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2011/03/15 20:15:04瀏覽559|回應0|推薦0 | |
張璐 【明報專訊】昨天給溫總記者會做英文翻譯的,仍是去年備受好評的外交部翻譯室副處長張璐,這位山東濟南姑娘全場鎮定自若,表述流利純正,再顯才華。 「政如農功,日夜思之,思其始而成其終。」溫總開場白時談及剩下兩年任期,便引用了春秋時期子産的古句。張璐翻譯道:「I do my job as diligently as the farmer attends to his field. I have it on my mind day and night. I work for a thorough planning from the start, and i'm determined to carry it through to a successfully end.」 說到台灣與大陸是的「骨肉之親,析而不殊」,她譯道,「we are compatriots,and I believe brothers though geographically apart, will always bound by their blood ties.」 34歲的張璐2000年畢業於北京外交學院,是國家領導人的首席翻譯。今年「兩會」,她亦曾擔任外長楊潔篪記者會翻譯,外界對她的評價是「反應敏捷、舉止優雅」。(From 明報) |
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