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2017/02/20 08:32:11瀏覽57|回應0|推薦0


▲脊錐有點涼涼der...。(圖/翻攝ohshima_moa IG,下同)








ADEPT: Meetings will be attended by sub-committees comprised of 75 professionals, including legal experts, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan saidBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterThe Presidential Office’s preparatory committee for judicial reform is to have group discussions once every two weeks starting on Feb. 20, which will culminate with a national affairs conference on judicial reform that is expected to take place in June and be presided over by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), the office said yesterday.The group discussions will be attended by five sub-committees that consist of 75 professionals in total, including 35 judicial and legal experts and 40 non-legal practitioners, Presidential Office spokesperson Chang Wen-lan (張文蘭) said.“The delegates will be nominated by their peers from jurisprudential and legal fields, with 10 delegates from prosecutors, 10 from court judges, 10 from lawyers, and five from law school academics and professors,” Chang told a news conference at the Presidential Office yesterday afternoon.“The process has been under way for the past two months, soliciting and consulting opinions from the public and the judiciary. We have received about 1,000 suggestions for judicial reform, which were compiled and consolidated into a list of 20 major issues that has been published on the Presidential Office’s Web site,” said the preparatory committee’s deputy executive secretary Lin Feng-cheng, a consultative member of the National Security Council who also attended the news conference.The major issues will serve as the basis of discussion for the five sub-committees at the committee’s biweekly discussion meeting, Lin said, adding that although each sub-committee is expected to hold six discussion sessions in the course of three months, more meetings could be arranged depending on the complexity of the issues they cover.The five sub-committees are responsible for five different areas: protection of victims and disadvantaged people in society; establishment of a fair, trustworthy and professional judicial system; establishment of an efficient and accountable judicial system; establishment of a transparent and inclusive judicial system; and safeguarding social security, according to the office.The committee is scheduled to hold its last meeting on Feb. 13 to finalize the list of participants and topics of discussion.Separately yesterday, Minister of Justice Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) said the public has demanded better governance and accountability from the government after it took office in May last year, while civil servants have been facing increasing challenges.“The justice ministry have brought together several top members of our judicial system and hope they would provide suggestions at the pending national affairs conference on pension reform,” Chiu said, adding that the ministry has a responsibility in upholding the rule of law, promoting democratic development and safeguarding human rights.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES銀行機車貸款

(中央社墨爾本26日綜合外電報導)美國網球天后小威廉絲今天在澳網4強阻斷巴羅尼的奇幻之旅。決賽將上演睽違8年、大小威在大滿貫賽的超夢幻對決,若拍落姊姊大威,小威將破紀錄奪下生涯第23座大滿貫金盃,也將重登球后。 所向披靡的小威(Serena Williams)實力慓悍,大勝34歲克羅埃西亞非種子老將巴羅尼(MirjanaLucic-Baroni),僅花50分鐘就以6比2、6比1直落二,輕鬆擊潰巴羅尼,闖進澳洲網球公開賽決賽。 小威將力爭澳網第7座后冠,若在和大威廉絲的姊妹內戰中勝出,她將超越德國女將「玉羅剎」葛拉芙(Steffi Graf)在公開賽時代所創的22冠非凡紀錄。 小威不願談到最終是否可能打破葛拉芙的紀錄,但這是她在網壇確立個人歷史紀錄的絕佳機會。若贏得金盃,小威也將從德國女將柯貝(Angelique Kerber)手中搶回去年底被篡的球后寶座。 小威的姊姊大威今天4強賽也傳來捷報,在輸掉首盤但連翻後2盤,以6比7(3/7)、6比2、6比3拍掉同胞范德維奇(Coco Vandeweghe),決賽將上演姊妹鬩牆戲碼。 大小威精彩對決將在28日登場,這將是她們在相隔8年後第9度在大滿貫賽決賽碰頭,小威至今贏面大很多,戰績6勝2負。 小威說:「我沒看(大威)比賽,我非常以她為傲,她是我的啟發、我的大姊。」 小威接著說:「她是我的世界,我的生命、我的一切。我們倆都打進決賽,我非常開心。對我們來說,這是最大的夢想成真。」(譯者:中央社蔡佳伶)1060126
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