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2010/02/26 04:08:22瀏覽442|回應0|推薦0

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      Yuen's Weekly Stock Report                                               

                     Date: 1-7-10
Market highlights:
Major Average:    DJ-30:   10,606      SP-500:  1,141           Nasdaq:  2,300
Next Resistance:   DJ-30:   10,673      SP-500:  1,150           Nasdaq:  2,328
Next Support :     DJ-30:   10,110      SP-500:  1,066           Nasdaq:  2,108
Yuen's Market Signal :  Yellow Light                         Stock Asset Allocation: 50%
Market Comments: 
Market has been doing great recently so far and it has been up 11 days out of past 13 days. Our BID service has launched since 1-4-10. The first two days we have scored 8.3% and 6.4% daily profit respectively. Like I said I highly recommended you join us as BID members. You just paid $189/month you will get 10-15 times money back from your monthly subscription. The influential bank analyst Meredith Whitney is on the move again. She lowered Goldman Sachs EPS again but Goldman Sachs only stayed little lower for one day of yesterday and jump $3.34/ shares today. Wall Street people think Whiney is losing her mojo or street sway. It is not surprised by us (ref to Yuen's Weekly Stock Report on 12-17-09) by her doing. I am not sure why Whitney kept doing that for. One guy of CNBC Fast Money show said it could be due to her husband as a professional wrestler. I just feel sorry for Whitney. Back to the market I see market could reach a peak not the peak at near term level for the following reasons:1. Market is too optimistic to gain any further strength. Currently bullish sentiment is over 75% among individual investors according to AIIE survey. 2. Byron Wein (Another influential market strategist) sees overall market could reach SP-500 at 1,300 level.  I totally agree most of his famous 10 yearly predictions but I concern they could become an universal language or perception. Market won't come so easy for us. 3. Google has failed badly yesterday and today. It has fallen over 25 points for these two days. I will worry the market when the bellwether stock fails to join current rising market. This market could be aging. 4. China just raised its key rate one notch higher yesterday and caused energy and commodity sectors of global market falling. It could pull the overall market down with them too. In summary, please be cautious towards overall market. Yuen's market signal has been lowered by two notch to Yellow Light since late December of last year. By the way, If tomorrow good non-farmer payroll data fails to lift the market by over 50 points of DJIA higher. I think the market had its day at near term. i.e. market will be down 10-15% from current level. But, if non-farmer payroll data turn out be bad, our market signal will turn to Green Light immediately because FOMC will postpone rate hike which is good for overall market.
Stock Recommendation: 
Nokia Corporation manufactures (NOK 13.32) mobile devices, and provides Internet services and digital map information worldwide. The company’s Devices & Services segment designs, develops, and manages its mobile device portfolio, including the sourcing of components. It also offers consumer Internet services in music, maps, media, messaging, and games and working areas. Its NAVTEQ segment. Its 2010 EPS is estimated at $1.02 and is an increase of 18.7% over 2009. It also provides a dividend of $0.52(3.9% yield). Buy it at $13.32 or less, sell it at $16-17 and stop loss at $12.49
OSI Systems, Inc.,(OSIS, 30) together with its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and sells specialized electronic systems and components for applications in homeland security, healthcare, and defense and aerospace markets worldwide. It operates in three divisions: Security, Healthcare, and Opto-electronics and Manufacturing. Its fiscal 2010 and 2011 EPS is estimated at $1.21 and $1.44 respectively. It represent an increase of 33% and 19% over prior year. President Obama has put airport security as key measurement for national security. OSIS products will become a major beneficiary. Buy it at 28.60-29.50 or less, sell it $45-46 and stop loss at $27.49 
Previous Recommendation Follow Ups: 

Closed out: NVDA(+10%), CAL(+28.3%), NTAP(+11%)


Legal Disclaimer: Yen's Weekly Stock Report makes no warranties to the contents or accuracy of any information published by Charles Yen & Asso. Opinions or recommendations to buy, sell or short the securities in this issue is the views of the company research only. Charles Yuen & Asso. /or its affiliates receive no compensation, directly or indirectly, in consideration of mentioning any securities in this issue. Charles Yuen & Asso. /or its affiliates may have position in securities mentioned herein, including positions contrary to advise quoted herein, and may purchase or sell such securities from time to time. Opinions and recommendations may have changed since the dates shown. You absolutely must make your own decision before acting on any information gained from this issue. Subscription: $128 for one month and $300 for three months. Mailing Address: Charles Yen & Asso., 100 N. Barranca St. 7th floor, West Covina, CA 91791. USA

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