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[ 美國原裝 ] Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)
2017/01/20 16:55:45瀏覽20|回應0|推薦0
Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)

Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)心得


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Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)商品



Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)價格



而且~~~ 24小時就宅配到府,真的讓我買

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Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)


Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)介紹

  • All Natural Homeopathic
  • Fast Pain Relief
  • Soothing
  • Reduces Swelling
  • Safe for Use with Other Rx Medicine
  • Doctor Recommended
Strong enough for adults, gentle enough for children.

Homeopathy is a natural approach to medicine that works without contraindications (interference with other medications you may be taking) or side effects, to stimulate the body's curative responses so that the body heals itself.

Natural antimicrobial products derived from plant sources, are proving to be potent preventatives, treatments, and stimulants of the body's natural immune system, without the side-effects of many modern pharmaceutical drugs and are less susceptible to potency loss as a result of mutation by bacteria strains. The safe and effected relief of earache pain can be accomplished with natural ingredients.


  • A homeopathic combination for the temporary relief of earaches, inflammation of external and internal ear.
  • 佛跳牆
  • For the temporary relief of earaches from congestion or swelling of middle ear or eustachian tubes.
  • Warm up bottle by gently rolling it between your hands before use.
  • Tilt head sideways and replace 2 to 3 drops into ear. Tip of applicator should not enter ear canal.
  • Repeat 2-3 times/day for up to 4 days if needed, or as directed by your health care professional.
For external use

Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Does not require refrigeration.
  • Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children. Before use with children under 3 years of age, or if you are pregnant or nursing, seek the advice of your health care professional.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • If symptoms persist for more than 4 days, or if there is discharge from the ear or perforation, discontinue use and contact your health care professional.
  • In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. All the ingredients are edible but this is not intended for internal use.
Active Ingredients Purpose
Aconitum napellus 6X

Belladonna 3X

Chamomilla 6X

Kali mur 3X

Plantago major 3X

Verbascum 6X
Relieves earache, hot, painful, swollen ear

Relieves Otitis media, throbbing deep ear pain

Relieves earache, soreness, swelling, otalgia

Relieves chronic catarrahal conditions of middle ear

Relieves earache, neuralgic earache, otalgia

Relieves catarrhs, otalgia with sense of obstruction
Inactive Ingredients: Grapefruit Seed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, USP Purified water【四季甘霞色】~紅燒魚丁




Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)商品



Seagate, 耳痛治療, 1/2 fl oz (15ml)商品

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