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2014/08/17 00:39:46瀏覽158|回應0|推薦0 | ||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年08月16日訊】紐時:江澤民是只半死的蜘蛛 中共前政治局常委周永康落馬後,外界一直在猜測,中共國家主席習近平「打虎」的下一個目標是誰。8月14號,《紐約時報》發表文章說,習近平反腐的最新矛頭,可能指向中共前國家主席江澤民。 文章說,江澤民雖然在2002年和2003年,從中共總書記和國家主席職位退下來,但仍然透過以往黨羽,在黨內、軍方、商業界維持巨大影響力。 文章引述新加坡學者黃靖的話說,江澤民系統的這個特權利益集團就像一張蜘蛛網,而江澤民是網中間的那只蜘蛛。不過,黃靖形容說,雖然江周圍有一堆小蜘蛛,企圖保護江,也順便保護自己,但現在江澤民已經是一隻半死的蜘蛛了。 文章指出,習近平為了鞏固權力,為了改變中共根深柢固的腐敗,和打破經濟既得利益集團,必須清除江澤民以往20多年的龐大人際網絡。 高智晟可能今年內赴美 大陸知名律師高智晟在監獄受虐待,身心受損的消息被披露後,各界都表示關注。據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,目前外界正在努力斡旋,協助高智晟到美國就醫及與家人團聚。 美國「公民力量」創辦人楊建利透露,他們一直在與美國國務院溝通,尋求在今年內協助高智晟赴美。他說,高智晟赴美將持探視家人、訪問、治病的B1或B2簽證,而不是令中方尷尬的政治庇護簽證。但由於高智晟仍被中共剝奪政治權利一年,能否申請到大陸護照是關鍵。 「六四黑手」萬潤南回應《環時》 中共黨媒《環球時報》日前發表文章,破禁談「六四」話題,並將因支持1989年北京學生民主運動,而被迫流亡海外的「四通公司」前掌門人萬潤南,及其他學運人士稱為失敗者。萬潤南8月15號接受媒體採訪,對《環時》的說法作出回應。 據《德國之聲》報導,萬潤南表示,被《環時》這樣一份反對普世價值到了十分荒謬地步的報紙嘲諷,他認為是對自己的一種肯定。 《環時》在報導中,嘲笑萬潤南此前在媒體上說的,「我們犯的最大錯誤是,低估了難度,低估了共產黨的韌性」。 萬潤南回應說,他說話一般比較保留,不想那麼太極端。其實,所謂「低估了共產黨的韌性」,實際上就是低估了共產黨的無恥,低估了共產黨的殘暴,低估了共產黨的冥頑不化。 萬潤南因支助「六四」學生而被中共指為「六四黑手」,1989年中共「天安門屠殺」事件後,被通緝。 編輯/周玉林 New York Times: Jiang Zemin is a Half Dead Spider After the sacking of Zhou Yongkang, member of the CCP Politburo, speculation focuses on who is the next target tiger to be attacked by the Chinese President Xi Jinping. August 14, New York Times said in an article that Xi Jinping!s latest anti-corruption target might be the former President Jiang Zemin. The article said that Jiang Zemin still has huge influence through his associates in the party, the military and business although he retired as CCP General Secretary and President in 2002 and 2003. An article quoted Singapore academic Huang Jing that Jiang Zemin!s vested interest group is like a spider web, and he is the spider in the middle. However, Huang Jing said, although there are a bunch of small spiders around him in an attempt to protect and also to protect themselves, Jiang Zemin is already a half-dead spider. The article points out, Xi Jinping has to clear Jiang Zemin!s high network from the past 20 years of power consolidation, to change deep-rooted corruption in the CCP and break the vested interest groups in the economy. Gao Zhisheng Might Go To US this Year Gao Zhisheng, renowned mainland lawyer, got physically and mentally impaired due to abuse in prison. This news attracted public concern. According to a Radio Free Asia report, currently Gao Zhisheng is negotiating to go to US for medical treatment and reunion with his family. Yang Jianli,US organization Civil Force founder, said they have contacted the US State Department to assist Gao Zhisheng to the US this year. He said Gao Zhisheng will get B1 or B2 visa for a family visit and medical treatment rather than the embarrassing political asylum visa. However, he is not sure whether Gao Zhisheng can get a mainland passport because he has been deprived of political rights for one year. June 4th Black Hand Wan Runnan Responds to the Global Times CCP mouthpiece Global Times recently broke the ban on talk about June 4th. It called the exiled former SevenStudio company director, Wan Runnan, who supported the 1989 student democracy movement in Beijing and other defeated student activists. August 15, Wan Runnan gave a response in the interview. According to Deutsche Welle report, Wan Runnan sneered at the Global Times as extremely absurd and believes it!s an encouragement for him. The Global Times mocked at Wang Runnan!s words in the media that the big mistake we made was to underestimate the difficulties and the CCP!s toughness. Wan Runnan said he never talked too extreme but always somewhat reserved. Actually, the so-called underestimate of the CCP!s tenacity means to underestimate the CCP!s shameless brutality and relentlessness. Wan Runnan was looked on as June 4th!s black hand due to his support of the June 4th student movement. He was wanted after the 1989 Tiananmen massacre incident. Edit/Zhou Yulin 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
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