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2014/08/18 12:36:31瀏覽153|回應0|推薦0 | ||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月18日訊】大陸老兵公開要求「槍斃周永康」 中共前政治局常委周永康被立案審查已經有一段時間,雖然當局目前還沒有公佈對周的處理結果,但是,大陸民間要求處死周永康的呼聲,卻此起彼伏。繼社會活動人士、和訪民呼籲判處周永康死刑之後,一些退伍老兵日前也公開集會,要求「槍斃周永康」。 據美國《大紀元》新聞網8月16號報導,廣東深圳的近30位退伍老兵,在周永康被公佈落馬的第二天,專門舉行慶祝活動,拉橫幅、放鞭炮慶祝周永康倒臺,他們還把「堅決槍斃周永康」字樣的照片發佈到網路上。 青奧會「維穩」升級 民不堪擾 第二屆「夏季青年奧林匹克運動會」正在南京舉行,本應歡快的南京城卻氣氛緊張,警方空前戒備,市內多條道路被封,一些南京公民「被旅遊」,一些外省市人準備前往南京觀看「青奧會」,還遭到攔截拘押。 據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,南京自由媒體人孫林表示,他已「被旅遊」三天,預計要到「青奧會」結束才能回家。據孫林介紹,南京像他一樣「被旅遊」的人很多。 而常熟維權人士顧曉峰,則在準備前往南京觀摩「青奧會」時,遭到警方攔截,被關押約24小時後才獲釋。 很多南京市民也在網上抱怨,因「青奧會」到處封路,處處安檢,日常生活受到影響,不堪其擾。 江蘇兩訪民向巡視組伸冤 遭追殺 中共「中央巡視組」正在各地調查,地方政府高度緊張,各地都設法阻止訪民與「巡視組」官員接觸,甚至動用黑社會毆打上訪者。 據《自由亞洲電臺》8月17號報導,徐州豐縣宋樓鎮60多歲的訪民劉桐林,8月12號在南京向「中紀委巡視組」上訪後,在回程途中遭到黑幫追殺,被歐打致昏迷,路人打電話叫急救車送醫院救治後,經醫生診斷,劉桐林的左手和腿部四處骨折,腳筋被挑斷。 報導說,在劉桐林被打的前一天,宋樓鎮魏莊村73歲的女訪民劉道蘭,因為向「巡視組」反映冤情,也遭到毆打,導致左腿膝蓋以下粉碎性骨折。 編輯/周玉林 Mainland Veteran Publicly Requests Zhou Yongkang be Shot It』s been a while since the investigation of Zhou Yongkang, former member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee. The authorities have not announced the result. However, voices from mainland Chinese calling for his death are everywhere. After the social activists, petitioners appealed for the death of Zhou Yongkang, and a lot of veterans also gathered publicly to request he be shot According to the US Epoch Times report on August 16th, nearly 30 veterans close to Guangdong Shenzhen celebrated with banners and firecrackers on the second day of the announcement of Zhou Yongkang』s downfall. They also posted a picture online with the words firmly shoot Zhou Yongkang. People can』t Bear the Upgraded Youth Olympic Games Stability Maintenance The second session of the Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is being held in Nanjing. Nanjing atmosphere is very tense and the police are unusually alert. Several roads are blocked; some Nanjing residents are forced to travel. Some other city people who prepared to watch YOG are intercepted and detained. According to Radio Free Asia report, Nanjing free media Sun Lin said he had been forced to travel for three days. He is expected to go back home at the end of YOG. According to Sun Lin, lots of people were forced travel from Nanjing. Changshu activist Gu Xiaofeng was released after 24 hours detention when he was about to watch the Games. Many residents complained online that their daily life was ruined due to road blocks and security checks everywhere because of the YOG. Two Jiangsu Petitioners Hunted to Death After Appeal to Inspection Team The CCP central inspection team is investigating everywhere, which puts local government under high tension. Petitioners are prevented to contact the team officials and even beaten by the underworld hired by the government. According to Radio Free Asia report on August 17th, 60-year-old Xuzhou petitioner, Liu Tonglin, was hunted down and beaten by the underworld after he petitioned to the central Discipline Inspection team on August 12th. He was beaten into a coma and sent to the hospital by a stranger. Diagnosis showed he had four fractures on the left hand and legs and his tendons cut. It』s said that one day before Liu Tonglin was beaten, a 73-year-old female petitioner, Liu Daolan, was beaten till her lower legs were shattered, because she petitioned the inspection team. Edit/Zhou Yulin 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
瀏覽本文章自定義分類:中共高層、十八大權鬥 【延伸閱讀】: ●RFA:杜斌新書再揭馬三家駭人暴行 ●追查國際公佈第7批涉嫌迫害法輪功責任人名單 ●愛爾蘭平價服飾 驚現中國勞教所求救信視頻 ●齊齊哈爾市建華社區主任菅秀琴遭惡報死亡 ●「真善忍」值得我用生命去維護 ●馬三家受害者遭報復被拘 影片導演為其呼籲(組圖)組圖 ●大陸31名律師要求河南省公開多地訓誡中心信息 ●袁斌:勞教所沒了 「變相勞教所」還在 ●【禁聞】非法拘禁方式不下十種 勞教所僅為其一視頻 ●李宜明:從「遍地洗腦班」看中共的罪惡 ●淨真:一個需要重拾信仰的國度——中國 ●淨真:一個把人變成鬼 把鬼變成人的地方 ●【禁聞】中共官員頻演「偶遇」劇 遭外媒恥笑視頻 ●【禁聞】國際特赦:勞教所被戒毒中心代替視頻 ●遭牙刷刷陰道威脅 港法輪功女學員斥暴行 ●英媒:中國勞教所裡私藏的秘密日記組圖 ●飛宇:出獄者的榮耀 ●歐陽非:勞教制度被廢 「610」還能撐多久? ●【新聞週刊】從墓碑中掉出的求救信視頻 ●11月8日【亞太整點新聞】視頻 瀏覽本文章自定義分類:中共高層、十八大權鬥 回本部落格首頁:http://blog.udn.com/chinanewsreviewvideo |
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