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夏日午後的 阿公
2010/12/07 10:52:48瀏覽216|回應0|推薦2

   Growing up, it was always a treat when my grandfather came to stay with my family at our house in Covina,CA. In the afternoon, there was not much to do around the house, but Grandpa stayed active by taking daily walks. When I was in junior high school, he used to pick me up from school so we could walk home together. Grandpa always chose the longer, more scenic, shaded route, which I appreciated under the hot afternoon sun. It was especially nice when we walked under a large patch of shade or felt a cool breeze. These walks gave us the time to talk and catch up on the day's events. What I remember most is Grandpa's kind and gentle demeanor. I will always cherish the time we spent together.

   記憶裡, 每次阿公到我們家小住, 是我最高興的時刻了! 使我平靜的日子裡 ,增添許多樂趣.
每天下午, 阿公總喜歡到外面散步, 几乎無一天中斷. 我初中時, 阿公常來學校接我放學.
在炎熱的午后, 我們一齊並肩而行. 他常選擇較遠, 但較陰凉, 較有景緻的路線. 輕風徐來 ,我們步行在大樹蔭下. 在靜靜的馬路上, 談論學校的趣事或當天的新聞, 那美好的時光是我腦海中一幅永恆的畫.
    阿公的溫文爾雅與慈祥, 令我永遠難忘! 也令我永遠懷念與珍惜我們曾在一起的日子 !

( 知識學習語言 )
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