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袁氏選股:Buy The Travelers Companies, Inc. at $119.54 or lower (Closed)
2020/10/29 11:19:55瀏覽234|回應0|推薦2
The Travelers Companies, Inc. (TRV, 119.54) is a holding company. The Companys segments include Business and International Insurance; Bond & Specialty Insurance, and Personal Insurance. Through its subsidiaries, it provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance products and services. The Business and International Insurance segment offers property and casualty insurance and insurance related services to its clients, in the United States and in Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Brazil and throughout other parts of the world. The Bond & Specialty Insurance segment provides surety, fidelity, management liability, professional liability, and other property and casualty coverages and related risk management services to a range of primarily domestic customers, utilizing various degrees of financially-based underwriting approaches. The Personal Insurance segment writes a range of property and casualty insurance covering individuals personal risks. Its EPS of 2020 and 2021 is expected to $8.84 and $10.50 respectively. It represents a decrease of 11% and an increase of 8.70% from prior year. In addition, It provides a dividend of $3.40 (Yield= 2.80%). Buy it at $119.54 or lower and sell it $149 or higher.(投資有風險,請謹慎評估,若決定購買,請自設停損)

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01. 決定將在的【長期持有賬戶】的TRV以$133.55或高全部脫售,理由是它可能已見近期的高點,12交易日獲利11.71% (美西時間:08:44 AM 11-13-20)
( 知識學習商業管理 )
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