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”Our Life with Mr. Gurdjieff”書摘
2010/05/31 00:00:02瀏覽255|回應0|推薦0

“Music is a higher revelation than philosophy or science.”   --Beethoven

「比起哲學或科學,音樂是一種更高等的啟蒙。」      --貝多芬

“Go—not knowing where; bring—not knowing what; the path is long, the way unknown; the hero knows not how to arrive there by himself alone; he has to seek the guidance and help of higher forces…”    --from Russian fairy tale

「出發不知走去哪裡;攜帶不知帶什麼;路途遙遠,無人知曉的路;英雄無法靠自己得知如何抵達目的地;他必須尋求高等力量的指引與幫助  --俄國童話

(摘譯自”Our Life with Mr. Gurdjieff”

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