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超級偉大的時代來臨了! Keshe簡介:凱史基金會及多項偉大新科技 引力和磁場的解密, 自由能源,疾病將遠離...
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2014/03/21 13:56 瀏覽1,304 迴響2 推薦3 引用0 Keshe基金會給世界各國的U盤--公開  人人可下載(請大量傳播)

各位親愛的主流媒體,有良知良心的記者先生小姐們~好膽你就來報導!Fox三條線 (天大的消息吶..tsk tsk, 都把「愛台灣」卦咀上?!) 這是keshe基金會給世界各國的u盤,現在可以讓每一個人自由下載地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jG1EU70 (一共13個壓縮包) 海外網盤 https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=bf45c90b2b044660&id=BF45C90B2B044660!137&ithint=folder,.rar&authkey=!AFAmO1xmRy2YY2Y

關於此u盤的背景說明 http://cloudvlab.org/post/81.html

感謝:Jack分享 悅 分享 關於凱史基金會的重要信息! 凱史(KS)科技2012年贈與多國政府的科技U盤已經由台灣凱史科技團隊公佈 發佈日期:2014-3-15 下午4:51(歐洲中部時間) 2014-3-15 晚上10:51(北京時間) 發佈人:MTKeshe 翻譯者:FREE_SIN 原文地址: http://forum.keshefoundation.org/forum/keshe-official/32016-the-content-of-usb-stick-of-2012-has-been-released-to-public-by-taiwanese-kf-group

The content of USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group Yesterday, 04:51 PM 2012年贈與多國政府的U盤內容已經由台灣凱史基金會團隊向大眾公佈 We have been informed by the Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group, according to our request, that they have today released the full contents of the USB stick given to governments of the world in 2012, which has been given to them by their government.

根據我們的請求,台灣凱史基金會團隊已經通知我們(凱史基金會)他們今天釋放了由台灣政府轉給他們的U盤當中的全部內容,該U盤在2012年已經贈與了全世界政府。 The content of the USB stick was released to selected people around the world as per our wish today first that it could not be blocked by others.

像我們每一個人所期望的那樣U盤內容已經被首先公佈給了被選中的全世界的普通人民,這樣這項科技將不會被其他少數人封鎖起來。 From today the knowledge for production of free food, health systems, materials, energy and motion is fully given and delivered to human race, unconditionally and as gift from us to humanity.

從今天起生產免費的食物生產,健康醫療系統,材料、能源乃至交通的知識已經完全的被贈與和傳遞到了人類種族,無條件的並且作為一個禮物從我們傳遞到人類。 We hope now this stops all the wars and conflicts as now you have enough to create enough food, energy, motion, all materials and keep the man healthy through the health patents released anywhere in the universe, which has never been disclosed before.

我們希望現在這個知識將停止所有的戰爭和衝突,如同你現在已經擁有了足夠的知識去創造足夠食物、能源、交通、所有的材料並且伴隨著健康專利的釋放將使人類在宇宙任何位置的都能保持健康,這些是以前從未被公開的。 Now we are not the only group or organisation, which through simple systems can save the life of the man from any illness on this planet and beyond.

現在我們並不僅僅是一個組織團隊,通過簡單的系統就能將這個星球上的人叢疾病中拯救回來,而且已經超越了這一點。 Now you can help yourselves with all your medical, food, materials, motion and energy which you might need through development of these simple systems.

 現在你能通過發展這些簡單的系統, 在你們自己的醫療、食物、材料、交通和能源領域進行幫助。 Our mission is complete.

 我們的任務已經完成了 Through our workshops we will teach you all the methods of the production and use of all systems.

通過我們的研討會, 我們將教會你們所有的生產方法, 並且使用所有的系統。 Now the health program of the Foundation through the patents which have not been disclosed before, through the release of the USB stick content by Taiwanese government to public they have become the world population intellectual right property.

現在台灣政府通過向大眾公佈U盤內的科技, 之前未被揭的專利基金會醫療項目已經變成了世界人民的知識產權。 We thank the government of Taiwan and the honesty of the Keshe Foundation team in this country for sharing their gained information with the rest of humanity.

