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文:大紀元首發 重溫高智晟的拚死發聲:我的心聲 YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 2011年三妹群發的前言:高智晟這篇《心聲》竟然陰差陽錯地耽誤了兩年才與讀者見面。耿和為了照顧某個人的情面不願我說出這篇《心聲》的真實經歷。總而言之,誰也不能擋住高智晟拚死一發的聲音,它最終成功面世。 我的心聲(英文譯文在後面) 高智晟 朗朗乾坤下,諾大的自由文明世界,中國共產黨仍無惡不敢為且無惡不能為,令人驚嘆! 在十三億同胞中,我們一家人竟是如此的無助。 2007年9月份前,在中國大地上只有四個人不願聽共產黨的話仍堅持公開與我往來。結果,這四個人中,一人長期被警察圍困,三人在九月份被綁架遭到野蠻歐打和精神折磨。至2008年,仍不願聽話放棄的胡佳遭到非法關押,黃燕被綁架後與「法輪功」學員關在一起,遭到殘酷折磨。而黃燕此後親眼所見、親耳所聞的「法輪功」同胞所遭受的酷刑更加駭人聽聞。在酷刑威懾下的今天,中國已無一人再敢公開與我往來。 現在,我要發出點聲音不僅是異常困難,而且十分危險。當局在三年多的時間裡,投入大量的人力、物力、財力,以最殘酷的手段,來達到阻止我發出聲音的目的。以致於我去年11月份出來後到外地,連住賓館都有警察在同一個房間貼身監視。他們實際上成功地達到了此目的,把我變成了一個僅能行走的廢物。我常與妻子戲稱:「世界上六十億同類一起生活在同一個地球村,我們家卻與世隔絕。」外界朋友們可能會覺得我們一家苦不堪言,其實最苦的是我妻子耿和。我生性樂觀,又是信主的人,即便被酷刑折磨得死去活來時,痛苦亦僅止於皮肉。裝著神的心裡確實滿滿實實地沒有接納痛苦的心理空間。我和兩個孩子經常大聲歌唱,耿和卻從不參加,我的各種努力都不能使妻子擺脫苦楚。 耿和的苦楚源於女兒格格的不能去上學。自從孩子不能上學後,我也絕望過一陣子,感到沒有任何一件事比之更加令我痛心,我在震驚和憤怒中不斷地對當局抗議。耿和為此精神幾近崩潰。 藉此,我亦特別呼籲懇請,那些在大陸尚有點自由的朋友們,持續關注郭飛雄,並幫助他的妻子和孩子。在今天中共鷹犬遍地之時,民族精神陷入罕見的停滯狀態之地,我們需要郭飛雄這樣為民抗爭的勇士。郭飛雄、胡佳、楊天水、陳光誠、許萬平、王炳章、郭泉們這些以生命捍衛自由信仰的勇士才是中國的希望。今天幫助他們及他們的親人可以使我們這個多難的民族在將來回顧這段歷史時,給我們的子孫少留下一點恥笑。 在現今的中國,人們普遍心知肚明的是,生活在善意和道德中已經十分困難。胡佳的命運進一步揭示了這個嚴酷的社會現實:做一個道德高尚的人不但困難而且危險。善惡有報這個人類古老的傳統觀念在今天中共黨文化充斥的現實生活中遭到致命毀壞。在傳統的中國社會,對道德和善良的維護隨處可見,而今日中國,對道德和善良的維護早被一掃而空、連根撥除,中共國家政權成為不道德和惡的典型象徵和代表。 今天中國所有所謂的經濟奇蹟,無不以「致命毀壞」為代價。人們為之雀躍的只是表面繁榮的畸形經濟發展,而對環境遭如此惡劣的破壞卻視而不見,對迄今近70%的中國人長期被置於任何社會保障之外的非人道現實也視而不見。今天的中國,傳統的水鄉沒水喝,傳統的奶鄉無奶喝,農民不吃自己產的糧,食品製造者不吃自己製造的食品,這些早已是普遍現象。掩耳盜鈴,指鹿為馬,醜化美,美化丑成了社會風靡的時尚,而在這一切當中,中共政權這個不誠實、不道德的壞榜樣的身影無所不在。 這個無良政府利用它制定的惡法揚惡抑善,致使惡人當道。在競爭中,誰有權力誰就能勝出,誰不講道德誰也能勝出,強大的權貴集團則這樣形成。司法不公,惡警當道更使人們對在不公正改革中形成的權力集團充滿了仇恨和鄙視。各地迭連發生的暴力抗爭事件,敲響了這個民族再一次被迫進入暴力循環的不詳的鐘聲。 今天的中國社會,民情頹靡,整個社會並不僅僅是一些人的嚴重腐化,而是大多數人的普遍墮落。一場讓當政者沾沾自喜的奧運會,把極權政治和文化強加之在「體育盛會之中」,用專制精神置換奧運精神。奧運會千人一面的專制文化恰到好處地大肆渲染了所謂的和平崛起形象,在這樣的過程中,強權擺弄下的歌舞狂歡掩蓋了底層民眾的悲慘呼號,掩蓋了中共踐踏人權的惡行。我在新疆方得知:今年奧運火炬在大陸的傳遞所到之處,路邊歡樂的人群都是當局組織的。還由機關單位把警告口頭傳達至火炬沿途的每個家庭、每個人,即:「任何人不得打開窗戶、不得舉標語喊口號,否則,滿街的阻擊手將果斷處置,一切後果自負」。轟轟烈烈的背後是人們看不到的虛假安排,表面歡呼及和諧的背後是赤裸裸武力恫嚇。中共就是這樣操縱本國人民轟轟烈烈地排斥一切不同的聲音,把中共的虛假景觀拓展至全世界面前。 權力集團中的大部份人也都清楚地看到,中共製造的這些虛假景觀都無法挽救專制必亡的頹勢。轟轟烈烈的宣傳一過,貪官惡警們的惡行依舊,中國各地的抗爭依然峰起。 藉此,我謹向海外真誠關心中國命運的華人朋友們致謝。呼籲更多的海外華人關心並致力於和平推進民主憲政;呼籲海外民運、信仰團體及其爭取權益的團體團結起來,堅定致力於中國的民主和平轉型;呼籲設立人權工作委員會,為每一位人權受害者去控訴。中國的人權受害者多如牛毛,儘量把能蒐集到的每一個人權迫害案件呈送聯合國人權委員會及其它國家的人權部門,並定期公告。建議創辦「人權報」,每日披露人權侵害案例及施害者的姓名及名稱,把堆積如山的中國的人權災難真實展現在全世界眼前。委員會應下設各省及城市工作組,以蒐集及聲援人權案件為主。另可設立若干專門工作組,諸如:宗教信仰工作組、上訪問題工作組、失地農民工作組,六四問題工作組等。將國內人權具體受害者的問題納入具體行動中才是真正民主憲政的價值之源。 在此亦建議人們在行動上,聯合所有華人反專制力量,包括聯合一切致力於尋求民族自治的團體。並通過廣播網等形式將未來中國聯省(邦)自治對國家和人民的益處廣而告之,諸如聯省自治使少數民族自治自然水到渠成地實現。也要實現未來中國之對所有公民的包括醫療、養老等方面具體的普遍的福利制度;實現獨立的司法;實現未來政府對所有受專制迫害的具體受害人每年以一定的財政比例予國家賠償的承諾;追究共產黨首惡的刑事責任等,要效《九評》傳播之法,傳播我們的這些理念,促使國人的覺醒。 在此,我還要忍不住給中國的民運維權領域喊喊話,現在相當多的民運及維權人士已變得不再是行動者,而是沽名釣譽的民運投機者。他們對我們民族災難史上最驚天駭地的中共政權對法輪功的迫害睜眼不見,充耳不聞。我公開為法輪功信仰群體呼籲後,私下接觸者皆說我激進。這種「共識」慣壞了當下中國的最惡的惡種,給被迫害的同胞雪上加霜。我發起的絕食抗暴行動和平且合法,這些沽名釣譽的民運投機者不但不支持,還幾乎在同時四面撲來軟硬兼施的指責。他們中的一些寫手文人們,更是打著「義旗」從背後殺將過來,在我身陷囹圄時還不停止,讓人扼腕嘆息。為甚麼要這樣?!我說話的機會不多,今天必須點明這點——這是陰暗人性使然,是自私人性使然!停下來吧!無論你捏拿得多麼爐火純青,也是枉然。在酷刑後我說出這苦楚的真實心聲,雖很逆耳,但絕非激憤之言。 今天,中共在全世界的「好朋友」、「好夥伴」們,他們對中國共產黨這個當代人類最黑暗政權維護者的反文明現實大都心知肚明。但是這些中共的「好朋友」、「好夥伴」們卻因為利益而成為泛黑暗政治的一部份。還有一些中共的「好朋友」、「好夥伴」們則是被共產黨精緻的欺騙所迷惑,他們完全不瞭解共產極權的邪惡本質,他們甚至為他們所看到的虛假東西唱讚歌。 最後感謝那些真正關心中國人權事業的外國朋友們,感謝斯考特先生、諾瓦克先生、加拿大的兩位大衛先生及歐洲議會的先生和女士們,你們給以我們無私的道義支持,你們的支持是我們為自由民主而抗爭的希望所在。 這篇文字將使我再次遭綁架,遭綁架已成為我的生活常態,如果它要再一次來臨,就讓它來吧! 高智晟2009年1月1日完稿 Speaking from My Heart By Gao Zhisheng Under Heaven』s watchful eye, and amidst the vast free and civilized world, there is no evil that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would shy away from or is incapable of. It is truly shocking! Even though China possesses 1.3 billion fellow citizens, my family, bereft of support, can be so very helpless! Before September 2007, there were only four people in China who refused to follow the Chinese Communist Party and persisted in being friends with me openly. As a result, one of them is continually followed by police; the other three were