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San Francisco - Palace of Fine Arts
2006/09/04 22:07:56瀏覽474|回應0|推薦4

這是Palace of Fine Arts (http://www.palaceoffinearts.org) 位居金門大橋和普西迪基地的附近

導遊 Jerry 告訴我們, 這是準新郎新娘們婚紗攝影最佳取景之一!

如果你看過 Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery 所主演的 The Rock, 請用力回想一下 Sean Connery 和他女兒相約見面的地方, 對了!就是這裡 Palace of Fine Arts.

A Brief History by San Francisco Comprehensive Shuttle Tours:

The Palace was designed by Berkeley architect Bernard Maybeck. It was the last building of the Exposition to be started, commencing construction on December 8, 1913.

For purposes of an exposition, the buildings were constructed to last a year. William Merchant, spent the last ten years of his life until 1962 planning the Palace's restoration. A move to preserve the Palace was begun in October, 1915, 33,000 supportive signatures were gathered, and $350,000 was raised towards the duplication of the Palace in lasting materials.

After World War I the Palace became a part of the city’s park system. During World War II, the Palace was used by the Army. In1947, the Palace was returned to the city. Though it was slowly crumbling away from wear and tear of weather and abuse. It was fenced off as a public hazard. Toward the end of the 1950’s a fundraising drive was started to rescue and restore the Palace. In 1964, reconstruction began, and completed in 1967 to a stripped down version of the original. In 1975, Walter S. Johnson added the remaining colonnades as a gift to the city.

The Exploratorium and Palace of Fine Arts are also close to the Golden Gate Bridge and the Presidio.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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