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【活動產品】AeroMoov 簡易便攜旅行床 春節送禮推薦人氣商品排行榜
2019/01/05 08:18:11瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0

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Aeromoov Travel Cot Instant精選優惠特賣 設計式樣: Grey rock · 2018

Fast set up as well as versatile and innovative features - these are the main characteristics of this unique travel cot by Aeromoov which meets the strictest safety standards.

This lightweight, compact travel cot which features a weight of less than 5 kg is easy to take with you wherever you go. At home, in the garden, on travels, in the park or on the beach - no matter where you are, the Aeromoov travel cot meets all requirements of parents and child on the highest level. In the first place, mom and dad benefit from the instant set up via pop-up function as well as from the travel cot's compact size. It has never been easier to set up a travel cot - setting up and dismantling it is done in only 2 seconds so that your child can relax, sleep or play. Afterwards, it can be folded to a compact, flat size and stored easily in the storage bag.

Due to the two-level construction團購熱門商品限時下殺, your child can sleep on the intermediate level up to an age of three months. The lower section features two convenient openings for the feet which ensure a back-friendly position while putting your child into the bed and lifting him out again. Later on, the lower level serves as a place to sleep or as a playpen. Featuring a resting area of 110 x 60 cm which is suitable for your child up to an age of 4 years, s/he is provided with plenty of space to feel comfortable.

The delivery includes a two-piece mattress made of high-quality PU foam, which can be used on the upper as well as on the lower level. Tip - if your child is suffering from reflux during the first few weeks, simply double-fold the mattress so that your child's head is elevated and s/he is prevented from throwing up their last meal.

Functional and super convenient - the bottom of the travel cot is waterproof, one headboard is closed and thus protecting your child from wind and light and the other side is open thanks to the mesh insert. That way, you can monitor your child and your little one will feel comfortable too when mom and dad can be seen.

Other accessories for this travel cot which are available in our online shop are the sunshade, mosquito net and the fitted sheet. That way, you will always be well-equipped for all activities with your little one.


  • Suitable from birth and up

  • Available in different designs

  • Incl. high-quality two-piece PU foam mattress, suitable for both levels

  • Quick set up within 2 seconds

  • Compact folded size incl. carrying bag

  • 2 levels: base (up to 4 years) and intermediate level/ cradle (from birth up to 3 months)

  • Convenient foot openings, waterproof bottom, protection from wind and light, mesh inserts are open for permanent eye contact

  • Dimensions bed: 130 x 92 x 63 cm (LxWxH); sleeping area: 110 x 60 cm (LxW); cradle: 80 x 60 cm (LxW)

  • Weight: less than 5 kg




AeroMoov 簡易便攜旅行床





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這家企業超大方 中國旺旺上市10年 淨利6成分股東

中國旺旺 (0151-HK) 雖然近幾年的業績有所下滑,但公司一直在堅持分紅。其發佈的年報顯示,截至 2018 年 3 月 31 日,15 個月期間旺旺的派息總額為 3.877 億美元,折合人民幣為 24.732 億元。

據 Choice 統計顯示,自 2008 年至 2017 年,旺旺營收合計人民幣 2036 億元;實現淨利潤合計 337 億元;而這 10 年來,旺旺總共向投資者分紅人民幣 214.67 億元,也就是說,公司將 10 年淨利潤的 60% 以上用來回報股東

近幾年旺旺業績並不理想,但還願意分紅給投資人,讓業界津津樂道。首農電商 CEO 李志起接受《證券日報》採訪時表示,從投資者角度來看,一家樂於分享紅利、回報股東的企業是負責任的企業。


旺旺尚未公佈今年第二季財報,從今年 6 月份公佈的截至今年 3 月底的 15 個月的年度財報來看,在報告期內,公司營收為人民幣 248.54 億元,年增 26.1%;淨利為 31.15 億元,年減 6.6%;毛利率為 43.1%,年降 4.4%。

旺旺一直在為多元化發展和轉型做努力。除了推出新產品之外,旺旺也在借助 IP 推新品進行行銷。例如與好萊塢動畫電影《神奇馬戲團》合作,推出電影同款家族餅乾。

與此同時,中國旺旺管層也透過增持傳遞公司信心,8 月以來,公司董事長蔡衍明一直在增持公司股份。資料顯示,8 月 15 日至 8 月 27 日,旺旺集團董事長蔡衍明連續 9 個交易日增持旺旺股份,總價值達到港幣 1.6598 億元。

在增持效應下,中國旺旺股價自 8 月 16 日的最低港幣 5.7 元一路走高,於 8 月 28 日走出港幣 6.86 元的高價,昨 (29) 日收報港幣 6.54 元,截至今 (30) 日發稿,跌 0.306%,報港幣 6.52 元。

AeroMoov 簡易便攜旅行床

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