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1,850 feet high / 564 meters high 2,362 foot span / 720 meter span http://www.highestbridges.com/wiki/images/9/9a/BeipanjiangDugeJanuaryFinalCropped.jpg Toppling all previous spans for height, the new Beipanjiang Bridge Duge will open in 2016 as the first crossing to ever surpass the 500 meter height barrier as well as becoming the first cable stayed bridge to ever hold the title of The World’s Highest Bridge. No other region on earth has as many high bridges as China’s remote Western Province of Guizhou and there is no waterway within its borders with a greater collection of super-high bridge spans than the mighty Beipan River. Translated as the North Winding River, the BeipanJiang flows on a North-South rift that divides the Western and Eastern halves of Guizhou. The vertical limestone cliffs drop so deep that much of the river is in shadow during the day. Spaced every 50 kilometers along its length are a collection of epic road and railway bridges that have pushed the boundaries of China’s bridge engineering community. Due to be completed in 2016, the G56 expressway is the last of Guizhou’s great East-West routes that will allow easy access into nearby Yunnan Province across terrain that was previously inaccessible to normal cars and trucks. The entire 4-lane divided highway stretches an incredible 2,935 kilometers from the city of Hanghzou near Shanghai to the border of Burma near Tibet. The extreme geography along the G56 has produced not only the world’s highest bridge over the Beipanjiang River near Duge, Guizhou but also the World’s Highest Suspension Bridge several kilometers further west near Puli, Yunnan. All of this high bridge insanity began in 2001 when the mighty beast of the Beipan River summoned the construction of the World’s Highest Railway Bridge some 275 meters above a boulder-strewn crevasse on the Shuibai Railway. Two years later that triumph was followed by the river’s first road bridge record when the Beipanjiang Bridge Huajiang opened in 2003 surpassing the 300 meter height threshold as well as becoming the first suspension bridge in the world to surpass the height of Colorado’s Royal Gorge bridge after a 74-year reign. This was followed by a succession of bridges both high and super-high including the Beipanjiang Bridge Hukun on the G60 expressway, the Beipanjiang Bridge on the Shuipan expressway with the world’s longest span high-level beam bridge, the Beipanjiang Bridge Wang’an expressway and the Beipanjiang Bridge Zhenfeng. But in 2016 the Beipan will deliver its two biggest high bridge gifts ever in the form of the Beipanjiang Railway Bridge Qinglong - the world’s highest “High-Speed” railway bridge at 295 meters and the colossal Beipanjiang Bridge Duge at 564 meters in height. Other engineering honors Duge can claim include having the second longest steel trussed cable stayed span and the tenth tallest bridge tower in the world at 269 meters. Until the year 2000, the experience of traveling around Guizhou was a grueling and arduous one that often took days along a dangerous network of older, 2-lane national roads. Despite a land mass slightly smaller then Great Britain or the U.S. state of Washington this outdated infrastructure limited the kind of growth that had been underway in the Eastern Provinces where accessibility had been improving steadily and rapidly since the early 1990s. The first hint of Guizhou’s high bridge aspirations came in 2001 when the Liuguanghe beam bridge opened as the