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[ LANEIGE ] Two-Tone Laneige 唇列 2 G 1 紫紅色 Muse
2017/07/28 07:28:24瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0

[ LANEIGE ] Two-Tone Laneige 唇列 2 G 1 紫紅色 Muse

[ LANEIGE ] Two-Tone Laneige 唇列 2 G 1 紫紅色 Muse, Korean, 化妝品 , LANEIGE, 73889-JP, , koreanmall

Two-Tone Laneige 唇列 2 G 1 紫紅色 Muse



Color combination gives attractive looking lips. Diagonal cut and soft texture gives natural gradation. Artistic Shape: chic square & sliding shape Dispersion technique gives clean lip application. Color pigment gives clear and bright color.








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[ LANEIGE ] Two-Tone Laneige 唇列 2 G 1 紫紅色 Muse

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