kidnapped in September and suffered brutal beatings and mental torture. In 2008, Hu Jia, who continued to refuse to follow the orders of the CCP, was held in prison. Huang Yan was kidnapped and kept in prison with Falun Gong practitioners where she suffered cruel torture. In addition, Huang heard and witnessed that the torture Falun Gong adherents had suffered was even more terrifying. Under the intimidation of torture, no one dares to communicate with me openly in today』s China. It is now extremely difficult for me to make my voice heard. Moreover, I am constantly in a situation of peril. Since more than three years, the authorities invested a large amount of manpower, money, as well as employed the most merciless methods, to achieve their goal to silence me. In November last year when I lived in a hotel, police shared the same room with me, stifling every morsel of personal freedom. They have actually achieved their purpose of turning me into an alive but pitiful human being. I often tell my wife Geng jokingly: 「Six billion people live together on our global village, but our family is severed from the rest of the world.」 Outsiders may feel that my family is leading an extremely miserable life. As a matter of fact, my wife is the one who has suffered the most. I am optimistic in nature, and I believe in the Creator. Even when I was tortured to near-death, the pain was only in the physical body. A heart that is filled with God has no room to entertain pain and suffering. I often sing along loudly with my two children, but my wife never joins us. Despite all my efforts, she still feels miserable in her heart. The root of her suffering comes from the fact that our daughter Gege cannot go to school. Since she was forbidden to go to school, I was also in despair for a while. There is nothing more traumatizing than this. Shocked and outraged, I continuously protest to the authorities. My wife Geng is on the brink of a mental breakdown over this matter. I』d like to take this opportunity to appeal to those friends who still enjoy a certain measure of freedom to continue to show your concern for Guo Feixiong, and to help his wife and children. When the CCP』s hired thugs are everywhere on China』s soil, when our nation』s spirit falls into an impasse, we need heroes like Guo who fight for the people. These courageous heroes, Guo Feixiong, Hu Jia, Yang Tianshui, Chen Guangcheng, Xu Wanping, Wang Bingzhang and Guo Quan, who sacrifice and risk their lives to defend China』s freedom and belief, are the true hope of China. If we offer more help to them and their loved ones today, our children and grandchildren will not feel ashamed of us when looking back in this chapter of history. In today』s China, we know in our hearts that kindness and moral values are getting harder to find. Hu Jia』s experience further demonstrated a harsh reality - it is not only difficult but also dangerous to be a morally righteous person. Since ancient times, people have long believed that kindness will be repaid with kindness, and evil will be repaid with evil. However, this belief has been devastated in today』s China where the Communist Party culture has infiltrated into every order of society. In the old days when tradition was maintained, people cherished and protected virtues and kindness. However, in today』s China, the upholding of moral values and goodness has been uprooted. The Chinese communist regime has become synonymous for immorality and evil. The so-called economic miracle in China was merely built upon deadly destruction to the environment. While people rejoice at the distorted economic development that results in China』s superficial prosperity, they turn a blind eye to the horrific damages to the environment in China, and to the cruel reality that 70 percent of the Chinese population have been deprived of social rights. In today』s China, people in villages with water resources are afraid of drinking their own water, those in milk farms are afraid of drinking their own milk, farmers are afraid of eating their own harvests, and food manufacturers are afraid of eating their own food products. It is the overwhelming reality. People pretend not to see the reality and deny the truth. It has become a trend in China to dismiss beauty and worship ugliness. