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>>So how often do I choke the chicken?
2021/08/10 04:31:35瀏覽49|回應0|推薦0
Uh so infrequently it seems like a chore? So infrequently, I forgot I left one between the mattress and box springs and this morning when my son went to move my bed (he’s getting my bed; I’m getting a new one), he came out and goes, “I just saw something that was very disturbing to me.”

Bless his heart. It was big and purple. :lmao: (I told him if it was any consolation, I walked in on his grandparents actually DOING IT when I was 17. I’m still recovering).

I’m married to a 26-year-old guy who’s ALWAYS HORNY and we have no kids, so... not often,


did you know May is National Masturbation Month

I think next year in May we should celebrate!!
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