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爸爸病況日誌2008年12月17日(Taiwan time)
2009/02/19 03:09:59瀏覽519|回應0|推薦1



20081217Taiwan time







1.O 200912抵台,14日離台。 

2.D 200912抵台,5日離台,再於當月21日抵台,26日離台。 

3.二姐可於1229以後  赴台數週。

4.E 1219應徵工作interview後 方能決定 回台行程。

5.Flora 將聯繫台灣經絡按摩師 幫爸穴道按摩,盼能促進腳部血液循環。

6.C 表示壓力非常大,快撐不住,盼大家輪流早日回台看爸。



爸於11月下旬 因洗腎時發現血壓降到約60,故住院觀察,當時即直









Dear sisters and brother,

I've just came back from Taipei yesterday. During the three days, from

12-14 Dec., I've spent a couple of hours each day staying in hospital to

accompany with Dad. The status of Dad, according to my observation, is

that : while his illusion occurred by the left brain stroke, perhaps

happened a couple weeks ago(we don't know the exact date) ,is getting

better, I can feel that Dad is at the last step of his life.


He now lost the ability to stand up. He can only sit on the edge of bed or

wheelchair for no longer than half hour. The stroke damaged his eye vision

by 80 to 90 %. He can only to recognize me by my voice, not by looking at

me. He needs to put napkin on for 24 hours a day now. That means he'd

lost the ability to piss or pupu. And the disability to sit or stand

forced him lay on the bed most of the time and unfortunately in the morning

of yesterday we found he got wounded, like burned, probably caused by

long-time covering and no bathing over a week, on his back and needs to be

treated. And most importantly, the huge pains from all over his body,the

joints,the bones,shoulder, attacks him day and night and makes him cried

and shouted all day long,even when he was slept. The ability of his

talking is around from 10% on last Friday to 30% on last Sunday. One of the

reason why he cannot speak clearly is because he cried all the time and too

push to talk.


While he was awake,during the last 3 days, he'd been talked a lot about

the conflicts and fights between he and 2nd uncle. It looks that it hurt

him a lot. Strangely he never mentioned Mom or anyone else. And he kept

saying he is so good-mind and so respected by others. Sounds like he

didn't understand why his 2nd brother did so many bad things to him even

Dad cared and helped him so much when he was young ( Oh,O, have I done

anything bad to you? If yes, please tell me and let me compensate when we

are all still young...ha.. )


Well, this is what all about in the last week in hospital.


                        ~~ D ~~~~

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