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party sets a bad example and is the source of all the problems in China.The depraved government of China makes regulations to suppress the good and encourage the bad, causing bad people to become rampant in China. Those with power will always prevail in competition. Those without morals, too, will prevail. Mogul groups were formed by such people. The corrupted justice system in China has further instigated hatred and loathing against the powerful groups that have risen from the unjust economic reforms. Protests and violence took place all over China, leading China into yet another cycle of violence. Today』s China is a corrupted society. It is not corrupted by a selected few. Instead, the majority of the Chinese population is corrupted. While the CCP took great pride in hosting the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Games allowed the regime to enforce its totalitarian rule upon this grand sports event. The CCP replaced the Olympic spirit with its totalitarianism. The North Korean style programs at the Olympic opening and ending ceremonies embodied the authoritarian culture including depiction of China』s 「peaceful rise.」 The songs and dances at the Games covered up the cries for help from people at the bottom of the Chinese society and the CCP』s human rights violations. I learned when I was in Xinjiang that the crowds that cheered for the Olympic torch relays along the streets were hired by the Chinese authorities. In fact, each and every family along the path of the Olympic torch relays had been warned: No one is to open his window or door. No one is to raise any banner or shout slogans. Otherwise, they will be shot by the snipers on the streets. The outside world never knew that behind the cheers for the Olympic torch relay lay CCP』s violence and threats. This is how the CCP controls the people and suppresses the different voices of the Chinese people in order to present a false image of China to the world.Some of the power players in China must have realized that all the false impressions the CCP has made will not save it from its doom. The CCP』s costly propaganda has neither stopped the corruption of Chinese officials and police nor reduced the protests all over China.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards those Chinese people in and outside of China who have been concerned about China』s future. I would like to urge more overseas Chinese people to work together for a democratic China. I would like to urge democratic and religious groups to work together and persevere in advocating for a peaceful transformation of China into a democratic state. I would like to suggest establishing a human rights committee that represents each and every victim of China』s human rights violations. After all, there are more such victims in China than one could ever count. The reported cases should be presented to the human rights committee at the UN and countries around the world. I would also recommend founding a Human Rights newspaper dedicated to reporting human rights violations daily and the victims』 names and cities so that the large litany of human rights violations will be publicized before the world. The proposed human rights committee should have branches in different provinces and cities in China so that they can collect reports of human rights violations in China. The committee can have different work groups for violations against religious freedom, suppression against