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【新唐人2014年08月12日訊】美國《紐約郵報》日前援引美國作家伊森‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)的新書《大屠殺》內容,披露中共長期「活摘」良心犯器官,尤其是法輪功學員的器官用於移植。與此同時,大陸媒體披露一個特大團夥圈養供體,取腎移植的細節。


8月9號,《紐約郵報》(New York Post)發表一篇題為「中共長期活摘政治敵人器官」的文章。

報導說,安華‧托蒂(Enver Tohti)曾是新疆一家醫院的外科醫生。1995年6月,他被上級要求到野外做手術。他被告知,聽到一聲槍響,就沿著山丘開車。之後,警察帶領他到一具屍體面前,說:拿下他的肝臟和腎臟。馬上!快!快!















NY Post Reports Communist Regime Engages in Live
Organ Harvesting

The New York Post!s recent report, revealed the long history
of the Communist regime!s harvesting organs from living
prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners,

and introduced Ethan Gutmann!s book entitled, The Slaughter:
Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China!s Secret Solution
to its Dissident Problem.

Mainland media also recently exposed a large gang in captive
of kidney donors.

This media report was analyzed as the regime creating a false
impression to deceive the people.

It is also believed to be a test on people!s reaction to future
official release of crimes against humanity for former Central
Military Commission Vice Chairman Xu Caihou,
and former Central Political and Law Committee
Secretary Zhou Yongkang.

Aug. 9, the New York Post published an article entitled,
China』s long history of harvesting organs from living
political foes.

NY Post reported, Enver Tohti was a surgeon in a hospital
in Xinjiang, in the northwestern part of China,

when in June 1995, he was instructed by his superior to prepare
for surgery in the field.

He was told to drive around the hill when he hears a gunshot.

Then the police led him to one body and said, Remove the
liver and kidneys. Now! Quick! Be quick!

Tohti felt a faint pulse from the body, but the stunned Tohti did
as he was told.

As Enver!s scalpel went in, the man!s chest heaved
spasmodically and then curled back again.

After Tohti removed the organs and stitched him up,
he was sure the man was still alive.

NY Post reported that the regime has admitted that the organs
of death-row prisoners have been used for transplants.

But according to longtime China analyst and human-rights
investigator Ethan Gutmann in his new book, The Slaughter,
organs don!t just come from Chinese criminals,

but also from prisoners of conscience, especially
practitioners of Falun Gong.

US-based Chinese commentator Li Shanjian: The CCP has
always denied the use of organs from executed prisoners,
but started to admit to it three years ago.
It was only because they believe people more prone to accept
the organs from death row prisoners, not as evil as the
extraction of organs from mass prisoners of conscience.

Gutmann estimates that to date, more than 64,000 Falun Gong
practitioners have suffered this fate.

Gutmann writes in his book, !A surgeon in a hospital in the
city of Sujiatun reported extra !patients! in the
subterranean depths of the hospital.

Whenever he received a certain phone call, he would descend
the depths prepared to operate.

The patient would have been given !a small amount of anesthesia!,
then he and several other doctors would !remove the patient!s kidneys,
skin tissue, corneas and other such organs to order.!

The remains of the !patient! would then be carried down
to an incinerator.

On Aug. 10, Beijing News reported a trial in Qingshan Lake
District court, Nanchang city of Jiangxi province.

This trial of illegal trade of organs, revealed a kidney
trafficking chain.

Reportedly, this kidney trafficking gang spread across Jiangxi
and Guangdong.

Donors are recruited through the Internet. From captive donors,
the organs are extracted, sent via airmail and
transplanted in just 5 months,

they have kept 40 donors, traded 23 kidneys, and earned illegal
profits of 1,548,000 yuan.

Li Shanjian believes that the CCP is manipulating this news
report to create a false impression.

Li Shanjian: It hypes up a criminal group to make believe that
the existence of organ harvesting is not an act of the state
or the government but an individual criminal act.

Li Shanjian indicates the CCP has been faced with strong
international condemnation against organ harvesting from
living Falun Gong practitioners.

The news report was forcibly made but could not make
a convincing explanation.

Commentator Lan Su: The existence of these gangs can not
explain the fact that, in the past ten years, this massive
advertising in the international market,
the mass of patients arriving in China to receive three to four
times the amount of transplantation within a month,
i.e., when one organ failed, replace it with another one, the source
is of such large numbers of organs.
The so-called gang of criminals and the shady black market
can not explain it. This can only be a national crime.

Lan Su indicates, the CCP knows that it won!t confuse the
international community, but will deceive the people
within China.

The Beijing News report also revealed that Jiangxi Provincial
People!s Armed Police Hospital and Guangzhou Military
Region General Hospital, are involved in the gang act.

It said that on top of the interests of the chain behind the gang!s
act is the kidney transplant hospitals and the pharmaceuticals,
both colluding to grab most of the benefits.

The Epoch Times columnist Zhao Er-Jun indicates, since
Xu Caihou and Zhou Yongkang are involved in the
crimes of live organ harvesting,
the recent reports from the party media and other mainland media
about the illegal transplant of human organ cases,could be testing people!s reaction towards the
crimes against humanity should both Xu and Zhou be indicted.

It is a preparation for death sentencing on both Xu and Zhou.

Interview/Zhu Zhushan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuCan

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