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2017/08/28 16:36:58瀏覽579|回應1|推薦13 | |
在瞳仁裡 孩子,你是一艘會唱歌的小船 駛過我這雙瞳仁,載我夜遊 雙足那麼一下划向半天 不就是泰晤士河分開的橋身? 擠出的雙下巴,一對平行的月彎 勝卻威尼斯小河上所有雙子橋 不過是酣睡時平凡的伸展 只因在我這雙瞳仁裡 你可知日與夜為何交替不息? 不就像此刻我一而再的小心翼翼 黏起被子為你輕墊 而你,總是手腳如雷 一而再將被子轟成浪花四濺 In the pupils My Child, you are a tender boat with songs Bringing me a night tour through my pupils Paddling your feet high up into the air Isn’t them the apart half of the bridge in the Thames? The double chins squeezed, what a pair of parallel crescents Surpassing all the beauty of twin bridges along Venice Actually it’s no more than an ordinary stretch during asleep Just because it’s in your father’s eyes Do you know why the day and night are superseding endlessly? Isn’t it not like that moment I am once and again carefully Sticking the quilt to pad it on your body And you, hands and feet always like the thunders again and again, rumbling the quilt like what waves scattered |
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