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新唐人電視台簡介 H7N9禽流感 YouTube 新唐人頻道
部落谷 任我翱翔 美麗心世界 兩小無猜 博客群
【禁聞】H7N9叫板SARS多地關閉活禽市場 飛劍飛龍 MP4 自由門手機版 禽流感疫情嚴重 廣州關閉活禽市場 任我翱翔 MP4 自由門 陸控制不住H7N9疫情 恐蔓延臨近國家 美麗心世界 MP4 無界 入境首例 深圳傳出港童感染H7N9 兩小無猜 MP4 愛博電視
中國H7N9持續蔓延或跨越邊境 霹靂乾坤 MP4 自由門手機版 H7N9大陸肆虐 新型H10N8來勢洶洶 繽紛水世界 MP4 自由門 中國各地H7N9病例持續增加 翻牆天堂 MP4 無界談「禽」色變? 兩類禽流感夾擊中國 紅粉佳人 MP4 愛博電視

影片來源:新唐人電視台 NTDTV.com
台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 YouTubea facebook





















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/孫寧

Will China』s H7N9 Epidemic Be Comparable to SARS?

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official
data confirms that up to February 10, there
have been 185 cases of H7N9, with 47 deaths.

All live poultry markets in Guangzhou are
closed for two weeks, as of February 15.
Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province has permanently
closed all live poultry markets in metropolitan area.
These are thought to indicate a more serious situation.
Will the severity of H7N9 exceed that of SARS in 2003?
The following is our report.

With the number of victims of H7N9 continuing to increase,
Guangzhou authorities have been forced to close live
poultry markets for two weeks, which began on February 15.

On February 15, Guangdong Provincial CDC
reported two new cases of the H7N9 infection.
A 79-year-old man is reported to be in a critical condition.

Data shows that since the first case of H7N9 was reported
last August in Huizhou, there have been 70 confirmed
cases in Guangdong, with 14 dying of the infection.

Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province has
conducted stringent controls for H7N9.

According to regulations issued by Hangzhou』s
authorities on February 14, three main districts
have permanently closed all live poultry markets.

Two other districts have closed markets for three months.

Hangzhou』s regulations also demand stringent hygiene
management to any markets remaining open in the city.

A Zhejiang Provincial briefing published on February 12
indicates there have been a total of 84 H7N9 cases this year.
This ranks it highest across China. Of the
cases reported in January, 17 people died.

Mr. Zhao, Zhejiang activist: 「In fact, more
than 30 people in our city, Zhuji, have died.
It could be several hundred, but they told you
it』s 30, and all the reported numbers are false.」

According to the number of confirmed H7N9 cases in
Zhejiang, Hangzhou and Ningbo have the highest number.
Zhuji is a county-level city in Shaoxing, with the
population making up about 1/5 of the Province.

The Epoch Times was notified at the end of January
that the severity of H7N9 cases in Zhejiang Province
was far more more than what was officially published.

The Infectious Diseases Department of Hangzhou
First Hospital has run out of beds in it』s wards.
Patients are placed onto waiting lists to stay in the hospital.

The waiting list has reached several
hundred in a Ningbo hospital.

A doctor in Shanghai told the Epoch Times that
the cost for H7N9 tests are as high as 3,000 yuan.
Many patients cannot afford these costs.

Therefore, the actual confirmed cases
does not represent the actual situation.
The Shanghai health sector has notified regional hospitals
not to report cases, which resulted in fewer cases known.

Beijing residents have revealed that
the army has been prepared in Beijing.
It will apply control measures similar to those seen in the
SARS epidemic in 2003, in case of widespread outbreak.

Chinese state-controlled media reported
that as of February 10, more than 180
cases have been reported in the country.

A total of 47 deaths are reported from
Zhejiang, Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai,
Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Hunan, and Guizhou.

The number of confirmed cases of H7N9
continues to grow daily by between 5 and 7.

Hangzhou resident Wei Zhenling said
that people don』t seem to care much.
Even though they are concerned with the bird flu,
they are approaching it like air pollution and toxic food.
They have no way to prevent it from happening.

Wei Zhenling, Hangzhou resident: 「That』s
the mentality of the people in China today.
They take it one day at a time,
as long as everything is still ok.
There are just too many risks in this Chinese society.」

It also seems that H7N9 avian influenza
has spread outside of China.

On February 12, Hong Kong confirmed a
case of H7N9, who is still in a critical condition.
Last December, an 80-year-old man infected with
H7N9 virus from Shenzhen died in Hong Kong.
Taiwan』s CDC also reported on February 13 that a tourist
from Jiangsu, China, was confirmed with H7N9 infection.
This tourist remained hospitalized in Taiwan.

Information released from the Vietnam animal health
department said that on the February 15, another
type of avian flu, H5N1, has spread in Vietnam.

As many as eight provinces in Vietnam
have identified infected people.
Two people have died in in Binh Phuoc Province.

Avian flu tends to break out in the Spring.

There is concern that avian flu in 2014 may be more
severe than the outbreak of SARS in 2002/ 2003.

Interview/ZhuZhishan Edit/ SongFeng Post-Production/ SunNing

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禽流感疫情嚴重 廣州關閉活禽市場
江西新增H10N8禽流感 感染者已死亡
H10N8 江西又新增1例
禽流感致死紅鹿市華女 疑北京逛街招禍
陸控制不住H7N9疫情 恐蔓延臨近國家
浙江H7N9 新增3人
疫情升級 吉林男發佈H7N9致死消息被行拘
H7N9大陸肆虐 新型H10N8來勢洶洶
抵抗禽流感 中醫注重人類自身
防禽流感 港擬分隔大陸和本地活禽
粵浙禽流感疫情嚴重 官方刻意隱瞞
談「禽」色變? 兩類禽流感夾擊中國
H7N9北京今年第2例 患者曾養雞
H7N9重災區 浙江新增2例 今年已達73例

( 時事評論公共議題 )

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