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TOEIC OG6 R2 句子結構分析之二
2023/02/11 19:50:04瀏覽575|回應0|推薦1

句子結構:各子句 (clause) 在整個句子  (sentence) 的角色

1.      Aliflora, Inc., grows fifty varieties of roses commercially < and > is now the second largest exporter in the region.

本句結構為一個主詞,後接兩個由對等連接詞 and 連結的動詞字組,屬於單一句 (simple sentence)


2.      Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, < so > it would be best to arrive no later than 11:00 A.M.

本句為兩個對等子句,由對等連接詞 so 相連,屬於合併句 (compound sentence)


3.      < Because > the boardroom is being painted, the meeting will be held in the conference room on the fourth floor.

本句由主要子句 (the meeting will be held…) 搭配解釋原因的從屬子句 (because the boardroom is being painted) 相連而成,屬於複雜句 (complex sentence)



4.      Avoid placing the digital scale near a source of excessive heat, < as > this may damage sensitive electronic components.

類似上一題,本句也是由說明原因的副詞子句 (as this may damage…components) 搭配主要子句而成的複雜句結構。


5.      < Ever since > Mr. Derrick joined the staff, the board has been praising the marketing team for its excellent results.

本句的副詞子句,說明的是主要子句 has been praising 發生的時間


6.      < Although > the new computers are arriving next week, no plans have been made to dispose of the old ones.


although 引導的副詞子句,其功能在文法書中稱為 concession (讓步)


7.      Formal business attire is required in the office, < while > more casual dress is allowed in the workshop.

從屬子句 (while more casual dress is allowed…) 功能類似上一題的 although-子句,而更進一步表示兩子句提及的內容是相反的、直接面對面的,兩者何為主、何為從,端看表達者的想法。所以本句是將重點放在 formal business attire is required in the office,另順帶一提 more casual dress is allowed in the workshop


8.      < If > you have any questions about Maxim Corporation’s services, please visit our Web site.



9.      A fine of $200 will be imposed upon any drivers < who > park illegally downtown during the holiday parade.

本句的從屬子句 (who park illegally…) 點出了是哪一類的 drivers 會受罰,算是修飾名詞的形容詞,所以稱做形容詞子句,或關係子句。


10.    The leadership conference will take place in Lanesville, < which > is about 50 miles from downtown Seattle and easily accessible by car or train.

這裡的從屬子句 (which is…) 修飾、闡明名詞 Lanesville,也是形容詞功能。

請注意該子句中有兩個補語 (… 50 miles from … Seattle 以及 … accessible by car or train),由對等連接詞 and 連結。


11.    Unlike traditional book publishers, P-Gram Books focuses exclusively on producing audio books < that > can be downloaded from the Internet.

從屬子句 (that can be downloaded …) 也是修飾前方名詞 audio books 的形容詞子句。

置於句首的的介係詞 unlike,引導了與主詞 P-Gram Books 做對比的內容。


12.    Mr. Winthrop is a dynamic, determined, < and > articulate person < who > will succeed in sales < even though > he has limited experience in this area of business.

本句有兩個從屬子句,其一 (who will succeed …) 為形容詞子句,修飾前方名詞 person;其二 (even though he has limited experience …) 為副詞子句,表示讓步,也就是前途雖看好 (will succeed),但現實狀況 (has limited experience) 並不利。

此外,主要子句有三個修飾 person 的形容詞,由 and 連結。


13.    Mr. Lee takes his job more seriously < than > his predecessor did.

than 連接了相比的雙方 (Mr. Lee takes his job seriously 以及 his predecessor took the job seriously),句子結構上類似於對等連接的合併句 (參看 2),請比較下列改寫:

Mr. Lee takes his job seriously, and his predecessor did not take the job as seriously.


14.    Mr. Uemura declined to comment on rumors about < how many medicines > the drug manufacturer had in development.

從屬子句 (how many medicines the drug manufacturer had …) 為介係詞 about 的受詞部分,發揮了名詞的功能,所以稱為名詞子句


15.    Mobile phones have become so prevalent < that > telecommunications companies are establishing service in areas previously thought too remote.

本句主要部分陳述了原因 (mobile phones have become … prevalent),從屬部分說明帶來的結果 (telecommunications companies are establishing service …)。使用的連接詞為 so…that,其中 so 本身為副詞,意思是如此地that 為連接詞,本身無意義,配合前方的 so,可解釋為以至於


16.    Please note < that > products ordered from Herb Emporium Online will not be shipped < until > full payment is received.

從屬子句 (that products … will not be shipped) 為動詞 note 的受詞,是為名詞子句。

另一個從屬子句 (until full payment is received) 說明 will not be shipped 延續的時間有多久,是表時間的副詞子句。

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