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2014/02/21 09:06:29瀏覽223|回應0|推薦0 | |
若安排於假日參訪,除參訪單位沒有上班外,接待之學長姊 或是其員工 都需要加班來
佳君 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 台北市國立成功大學校友會 秘書:許麗華 / 謝佳君小姐 台北成大校友會臉書粉絲團: <http://www.facebook.com/pages/台北成大校友會
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From: Harry 洪誌誠 [mailto:doggyharry@seed.net.tw]
From: Harry <mailto:doggyharry@seed.net.tw> 洪誌誠 Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 7:49 PM To: George Chen <mailto:george@infwing.com> Subject: Re: Harry's positive thinking &Japanese Lesson
From: George Chen <mailto:george@infwing.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:23 AM To: Harry <mailto:doggyharry@seed.net.tw> 洪誌誠 Subject: RE: Harry's positive thinking &Japanese Lesson
加油! 學長! 3/7我們去東北角玩!
InfiniWing Inc. George Chen 陳正修 _____ 寄件者: Harry 洪誌誠 [doggyharry@seed.net.tw] (A)Harry suffer mania& depression about 20 years, Even do our effort to find so work 25 years, unwillingly to retire, my favorite R&D work, this time doctor said a new medicine can prevent , I always doctor's test I definite to cure this bothering disease, This time use new medicine , to just 41days longer, but suffer time extend 37 days, 13 days longer, Make me I don't know when will recover? My conclusion give up struggling, accept the
Cherish save time to do useful work&and activies, If sick come again , God let me more rest, good old friends will gather around me, I will never (B)Japanese Lesson start from 2/21Fumiko san 8:30~9:30 Pm Sakuo san & Fumiko san Monday get rest _____
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