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2014/07/23 14:12:36瀏覽129|回應0|推薦0 | ||||||||||||||
影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com YouTube:中國新聞_勁news頻道 YouTube:新唐人環球新聞 翻牆部落谷:翻牆、電驢、連環畫、電子報、部落格聯播 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會: YouTubea facebook 【新唐人2014年07月23日訊】再揭馬三家暴行 杜斌新書香港上市 曾拍攝記錄片《小鬼頭上的女人》,揭露遼寧瀋陽「馬三家女子勞教所」黑幕的獨立製片人杜斌,7月21號又在香港出版了他的新書﹣﹣《陰道昏迷 馬三家女子勞教所的酷刑倖存者證詞》,再次揭露「馬三家女子勞教所」對法輪功學員和訪民殘暴虐待。 書中訪談了數十位「馬三家女子勞教所」酷刑受害人和見證人,記錄了她們的親身經歷和耳聞目睹。 杜斌在網路社交平臺「推特」上說:作為人,沒有任何理由和藉口來寬恕發生在「馬三家女子勞教所」的暴行:長時間用子宮擴張器給女人灌食、讓女人躺在自己的便溺裡、把多根牙刷捆綁插進女人陰道裡旋轉、往女人陰道裡灌辣椒粉、用電警棒電擊女人的乳房和生殖器官並且插進陰道裡放電、把女人投進男牢任由男犯欺凌...... 有媒體評論說,這本書是中國臭名昭著的「勞動教養制度」肆虐五十八年的活化石,也是共產黨政權羞辱人類寄居的這顆行星的無可辯駁的永恆鐵證。 推特假帳號宣傳中共西藏政策 總部設在倫敦的海外藏人組織「自由西藏」,7月21號發表公告說,他們在「推特」上,發現了一百多個假帳號。這些賬號使用西方人姓名,並配有明星頭像吸引網民,「假推特賬號」主要在西藏和新疆等問題上,傳播中共政府的宣傳言論。 「自由西藏」要求「推特」公司對此展開調查並且消除假帳號。 美國《紐約時報》調查顯示,這些假帳號的「推文」都來自北京的「五洲傳播中心」。《紐約時報》認為,採用假賬號的做法與中共日趨嫻熟的宣傳攻勢相吻合。 觸碰新聞管制新規 記者被迫離職 大陸知名媒體人、《中國財富》雜誌記者宋志標,為香港媒體寫作專欄,觸碰中共新聞管制新規,日前被迫離職。 據《紐約時報》22號報導,7月16號,宋志標在香港《東方日報》旗下的網路媒體《東網》上撰寫了一篇名為《「推普廢粵」的四年變遷》的評論文章,18號,宋志標被迫從「南方報業集團」屬下的《中國財富》雜誌離職。 宋志標向《紐約時報》中文網表示,他離職的主要原因,是因為給《東網》撰稿而違反了中共當局的「不許記者為外媒撰稿」的最新規定。 宋志標可能成為中共新聞管制新規懲處的第一名記者。 據《美國之音》報導,國際記者保護組織「國際記者聯合會」,7月22號發表新聞稿,譴責廣東當局的做法。 編輯/周玉林 New Book Out in Hong Kong Exposes Masanjia Labor Camp Crimes Independent producer Du Bin, who released the documentary Women Above Ghost′s Heads, has published a new book in Hong Kong, titled, Vaginal Coma: The testimony of torture survivors from Masanjia Women′s labor camp. Du!s book once again exposes the brutal abuse to petitioners and Falun Gong practitioners in the Masanjia Labor Camp. The book details interviews with torture victims and witnesses who share what they personally experienced or saw at Masanjia. Du posted on Twitter, saying: 〞As a person, there is no reason nor excuse to forgive the atrocities of the Masanjia Women!s Labor Camp: Feeding women using uterine dilators for long periods of time; forcing women to sleep in their excrement; violently raping women!s genitals with toothbrushes; forcing chili powder into women!s genitals; raping women with electric batons and shocking their genitals and breasts; throwing women into male prison cells to be raped by inmates..′ Some media commented that this book is the living fossil of the 58 some years of havoc wreaked by China!s infamous labor reeducation system. It′s also irrefutable evidence that the communist regime is the greatest ever shame to humanity on the face of the earth. Fake Twitter Account propagated Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Tibet Policy On July 21, London-based Tibetan advocacy group Free Tibet issued a statement saying they!ve identified over 100 fake accounts on Twitter. Many of the accounts use the names and images of well known Westerners to attract a following. The fake Twitter accounts mainly spreads CCP propaganda on issues such as Tibet and Xinjiang. Free Tibet contacted Twitter to request that an investigation be launched and for the fake accounts to be removed. The New York Times reports show that these fake accounts trace back to Beijing Wuzhou Communication Center. The New York Times reports that the use of fake accounts coincides with the CCP!s increasingly skillful propaganda. The Reporter was Forced to Leave Due to Touch the New News Regulations Famous mainland Chinese reporter Song Zhibiao of China Fortune magazine was forced to resign after columns he was writing for Hong Kong media touched on the CCP!s new censorship rules. A July 22 report by The New York Times says Song Zhibiao wrote the article ′Four Years′ Change in Promoting Mandarin and abolishing Cantonese′ on July 16 for the website of Hong Kong-based Oriental Daily News. On July 18th, Song had to leave China Fortune magazine, which is owned by Southern Newspaper Media Group. The Chinese-language website of the New York Times reports that Song says the cause of his departure is that he wrote for the Oriental Daily News website, violating the CCP′s latest rules that forbid reporters from writing for foreign media. Song may be the first reporter to be punished under the new regulations. Voice of America reports that the International Federation of Journalists published an article on July 22th condemning Guangdong authorities′ pressuring the media to expel Song. Interview & Edit/YuLin Zhou 您的鼎力支持 + 我們的不懈堅持 = 新唐人的永續維持 購買天韻舞春風、神韻交響樂等DVD、CD請至PChome商城
瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 【延伸閱讀】:●【中國禁聞】再揭馬三家暴行 杜斌新書香港上市視頻 ●出凡:評共產黨邪教的「襠文化」 ●【今日點擊】周永康家族巨額財產被暴露視頻 ●瀋陽當局擬製造兩個「秦火火」為馬三家勞教所開脫 ●劉華獲釋控告「馬三家」 杜斌駁當局「失實」說 ●揭馬三家驚世性酷刑 劉華刑拘期滿仍未獲釋組圖 ●海川:建三江——黑龍江的馬三家 ●周永康打手許文有出狠招 遼寧訪民處境危 ●「馬三家」受害人被刑拘 曝光影片導演指當局報復組圖 ●馬三家受害者遭報復被拘 影片導演為其呼籲(組圖)組圖 ●府右街逾千截訪人員 哄搶訪民 ●馬三家受害者集體上訪 2人被抓 ●李明:遼寧省610頭子人權惡棍陳政高的惡行 ●【禁聞】「馬三家受害者」聯名索賠視頻 ●【禁聞】中共官員頻演「偶遇」劇 遭外媒恥笑視頻 ●馬三家勞教所受害人聯署 要求國家賠償組圖 ●人權日無人權 大批訪民被抓視頻 ●網評:全球聚焦瀋陽 追查群體輪姦案首犯 ●遭牙刷刷陰道威脅 港法輪功女學員斥暴行 ●英媒:中國勞教所裡私藏的秘密日記組圖 瀏覽本文章自定義分類:馬三家黑幕 回本部落格首頁:http://blog.udn.com/chinanewsreviewvideo |
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