World’s Highest Bridge on a 2-lane expressway between the capital city of Guiyang and the smaller county of Bijie in the Northwest corner of the Province. In the 15 years that followed, expressway construction went into full gear with four and now six-lane expressways connecting cities both large and small regardless of how difficult the mountain terrain may be. An old saying states that in Guizhou there are no three days without rain, no three acres without a mountain and no three coins in any pocket. They may have to amend that and add that there are no three kilometers of expressway without a high bridge! Today the Province of Guizhou is home to more high bridges then every other country on earth combined. By 2020 Guizhou will have more then 250 bridges over 100 meters high as measured from the road or rail deck to the water. Compare that with Italy which has the world’s second greatest number of high bridges with only 40 spans exceeding 100 meters in height. Of the world’s 20 super-high spans that exceed 300 meters from deck to water, all are in China except for 3. 将于2016年建成的都格北盘江大桥,将超越以往所有桥梁的高度,第一个突破桥梁高度500米的障碍,并首次成为拥有“世界最高桥梁”头衔的斜拉桥。 地球上没有一个地方像中国西南的贵州省那样拥有如此之多的高桥。在贵州省内,没有哪条河流的超级高桥梁能比得上北盘江。北盘江,意思是“北 部的曲折河流”自北向南流过贵州,将其分割为东西两半。两岸垂直的石灰岩峭壁如此之陡峭以至于一天中大部分时间阳光都无法照射到河面。沿北盘江平均每50 公里就有一座伟大的公路或铁路桥梁,推进了中国工程技术的极限。 预计完成于2016年,G56杭瑞高速公路大型东西向主干道,经过无数险峻地形,使人们能方便的驾驶汽车和卡车到达临近的云南省。这条 2935公里长的4车道高速公路起点在上海附近的杭州市,终点位于云南和缅甸边境,临近西藏。经过许多极端险峻的地形,不仅造就了位于贵州都格的世界最高 北盘江大桥,而且在它西面不远处云南境内还有世界最高悬索桥普立大桥。 所有这些跨越北盘江的高大桥梁起源于2001年,这一年首次在汹涌北盘江上一段直上直下峡谷中建起275米高的世界最高铁路桥。两年后这一 荣誉被第一条跨越北盘江的公路高桥——花江北盘江大桥超越,这座桥高达366米,是全世界首座超过300米高的桥梁,也是第一座比科罗拉多州皇家峡谷大桥 更高的悬索桥。皇家峡谷大桥保持了74年世界最高悬索桥的头衔。 接下来北盘江上出现了一系列巨大的桥梁:G60沪昆高速公路北盘江大桥,世界最大主跨的山地梁桥水盘高速公路北盘江大桥,望安高速公路北盘江大桥以及贞丰北盘江大桥。 但到2016年北盘江上将见证其最伟大的两座桥梁:其中之一是世界最高大的高速铁路桥——沪昆高速铁路晴隆北盘江大桥,高295米,主跨445米的拱桥。另一座就是杭瑞高速公路都格北盘江大桥——高564米,主跨720米的斜拉桥,将成为世界最高桥梁及最高的斜拉桥。 贵州省面积略小于英国或美国华盛顿州,2000年以前在当地旅行是非常艰巨和危险的。在险峻简陋的旧公路旅行往往需要很多天,并冒很大风险。这种极端困难的地形使得贵州迟迟不能享有类似东部省份那样在1990年代就开始的高速增长。 第一座载入史册的贵州高桥是2001年通车的六广河大桥,高达297米,坐落在一条2车道公路上,连接贵州省会贵阳和西北部的毕节地区,成 为首座世界最高的桥梁,超越1929年建成的美国科罗拉多州皇家峡谷大桥(291米高)。随后15年间,贵州省的高速公路开始飞速发展,不仅四车道高速公 路遍布全省无论地势多么崎岖不平的地方,还出现了六车道公路。从前贵州有句俗话:天无三日晴、地无三里平、人无三分银。现在还要加上一句:高速公路上无三 公里没高桥的路段! 今天贵州省拥有的高大桥梁数量超过中国以外世界各国总和。到2020年前贵州将至少拥有250座超过100米高的桥梁(从水面到桥面测 量)。相比之下世界第二多高桥的国家意大利仅有40座超过100米高的桥。全世界桥面高度超过300米的超级高桥约有20座,其中仅有3座在中国以外。 LIST OF HIGH BEIPANJIANG BRIDGES http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_River_2003_Bridge http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Hukun http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Railway_Bridge_Qinglong http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_River_Railway_Bridge http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Shuipan http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Wang%27an_Expressway http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Zhenfeng http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Fade http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Huayeyan http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Beipanjiang_Bridge_Chengyang http://highestbridges.