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[ NATURE REPUBLIC ] 性質共和國具蟹足腫體質夢幻 70 乳液 150 ml
2017/07/21 21:43:54瀏覽98|回應0|推薦0

[ NATURE REPUBLIC ] 性質共和國具蟹足腫體質夢幻 70 乳液 150 ml

[ NATURE REPUBLIC ] 性質共和國具蟹足腫體質夢幻 70 乳液 150 ml, Korean, 化妝品 , NATURE REPUBLIC, 81478-JP, , koreanmall




Nature Republic Collagen Dream 70 Emulsion helps to keep your skin moist, elastic and healthy. It is enriched with 70% marine collagen and

Acai berries. Marine collagen is known as the best source of collagen for human skin and helps reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and

fine lines. As a bonus effect, the Acai Berry extracts contain Vitamin E which is an effective anti-oxidant with unique properties that work to

make your skin look and feel younger.


[How to use]

After your basic skin care routine, gently spread the Collagen Dream 70 Emulsion over your face. Gently massage for optimal product

absorption. For best results, use product after applying Collagen Dream 70 Essence.







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[ NATURE REPUBLIC ] 性質共和國具蟹足腫體質夢幻 70 乳液 150 ml

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