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影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月25日訊】在大陸無官不貪的大環境之下,身為當局錢袋子之一的「國有企業」貪腐更為嚴重,頻頻爆出各種醜聞。日前,中共國家主席習近平發話,要對國企高管的過高收入進行調整。外界分析,國企很有可能成為習近平反腐的下一波重點對像。也有評論認為,習近平在拿下大批江派高官之後,開始回過頭來試圖解決中國經濟難題。 22號,大陸《南方都市報》報導,廣州市「白雲農工商聯合公司」原總經理張新華,涉嫌貪污受賄高達近4億元,雖然他只是處級官員,卻創下了廣州辦案機關披露的貪腐金額記錄。 此前不久,上海光明集團原董事長王宗南因涉嫌挪用公款、受賄,被逮捕。而自今年以來,已有華潤集團原董事長宋林、中國出版集團原副總裁王俊國等,超過40名國企高管被查處。 但這只是國企貪腐的冰山一角。實際上,中國大陸幾乎每一家國企都貪腐成風。除了在審批、招標等環節上大肆貪污、受賄之外,各國企高管更是以所謂「職務消費」為名,上演「不落腰包的腐敗」,堂而皇之的坐豪車、住豪華酒店、進出高檔休閒會所。 大陸252家國有A股上市公司年報數據顯示,僅2012年一年,這些企業公開的招待費就達65億元。而2009年被判死緩的中石化原董事長陳同海,更曾爆出每天「職務消費」高達4萬元。 這個月18號,中共國家主席習近平在「中央全面深化改革領導小組」第四次會議上表示,要規範國有企業收入分配秩序,對不合理的偏高、過高收入進行調整。他強調,將嚴格規範中央企業負責人履職待遇、業務支出,除了國家規定以外,國企負責人沒有其他的「職務消費」。 《新唐人》特約經濟評論專家傑森:「國營企業老總很多時候都是官二代,或者說是有背景的,紅三代之類的。歷史上對於國營企業老總的工資怎麼做這樣的事情,甚至連提都不敢提,只是有爭議。」 《新唐人》特約經濟評論專家傑森表示,國企本身就是中共一黨專制下的怪胎,而國企老總則是怪胎的衍生物。他們作為中共官員,根本不懂經營,但因為有當局的政策支持、國企的壟斷地位,而保證國企只賺不賠,所以這些國企高管養尊處優,形成了利益集團。 傑森分析,對於習近平來說,他前一段時間拿下了江澤民派系的一些高官,為自己立了威,所以現在敢於把國企老總的工資往下拉。 傑森:「他很可能一方面穩固前一段時間政治鬥爭中的一些抵抗力量,同時的話,他可能會回過手來,解決中國經濟上的一些問題。但中國的經濟問題是錯綜複雜的,很難一時解決清楚,解決不了的話,唯一能做的就是平一點民憤。」 大陸經濟學家楊斌也表示,當局一方面嚐試縮減國企老闆的錢袋子,一方面又不想進行根本制度上的變革,一直在不斷給予國企各種政策扶持和優惠,聲稱要「加強國企活力」。 大陸經濟學家楊斌:「而國企恰恰是沒有活力的東西、很殭化的東西,你非得增加它的活力。而民企是很活躍的東西,你不給它輸血。這就是本末倒置了。所以說,最主要問題是這個。」 香港《南華早報》最近報導稱,大陸主要國企,尤其是金融領域部分高管將面臨減薪一半。大陸媒體報導說,目前上海、北京、廣東等多地已出臺方案,將嚴格規範國企高管薪資。 採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/李智遠 Xi Jinping Moves Anti-corruption Campaign To State-owned Enterprises Corruption has become ubiquitous among the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. As a major fund source of the CCP, corruption in state-owned enterprises is especially serious where scandals had been continuously exposed recently. Not long ago, the CCP president Xi Jinping said changes will be made on excessively high incomes of executives of state-owned enterprise. Commentators thus speculate state-owned companies will be the next target of Xi』s anti-corruption campaign. Some also say that after a massive take down of Jiang Zemin』s followers, Xi is now turning back to solve the difficulties in China』s economy. On Aug. 22, Southern Metropolis Daily reported that Zhang Xinhua, former general manager of the Baiyun Farm Industry and Commerce Enterprise, was suspected of embezzling 400 million yuan ($65 million). Although Zhang is only a divisional-level official, he sets the record of involving the biggest amount of money among Guangzhou』s corruption cases. Not long before, former chairman of Shanghai Bright Food Group Wang Zongnan was arrested on embezzlement and bribery charges. Since 2014, over 40 senior officials of state-owned enterprises had been investigated, including former chairman of Huarun Group Song Lin and vice president of the China Publishing Group Wang Junguo. However, those are only the tip of the iceberg. The truth is, almost every CCP state-owned company has serious corruption problems in biding and approving procedures of projects. Senior officials also use public funds for their own enjoyment without direct embezzlement. In the name of 「business expenditure,」 they openly enjoy luxury cars, luxury hotels and top-grade clubhouses. Annual reports show that 252 state-owned listed companies of A-shares had spent 6.5 billion Yuan ($1.1 billion) as entertainment costs only in the year of 2012. Chen Tonghai, the ex-boss of Sinopec who was sentenced to death with reprieve in 2009, reportedly spent 40,000 Yuan ($6,500) per day as 「business expenditures.」 On Aug. 18, Xi Jinping gave a talk in the fourth meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms. Xi said, state-owned enterprises need to regulate their income distribution and trim off excessively high incomes. Xi stressed that strict regulations will be applied to leaders of state-owned companies, as well as their incomes and business expenditures. No 「business expenditures」 will be allowed except those subject to state rules. Jason Ma, economic commentator of NTDTV: 「Many state-owned enterprise leaders are children of CCP officials or with special background. In the CCP』s history, no one ever had the courage to talk about regulating their incomes. There were only discussions in private talks.」 Jason Ma said state-owned companies are intrinsically oddballs born from the CCP』s single-party dictatorship. The leaders of these 「oddballs」 are simply party officials and know nothing about management. However, state-owned companies are monopolies protected by the CCP』s policies, and thus never take any risks or losses. In such a situation, their leaders form interest groups that always enjoy luxury and privilege. Jason Ma commented that Xi Jinping established his authority by striking down a group of high officials from Jiang Zemin』s group; Therefore now he has the courage to call a salary cut of those state-owned enterprise leaders. Jason Ma: 」Probably on one hand, Xi is stabilizing powers that resisted him in the struggle not long ago. On the other hand, he may be turning back to solve some economic problems. However, China』s economic problems are very complicated. It is difficult to solve them all at once. All he can do is only to ease public anger by a little bit.」 Chinese economist Yang Bin said despite pay cuts on state-owned company bosses, the CCP still refuses to make any fundamental reforms on its system. It keeps giving support to state-owned ones with favorable policies, claiming to be 「energizing them.」 Yang Bin, Chinese economist: 「State-owned companies are exactly the ones with no energy. They are very inflexible. But the CCP tries to energize them instead of private ones, which were born with real energy. This puts the cart before the horse and that is where the real problem is at.」 Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post recently reported that senior officials of the CCP』s major state-owned companies, particularly those in financial field, will face a 50 percent salary cut. Chinese media also said, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and other places introduced plans of strictly regulating income of state-owned company leaders. Interview/Chen Han Edit/Li Qian Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
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