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tianshengxia_Railway_Bridge The explosion of road and bridge construction in China first began in 1989 when China launched the National Trunk Highway System, a network of 5 north-south and 7 east-west expressways with a total length of 22,000 miles (35,000 km). Divided into three stages of development, the second stage, from 1998 to 2005, was completed a decade ahead of schedule, allowing the entire infrastructure to be completed by 2009. The goal was to link more than 90 percent of all cities with a population of over half a million and 100 percent of all cities with a population of more than a million. During this time period of 20 years, the total number of highway bridges in China doubled. In addition to the National Trunk Highway System there is a secondary National Expressway Network composed of several independent routes collectively known as “7918”. The number 7 is for several radiating routes around the city of Beijing while the other numbers refer to 9 North-South routes and 18 East-West routes. Many of these smaller highways will connect cities with populations of just 200,000 people. With more than 25,000 miles (40,000 km) of this system still un-built, these will be the highways to look forward to for high bridges until their completion in 2020. If the economic growth of China continues beyond 2020 then another 56,000 miles (90,000 km) of expressways may be built, bringing the total expressway mileage to 109,000 miles (175,000 km). All of these expressways have tolls. If you want to learn more about China’s rapidly growing road network, go to the Expressways of China page on Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expressways_of_China. Since there are many Chinese bridges throughout this web site, a few tips about word translation are in order. Often you will see the addition of the word “Jiang” or “He” at the end of a Chinese bridge name. Jiang means large river and is only used for the biggest and mightiest in China - the equivalent of the Columbia, Ohio or Mississippi rivers in the U.S. or the Rhine river in Europe. The word “He” is used for all other rivers. Multiple names are often given to the same highway based on the two cities the highway is passing between. So a section of highway between Yichang and Huangshi is called the Yihuang expressway, taking the first half of each city name and combining them. With a single highway having multiple names, there was often confusion - especially to those traveling long distances. So in 2010, the Ministry of Transport renamed 50,000 kilometers of expressways with uniform numbering and naming including origin and destination signs as well as new exit numbers based on kilometers traveled rather than the previous system that was based on a sequential number of exits passed on the route. Improved graphics as well as numerical digits for each expressway were also be implemented. Informal local names of the past were replaced by more formal names that cover larger sections of expressways making travel easier for everyone. 都格北盘江大桥约比墨西哥巴鲁阿特大桥高175米,巴鲁阿特大桥是此前世界最高的斜拉桥。 中国的公路和桥梁的爆炸性建设开始于1989年,那一年中国推出了国道主干线系统,包括5条南北向和7条东西向高速公路网,全长22000 英里(35000公里)。分为三阶段,其中第二阶段从1998年到2005年提前实施,2009年完全建成。目标是连接90%以上多于人口50万的城市以 及100%人口多于100万城市。这段时间内中国高桥的数量翻了一番。 除国道主干线系统外新提出的国家高速公路编号为“7918”,包括从北京辐射全国的7条高速公路,9条南北向高速公路,18条东西向高速公 路。这些高速公路(25000英里,40000公里)将会连接起绝大部分人口20万以上城市,还在继续兴建中,在2020年以前将会增加许多高桥。如果中 国经济2020年以前持续增长,还有另外56000英里(90000公里)高速公路要兴建,使整个高速公路网长度达到10900英里(17500公里)。 所有的都是收费公路。如果你想了解更多中国高速公路信息,可以看: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expressways_of_China 因为本网站有如此多中国桥梁,一些词汇翻译需要说明:通常你会看到“江”或“河”在中国桥梁名称末尾。江指大河流,通常仅用于中国境内的大河。境外的大河流如美国的哥伦比亚、俄亥俄、密西西比,欧洲的莱茵等,都和其他所有河流一样用“河”结尾。 一座连接两个城市的高速公路往往有不同的名字,例如宜昌到黄石的高速公路被称为宜黄高速公路,选用每个城市的前半名字合并而成。因为一条高速公路有 很多名字,所以对长途旅行者来说往往会困惑。所以2010年起,公路管理部门用数字命名了现有高速公路同时将起点和终点的名字加上。新型图标和数字命名广 泛推广,便于人们在更大范围旅行。 |
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