我們向台灣政府和凱史基金會團隊的真誠在這個地區向其他人類分享了他們獲得的信息表示感謝。 This link has been provided by Taiwanese Keshe F foundation group for all the content of the USB stick. 這個包含所有U盤內科技的下載鏈接由台灣凱史基金會團隊所提供


 (外網原地址下載鏈接,更新鏈接) http://pan.baidu.com/disk/home#dir/path=/ (內網百度云盤快速下載, 文件夾 凱史基金會 內所有資料) 資料大小:1.64GB 百度網盤


 We advise you to spread this documents as fast as you can to as many people and groups that the human race starts the new cycle of developments all together on equal oppertunity and fair chance

. 我們建議你盡快傳播這份文件到儘可能多人們和團隊手中 那樣人類種族將在公平的和合理的機會條件在一起開始新的發展循環。 I thank all our supporters around the world and hope you find peace and prosperity with this disclosure.

我感謝我們在全世界的支持者, 並希望你們通過這項科技的公開, 找到和平與繁榮。 Please do not forget that these documents carries the world peace treaty paper, Sign yourself to it, that you never use this new knowledge to harm no one and use the information and technologies within these patents and blue prints and what to be gained from them, for peace and prosperous society for human-race and those beyond the boundaries of this planet.

請不要忘記的是這些文件裡(含有的科技)支持著世界和平條約, 請在世界和平條約上籤上你自己的名字, 那樣你將永遠不會用這些新的知識去傷害任何人, 並且使用含在這些專利裡的信息和技術, 為了人類種族的和平和繁榮的社會的藍圖獲得他們, 為了這一目標超越這個星球上的國界線。 感謝:free-sin翻譯 參照文章:【震撼】終於!自由能源時代拉開序幕~Keshe公佈之前給各國政府的新能源科技內容 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

以下是Keshe博士和台灣團隊之間的一些通信內容。 Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 11:52 AM Hi all, Here is a link you can share containing your files, I have already made the link public on our Facebook page. http://projectcamelotportal.com/cloud/data/public/03024c.php (各位鄉親父老兄弟姊妹大家好, 這個就是可以分享你的(自由能源)打包文件的鏈接,我也已經在我們的「面子簿」Facebook頁面上公開鏈接了。) I am sharing the files using our new internal cloud system, so we do not have to worry about anyone making the files unavailable, except of-course if they pull the plug on our entire server, however that is very doubtful as it would cause major hysteria in the media community. (我使用新內部雲端系統分享文件,所以我們不必擔心任何人破壞分享的文件並使之無法使用,除非他們拔除我們整個的伺服器,但是這是不太可能的,因為這將導致网絡媒體集體歇斯底里。) All the best, Tommy ------From: keshe Foundation To: Weng Fernando Cc: jc20031212; Rick Crammond ; Deva Priya ; Vince Roncalio ; Sterling Allan ; Kerry Cassidy Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2014 2:36 AM Subject: Re: Keshe Foundation: Questions from Taiwan Dear all, Please release these documents across the web and do not keep it to yourselves, on all kf channels, youtube, twitter and so forth, under the title of the USB stick given to government is released to public or something like this. Ask all members to do so too. Now everyone has all the knowledge for food, health, motion, material power and so forth. We have finally broken the shackles of the control of science. I thank you all. My life is in serious danger and these could be the last correspondence we will exchange. But stay correct and share correct the knowledge. They have planed a long solidity imprison or assassination. This will be the will of god. I have shared all knowledge and will do as long as I am free and alive. Thank you for your all cooperation and work. We will go live with the lab work that while we can and record the process and show all. Yours faithfully, M T Keshe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 3:25 AM, Weng Fernando wrote: Dear Mr. Keshe, I put the data in OneDrive, link as follows https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=BF45C90B2B044660!137&authkey=!AFAmO1xmRy2YY2Y&ithint=folder%2c.rar [1.64 Gb zip file] [Please use mirror sites, due to high traffic] Sorry to be late due to my slow network. Moreover, please check the data if there's missed. I get the data contains in CD disc, not the original USB stick. I am not sure the content is identical to that in the USB. Best regards, Ray Weng 20140315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:46:08 +0100 Subject: Re: Keshe Foundation: Questions from Taiwan From: mtkeshe To: fernandoweng Dear Mr Weng since we are arranged to talk next week, I request from you please if you have the USB content from your government, please release all content of USB stick on the net and send a copy to the following names on the cc list that they can do so to. Yours faithfully M T Keshe ------------------------------------------------------- From: Tommy A Hansen Cc: Weng Fernando ; Sterling Allan ; Kerry Cassidy ; keshe Foundation ; Rick Crammond ; Deva Priya ; Vince Roncalio Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 11:22 AM Subject: Re: Keshe Foundation: Questions from Taiwan Hi again everyone, Here is the first mirror of the (latest) file archive. http://projectcamelotportal.com/cloud/data/public/48a5e3.php





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