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2012/06/18 16:06:40瀏覽820|回應3|推薦40 | |
TO:CNN NEWS,BBC NEWS,NHK NEWS..... 15 June 2012 擋下" 美牛下等感言 " 柯建銘 Bian Shi Ker說:馬等著被歷史鞭屍今天我要用中英文來向全世界人類傳達中華民國美麗寶島台灣的立法院 柯建銘 " Ker Bian Shi "再度要鞭屍現任“總統”馬英九的天地不容下等無恥之言, 天地先鞭你們! 中評社台北6月15日電/經過在野黨持續5天霸佔主席台,“立法院”今(15)日傍晚6點終於結束這個會期,執政黨力推的美牛案無法順利闖關。民進黨“立 院”黨團總召柯建銘表示,在野陣營奮戰120小時,終於擋下美牛案闖關,具有時代意義。柯建銘痛批“總統”馬英九,企圖將黑手伸進“國會”破壞憲政體制, 因此不需再眷戀歷史定位,“他只能等著被歷史鞭屍”。 newtalk報道,由民進黨、親民黨及台灣團結聯盟組成的在野聯盟,5天來持續霸佔議場主席台杯葛美牛案通過,抗爭行動終於在今天傍晚6時劃下句點,國民黨“立法委員”撤離議場,留下主席台上守了5天的在野黨“立委”,他們高呼“台灣人民加油”以為慶祝。 柯建銘在院會結束後表示,3黨用堅定的毅力奮戰120小時,終於完成了阻擋美牛案的目標,堪稱“立法院”最長的對立抗爭,具有時代意義。他強調,在野黨佔領主席台、夜宿“立院”,目的是為人民行使抵抗權,捍衛民眾的健康、也捍衛“國會”的尊嚴。 柯建銘認為,“立院”本會期至今只通過11個法案,歸咎原因就是因為“總統”企圖把手伸進“國會”,破壞憲政體制。他也警告馬英九,不可以用行政命令方式開放美牛,因為美牛開放需“國會”認可是朝野共識,否則馬英九除了不需期待歷史定位,更會遭到歷史的鞭屍。 親民黨團總召李桐豪則說,親民黨始終站在人民這邊,捍衛民眾的健康安全,雖然對議程無法進行感到遺憾,但仍期待朝野政黨下個會期能化干戈為玉帛,為美牛案等爭議議題找到解決之道。 台聯黨團總召許忠信批評,由於馬英九將黑手伸進“國會”,因此在野黨才必須用激烈方式抵抗,他呼籲馬英九能尊重“國會”自主,也感謝“立法院長”王金平維持中立角色,包容在野黨替人民把關的行為。 民進黨團書記長潘孟安強調,未來在野陣營將持續監督美牛案,將堅持不讓民眾食用瘦肉精美牛。最後所有在場在野“立委”一起高呼“台灣人民加油”,連旁聽的記者席也發出掌聲,為5天的日夜抗爭劃下句點。 TO:CNN NEWS,BBC NEWS,NHK NEWS... Block U.S. beef reflections Ker Chien - ming: " President Ma " waiting to be historical " denounced Stalin " From http://www.chinareviewnews.com 2012-06-15 20:36:34 DPP's "Legislative Yuan"parliamentary leader Ker Chien-ming speech in 15 June 2012 in Taiwan,ROC and his new name is also call " Bian Shi ker " The agency Taipei, June 15 / can not smoothly pass through the opposition parties continued to occupy the podium in five days, "Legislative Yuan" today (15) 6:00 evening finally ended this period, the ruling party pushing the U.S. beef case. DPP's "Legislative Yuan" parliamentary leader Ker Chien-ming said that the opposition camp fighting 120 hours, finally Dangxia the U.S. beef case checkpoints epochal significance. Ker Chien - ming criticized "President" Ma Ying-jeou, in an attempt to black hands into his "parliament" to undermine the constitutional system, and therefore no longer nostalgic historical position, "he can only wait for history denounced Stalin". newtalk reports, of the opposition Union of Democratic Progressive Party, People First Party and Taiwan Solidarity Union, five days continuous occupation of the Legislative Yuan podium boycott of U.S. beef was approved, the protest is finally in the evening 6:00 to draw next period, the KMT legislators withdrawal of the proposed field, leaving the podium to keep the "legislators" of the opposition for five days, they shouted "the people of Taiwan refueling thought to celebrate. Ker Chien - ming, said the chamber after the end of the three party is determined to fight 120 hours, and finally completed the goal to block U.S. beef case, the longest opposition protest called the "Legislative Yuan" epochal significance. He stressed that the opposition parties occupied the podium Overnight in the "Legislative Yuan", is for the people to exercise the right to resist, to defend the people's health, but also to defend the dignity of the Congress. Ker Chien - ming, this session of the "Legislative Yuan" has so far only 11 bills, blame the reason is because the "President" of attempting to put his hand into the "Congress" and undermine the constitutional system. He also warned that Ma Ying-jeou, can not be open to the administrative orders of U.S. beef, U.S. beef need to open "Congress" recognized the government and opposition consensus, otherwise Ma Ying-jeou, do not need to look forward to the historical position, but would have been history's denounced Stalin. People First Party called the money to the People First Party, the people here always stand to defend the health and safety of the people can not regret that, although on the agenda, but still look forward to the ruling and opposition parties will turn hostility into friendship, controversy over U.S. beef case issues Find the solution. The TSU troupe Zhao Xu Zhongxin criticism, Ma Ying-jeou will be black hand into his "parliament", so the opposition parties only with strong resistance, he called on Ma Ying-jeou to respect the autonomy, "Congress also like to thank the Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng to maintain a neutral role inclusive opposition party for the people to ensure behavior. Democratic Progressive Party group secretary-Panmeng An stressed that the opposition camp will continue to oversee the U.S. beef case, will insist on keeping people eating lean cattle. Finally, with the presence of opposition legislators "shouting" the people of Taiwan refueling, even the press gallery I have also issued applause, fight for the five days of the day and night to plan the next period. 在此也請問最高檢查署以" 鞭屍 "2個字侮辱現任國家元首或任何百姓,是否以公訴罪起訴? 今天我將轉戴自中評社6月15日2012的文章用GOOGLE翻成英文,也就是希望CNN NEWS,BBC NEWS,NHK NEWS... 均能由此可看到真實的中評社所報導台灣反对黨 第2次在立法院無法無天,天地不容,沒有廉恥的惡言,悪行! http://www.chinareviewnews.com 2012-06-15 20:36:34 柯建銘,我過逝的父母親及長輩們從來沒有教導過我們去用"鞭屍"這2個字去 罵任何人,你居然還敢用納稅人的錢2度去罵國家最高元首,你是誰教出來的??? 今天,你的"陰名" " Ker Bian Shi "也將永遠傳世於全世界 CNN NEWS,BBC NEWS,NHK NEWS...的英文網頁裏, 我們看不起你...及你們.... 如果不服氣,請來告我,我在此等著了!!! 英文裏也沒有一個專有名詞來代表,只是用"Denounce Stalin"譴責史達林,可是你絕对 意尤未竟,言不達意,所以以後英文会因為由你而增加由中文直譯的外來語 "Bian Shi Ker" 來代表鞭屍,以後中國外國人都尊你柯建銘為 "Bian Shi Ker" " Ker Bian Shi " 因為只有你敢下咒現任中華民國元首! 國民黨,任由下等人來咒罵我們國家元首,你們在那裏??? 在此也要謝謝銀正雄,卡米客,灣家寨,多硯坊以及多位作者一直在為國家及下代子孫維護,保持 正義之道所發出的吶喊! |
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