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The Heart Is Slow To Learn, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
2007/11/15 06:21:37瀏覽827|回應0|推薦16

當代第一抒情女高音: 柯裡‧卡納娃( Dame Kiri Te Kanawa) 


1944年3月6日出生於紐西蘭奧克蘭,在倫敦歌劇中心接受音樂教育並師從羅莎(Vera Rozsa),1969年在倫敦康登音樂節以羅西尼歌劇《湖上少女》第一次站上歌劇舞台,1970年在倫敦柯芬園演唱華格納《帕西法爾》中的小角色,第一次真正飾演主角是1971年的莫札特《費加洛婚禮》「伯爵夫人」。在1981年查理王子與黛安娜的婚禮上,卡娜娃受查理王子邀請在婚禮上獻唱。卡娜娃擅長詮釋抒情女高音的劇碼,包括莫札特、威爾第與理查‧史特勞斯的作品,也錄製過伯恩斯坦《西城故事》,英國皇室在1982年授予卡娜娃女爵爵位。
Singing live in Royal Albert Hall
"The Heart Is Slow To Learn"

the heart is slow to learn
the heart is slow to learn
these feelings that i feel
are foolish but their real
i'm wise enough to see this love will never be
i'd try to let us know theres still no letting go

i know it's mad and you won't return
but still as i have said
the heart is slow to learn

i'll never love as i have loved you
why is love crule i wish i knew
say whatyou willit does'nt matter
untill i die there's only you
untill i die there's only you

the heart is slow to learn
the heart is slow to learn
you'd think there would be a way
to shut out yesterday
perhaps if i just thought
of all the times we fought
i'd try to let us know theres still no letting go

i know it's mad and you won't return
but then as i have said the heat is slow to learn

i'll never love as i have loved you
why is love crule i wish i knew
say what you will it does'nt matter
untill i die theres only you
untill i die theres only you
the heart is slow to learn


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