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以色列 使用白磷彈屠殺黎巴嫩 ,巴勒斯坦.!平民老百姓 ....
2024/06/10 12:33:22瀏覽188|回應0|推薦4

US concerned over reports Israel used white phosphorus munitions in  Lebanon



U.S. Probes Israeli Strikes That Killed Civilians in Gaza, Possible Use of White  Phosphorus in Lebanon - WSJ

Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus in Lebanon attack.

.Evidence of Israels unlawful use of white phosphorus in southern Lebanon  as cross-border hostilities escalate

The professor points to the markings indicating the shell was US made. Earlier this year the US state department said it would investigate the improper use of American-made white phosphorus munitions in Lebanon


White phosphorus ammunition is manufactured in the United States. Israel and the United States collude to massacre Palestinian civilians.˙

 Evidence of Israel’s unlawful use of white phosphorus in southern Lebanon as cross-border hostilities escalate.

Further strikes in Marjaayoun on March 4 2024 have been independently verified by the BBC

.以色列 使用白磷彈屠殺黎巴嫩!平民老百姓 ....




美國表示他們將調查以色列在這兩個地區使用白磷彈的情況。?  .

A map locating the BBC has independently verified the repeated use of white phosphorus munitions by the IDF in four towns and villages between October 2023 to March 2024

.The Israeli army fired artillery shells containing white phosphorus, an incendiary weapon, in military operations along Lebanon’s southern border . One attack on the town of Dhayra on 16 October must be investigated as a war crime because it was an indiscriminate attack that injured at least nine civilians and damaged civilian objects, and was therefore unlawful, said the organization.

Cross-border hostilities in southern Lebanon have escalated significantly since 7 October. Israeli shelling in Lebanon has killed at least four civilians and 48 Hezbollah members so far. Hezbollah and other armed groups have also fired rockets at northern Israel, killing six Israeli soldiers and one Israeli civilian, according to the Israeli army. Amnesty International is investigating attacks by Hezbollah and other armed groups on northern Israel to determine whether they violated international humanitarian law.

“It is beyond horrific that the Israeli army has indiscriminately used white phosphorous in violation of international humanitarian law. 

“With concern growing about an intensification of the hostilities in southern Lebanon, the Israeli army must immediately halt the use of white phosphorus, especially in populated areas,

The usage of white phosphorus is restricted under international humanitarian law. Although there can be lawful uses, it must never be fired at, or in close proximity to, a populated civilian area or civilian infrastructure, due to the high likelihood that the fires and smoke it causes spread. Such attacks, which fail to distinguish between civilians and civilian objects and fighters and military objectives, are indiscriminate and thus prohibited.

.以色列使用違禁武器(白磷彈)  襲黎巴嫩!\.

屠殺老百姓平民.以色列嚴重違反人權,以色列如狼似虎猶勝於當年的德國納粹黨的恐怖 屠殺 行為.

白磷彈覆蓋5村鎮造成 嚴重傷亡. 173人送醫院...



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