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Learning problems
2021/07/27 21:56:54瀏覽52|回應0|推薦0
I totally agree if you say that school is not the be all and end all, and personally I think whether or not you’re homeschooling your kid/s, the majority of their learning will happen at home anyway.

I very much (personally) believe in trusting my child to learn what, and when, he wants to. So if he tells me he wants to learn to read... then I will help him learn. But if he shows no interest and would instead rather learn all the different names of trees (for example – he is not two yet but is already obsessional!) then that is the route we will take and I will trust he will want to learn to read later.

The problem I have is the “other way” around though... I get a bit fed up with the way that every single toy I want to buy for Bertie is marketed as “educational”. Like, I can’t buy him building blocks without being told how they will increase his dexterity/spacial awareness/knowledge of colours etc, for example. I think a hell of a lot of learning does come through play... but so does a lot of play! (If you see what I mean) And I’d just like it if sometimes a product could be marketed as “your child will have a whole heap of fun with this”...
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