people appealing for their rights, farmers who were deprived of their lands, and people persecuted for their involvement in the democratic protest in Beijing in 1989 that ended up in the June 4th student massacre. The value of democratic rule is to be able to take action for those who suffer from human rights violations.I propose that for people who are will take action, unite all Chinese who are against totalitarian rule, including ethnic groups seeking autonomy. Also, utilize broadcast networks to tell the citizens about the benefits of a federal autonomous union of provinces. Let them know it will naturally lead to the realization of autonomy for ethnic groups. The new system also needs to develop medical, pensions and other general social security for the future China; develop an independent judicial system; develop a promise of annual compensation for the victims of dictators』 persecutions; investigate the crimes committed by those heading the Communist Party. We need to effectively spread our thoughts similar to the way the doctrines of the Nine Commentaries were disseminated, and promote people』s awareness.Also, I specially call for groups inside and outside of China, to make every effort to rescue Guo Quan and Liu Xiaobo. The arrest of Liu Xiaobo reveals the shamelessness of the current regime.Also, I cannot help but appeal to Chinese democratic and human rights activists. Currently many of the democratic and human rights figures are no longer virtuous advocates for change; they have become fame-chasing opportunists. They turn a blind eye to the persecution of Falun Gong, by the Chinese Communist regime, as if it doesn』t exist, but which is the most horrifying and cruel persecution in the history of China』s disasters. After I publicly spoke out for Falun Gong practitioners, those who contacted me in private called me radical. This kind of 「consensus」 view nourished the greatest evil deeds ever committed in China, and made the persecutions of their countrymen even worse. The anti-violence hunger strike I started was peaceful and within the law, but those fame-chasing democratic activists, instead of showing any support, rallied together to scold me. The writers among them even invoked the name of justice to attack me. They didn』t stop even after I was behind bars, this really makes me sigh with regret. Why did they do this? A chance for me to speak does not happen very often, but today I must make this clear: Those are actions by the dark side of human nature! Their selfish nature! Cease at once! No matter how skillful you can articulate your shameless views, it』s all in vain. After suffering the torture, I speak out of my true voice of pain. While not pleasant to hear, it definitely is not the voice of anger.Today, for those CCP』s collaborators in the world, they should all know the fact that the CCP is today』s darkest regime, possessing an anti-civilization nature. However, many of these connivers of the CCP became part of the dark politics in search of their material interests. Other collaborators of the CCP are deceived by CCP』s intricate lies, and don』t understand the evil nature of the CCP, and even sing praises to its false claims and fakery. Finally I would like to thank those friends outside the country who truly care about human rights in China. Thanks to Scott, Norwalk, the two Davids in Canada, and the ladies and gentlemen of the European Union! You gave us your selfless moral support, and our hope in fighting for freedom and human rights. The publication of this article will cause me to be kidnapped again. Kidnaps are part of my normal living now. If it comes again, then let it come!Gao Zhisheng, Jan. 1, 2009 ...........待續《二》 推薦連結: 高智晟:我的心聲 三妹:擁抱高智晟律師回家 三妹:談高智晟的《我的心聲》和美聯社的採訪細節 聲援高智晟 一位流亡海外華人的心聲 瀏覽本文章自定義分類:維權、維穩、天災人禍 回本部落格首頁:http://blog.udn.com/chinanewsreviewvideo |
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