??¦â?ºÂ´Ã¥Â¤Å¡Ã¤Â¸Â??±æ???????,å°??¡Ã¥Â??????©è??·å??°Ã¤Â¸â????,???????¥æ??????¹Ã¤ÂºÂ?,?Ȍ??µä»¶?¸å¯«,å°??¡Ã??度è???????°ç??????¦Ã??,????¥â??????滿使?½æ?,?????å°±æ?,å¸????網路?Žé????,也è????¾å??°Ã©Â¡Å¾Ã¤Â¼Â??????æ¡????!
>>     Harry
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