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【禁聞】舉報江綿康 鄭恩寵遭滬警抄家【新唐人電視台_中國禁聞】
2014/08/25 10:30:23瀏覽330|回應0|推薦0


新唐人電視台簡介 中國禁聞 YouTube 新唐人頻道
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影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com
台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 YouTubea facebook




上海著名律師鄭恩寵:「 上海的一些政協委員,律師界的,包括民主黨派的人,通過打電話給我,他說鄭恩寵,中紀委巡視組來了,你可以寫投訴信了。我說對於這種投訴信我已經司空見慣了。我根本對它沒有信心了。他說,哎呀,我們為你呼籲。我說算了,我寫投訴信吧。」













採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/舒燦

Lawyer Zheng Enchong!s Home Searched After Reporting Jiang Miankang!s Corruption

August 20, the police searched the home of Shanghai lawyer,
Zheng Enchong, and confiscated some of his property.

On the night of August 19, Zheng disclosed to overseas media
that he was planning to inform the Central Inspection Group
of the corrupt behavior of Hang Zheng, Shanghai Party Chief,
and Jiang Miankang, son of Jiang Zemin.

The next day, 4 policemen came
and took photos of his reporting letters.

Zheng Enchong thought that the search order of his home
must be from Shanghai!s highest level authorities.

During the search by police from the Shanghai Zhabei precinct,
two cell phones, a battery and two removable disks
were confiscated.

The police took lots of photos of his letters
to the Central Discipline Inspection Group (CDIG).

July 29, the CDIG were stationed in Shanghai where
it announced that Zhou Yongkang was under investigation.

The inspection group will be in Shanghai for two months.
Some friends suggested Zheng Enchong write to the CDIG.

Zheng Enchong, a well-known lawyer in Shanghai:
Some members of the Political Consultative Conference,
lawyers and democrats called me, saying that
it!s time to write reporting letters since the inspection group
was in Shanghai.
I responded that I had lost my confidence
in the effectiveness of these reporting letters.
They said we would support you. Then I said !alright, I will do it!.

Zheng Enchong disclosed that Jiang Miankang,
Jiang Zemin!s second youngest son,
took the top jobs in 6 official real estate businesses in Shanghai,
making profits from each without public knowledge.

One of the jobs he took is Inspectorof the
Municipal Construction and Transportation Commission.

Another is Vice President of Shanghai
Economic Research Association,
fully funded by the government.

A lot of state-run and private businesses
are part of the association and pay membership fees.

One other position he assumed is
Director of Shanghai Real Estate Information Research Center,
which monopolizes government information
on the real estate industry.

When developers search for potential land and
perform price appraisal,
they have to pay fees to this research center.

In addition, Jiang Miankang is also the Director of
Shanghai City Construction Magazine.

Zheng Enchong: This magazine is in charge of 5 companies.
Suppose there are 8,000 construction projects in Shanghai,
all of which need to advertise.
Each advert costs tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.
How much advertising income does the magazine
receive annually?
How has the money been allocated?
He is really collecting a huge amount of wealth
without it being known.

Shanghai City Construction Magazine is an
academic magazine with limited issue.

It needs the income from advertising to support its business.

Zheng Enchong: Jiang Zemin!s son is director of the magazine.
Everyone would come to flatter him.
Under communism, there are many cases of bribery like this.
Not that they!ll bribe Jiang Miankang with millions in cash.
They simply just advertise via his magazine.

He also stated the police searched his home in a rush.
Not like before, a lot of staff came to search his home
and confiscated his property.

This time, only 4 policemen came over,
who might have received the orders from the
municipal government and Hang Zheng.

They aimed to learn the content of his reporting letters
to the inspection group so that they can plan countermeasures.

Zheng Enchong: They were irritated.
How can you embarrass Jiang Zemin!s son and Hang Zheng?
They searched my home under orders from the higher level.
Before, when they came to search my home,
different people were responsible for different things.
For example, some took pictures and some held instruments.
Not all the people were from security department.
There were people from the internet supervision department
and even computer specialists.

However, after Zheng!s home being searched,
the police notified him that he could walk his dog outdoors.

Zheng Enchong: They might think if kept to my home,
I would be writing online and being interviewed all the time.
If I have more outdoors activities, I might write less.
I found that they were nervous about my letters
to the inspection group.
But there is not much I can do about it.

Zheng Enchong said that Wang Zongnan, general manager of
four big companies including Guangming Group,
was arrested immediately the CDIG came to Shanghai.
Hang Zheng is trying to make minor sacrifices
to safeguard major interests
by making Wang Zongnan a scapegoat.

Zheng Enchong disclosed that it!s Hang Zheng
who helped Luo Kangrui become a tycoon
of Shanghai Real Estate industry,
member of Shanghai Political Consultative Conference
and Vice Chairman of the Federal Association of
Industry and Commerce.

Luo Kangrui!s first real estate project was City Hotel,
which was headed by Hang Zheng when he was
Deputy Secretary of Shanghai Communist Youth League
and govenor of Luwan District.

Right now, Luo Kangrui is being sued by Hu Dehua,
Hu Yaobang!s third youngest son.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ShuCan

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