英文常用成語翻譯:1. 鐵石心腸 cruel and unrelenting 2. 置死地而後生 a vigorous and manly exertion 3. 千秋功業 a great undertaking of lasting importance ... 璣ゅ盽ノΘ粂陆亩: 1. 臟ホみ竮 cruel and unrelenting 2. 竚 τ ネ a vigorous and manly exertion 3. ...
中國成語翻譯---> 4劃 不告而別 to take French leave 不要不自量力 Don't put a quarter into a pint pot. 不要厚此薄彼 Don't make fish of one and flesh of another. 不畏艱難 Take the bull by the horns. 不戰而屈人之兵 The supreme art of war is to subdue the ...